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Political violence in the USA

update, guy turns himself in, police retract "intentional" claim. so that part's better.

One of the reasons I don't shop at Walmart is that I don't feel safe there. I'm fine most anywhere else, even places other people won't go, but I don't like Walmart. Everyone seems so disgruntled, and I've had people do things that bordered on assault.
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hmm reporting of an active shooter at the capitol building

**unfounded it appears anyways
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has history of doing this shite
Following a preliminary detention hearing, a federal judge in Texas decided on Monday that Shry should be held without bond. According to the detention order granted by Magistrate Judge Sam S. Sheldon, Shry has a history of being charged four times in the last year for acting in a similar manner. This background included at least two situations where she was found guilty and sentenced to a 30-day jail term.
to be fair if trump is saying it within his free speech to steal and election

treating to kill a judge is of a similar vien
For nearly a decade our politics has been awash in Republican rants about invoking the Insurrection Act to gun down peaceful protesters, endorsing police brutality against detained suspects, deterring BLM protesters by shooting them in the legs, criminalizing “liberal” ideas in public schools, lynching “treasonous” Democrats, seeking the death penalty for women who obtain abortions, declaring the United States a Christian theocracy and advocating “holy war” against non-Christians. Our political media has grown numb to the sheer volume of the violent threats against anyone who opposes the MAGA movement’s extremist ideology.

lots more links in the article
For nearly a decade our politics has been awash in Republican rants about invoking the Insurrection Act to gun down peaceful protesters, endorsing police brutality against detained suspects, deterring BLM protesters by shooting them in the legs, criminalizing “liberal” ideas in public schools, lynching “treasonous” Democrats, seeking the death penalty for women who obtain abortions, declaring the United States a Christian theocracy and advocating “holy war” against non-Christians. Our political media has grown numb to the sheer volume of the violent threats against anyone who opposes the MAGA movement’s extremist ideology.

lots more links in the article
And if this cold civil war hots up, there will still be some scratching their heads and asking why/how it happened.
Bloody hell.

BBC News - Abused and stalked, US election workers are bracing for 2024

Is there a case for sending in UN election observers?

Where I live, all of the election workers are elderly retired people. It takes a special kind of nasty to threaten and harass retired English teachers and little old lady librarians.
teachers? librarians? obviously elitists who need to be terrorized.


Far-right extremists have chased away yet another good person from Idaho. This time, they’ve scared off Karen Lauritzen, Idaho’s 2023 teacher of the year. Lauritzen, who was a fourth-grade teacher in Post Falls in North Idaho, is leaving after right-wing activists and their allies attacked her and called her a “left-wing activist,” according to The Boston Globe. Among her offenses? Supporting LGBTQ+ students, African-American students and, apparently, teaching about the United Nations.

The attacks came after she was named teacher of the year, selected by a blue ribbon panel from among 13 finalists. Can you imagine the kind of person who, upon hearing that a teacher was just named teacher of the year, reacts by trying to find ways to attack that teacher for being an educator? Lauritzen was accused of “promoting transgenderism.” Extremists reportedly found social media posts in which Lauritzen showed support for the LGBTQ+ community and Black Lives Matter, as if supporting all students were a bad thing for a teacher to do.

Lauritzen told the Boston Globe she faced complaints from parents about a lesson on some worldwide cultures who eat insects, and even objections to students learning about the United Nations, proof that these types of attacks are ridiculous and unhinged. “I should have felt celebrated and should have felt like this is a great year, and honestly it was one of the toughest years I have ever had teaching, not only with my community but with parents questioning every decision I made as well,” Lauritzen told the Boston Globe. “Even after 21 years of teaching, my professional judgment was called into question more this year than it ever has in the past.” Lauritzen has since left Idaho and moved to Illinois, hopefully where her talents are better appreciated.

Idaho’s loss is Illinois’ gain.

Within a day of being named teacher of year, she was assailed by anonymous death and rape threats from right-wingers who assumed that since she was teaching about the UN and had a frame around her profile support LGBTQ rights on Facebook that she was somehow a threat to their children.
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well, one bit of good news. more of this please.

A Queens man was convicted of attempted murder and other charges for chasing Black Lives Matter demonstrators with a bladed glove in June 2020, District Attorney Melinda Katz said Monday.

Frank Cavalluzzi, 57, of Flushing, was captured on video yelling “I will kill you,” at a group of peaceful protesters, chasing them while waving a glove with serrated blades and later attempting to run them over with an SUV, the district attorney said.

“A dangerous man is going to jail,” Katz said in a statement. “It’s a good day for New York and the First Amendment.”
I'd call this political violence

the scumbags dove right in

THIS WEEKEND, AMERICA WAS HORRIFIED by the story of Lauri Carleton, a California boutique owner and mother of nine, who was shot in her store by a man over the display of a gay pride flag.

When I tweeted a link to her store for those who might want to support her family, I began to receive replies from blue-check troll accounts saying that this was not, in fact, a hate crime because Carleton was murdered by her brother. They claimed the story was “not what it was made out to be.”


Then there is the fact that the victim was 66 years old and the police had confirmed that the suspect’s age was 27—which would be a remarkably large age gap for purported siblings. Most tellingly, witnesses on the scene reported that the suspect “tore down a pride flag and shouted homophobic slurs before shooting.”

Seems like an open-and-shut case.

But this didn’t stop people like Jonathan Zachreson from spreading the viral misinformation. Zachreson, whose X bio indicates he is a Roseville City School Board member, supports ReopenCA Schools & ProtectKidsCA, and is the founder of Students First California. He attacked Gavin Newsom and State Senator Scott Wiener in a series of posts arguing that this murder was not a hate crime. Apparently Zachreson’s desire to “protect children” does not extend to the children of hate crime victims.
it just keeps coming.

from this afternoon

huh. anything like this happen before?

in fact,
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