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Russian Long Range Bombers disrupt UK airspace

There hardly doing bombing runs in a bear may just have messed up the navigation or putins going for maximum troll points.
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The intelligence Nazi strikes again :mad:;)

Shut it, or it's the SHAME CUBE for you.

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Fucking Putin, how dare he fly his crappy 1950's planes over Cornwall?

If he wants to nuke something, he can nuke Kent. Nobody gives a fuck about Kent.
Ahh, i read that bit of the thread weeks ago!

Out of interest, who would win in a fight between the uk and Russia? Should we be worried?

Nothing to be worried about at all - It would probably be all over so quickly, we wouldn't even notice!

And that's allowing for the fact that we actually have a substantial chunk of Russia's weapons grade uranium in storage in the UK already - They shipped it in to Kinloss for storage at Coulport a few years back as part of some agreement relating to ex-Soviet nukes.
Ahh, i read that bit of the thread weeks ago!

Out of interest, who would win in a fight between the uk and Russia? Should we be worried?

not really unless we go and poke the Russians they don't really have the ability to go annoy people unless its by tank.
the fleet they sent to see Australia had to take a tug along in case anything broke down:hmm: which rather ruins the effect
Ahh, i read that bit of the thread weeks ago!

Out of interest, who would win in a fight between the uk and Russia? Should we be worried?

Mig 29 and SU37 do better displays than the EUrofighter, and the T50 which is just about to enter service looks kickass
Some claims that the MoD are covering up a more serious incursion of airspace.

Trained observers? :hmm:

What was probably the Typhoon tanker support (standard grey A330 - not the escort or TU-95's) flew a circuit inland over much of Cornwall late yesterday afternoon:
The route would appear to suggest the typical profile of initial inbound intercept off the Scottish coast, then round to the SW Atlantic approaches crossing the oceanic air routes west of Ireland on the way, before turning around to head back again to the north of Scotland.
^ looks like the fuckers want to annex the scilly islands :eek:

No, no: that's the A330 tanker track. There's no (unclassified) Bear track 'cos the transponders were off.

The "eyewitness" did mention seeing a "jet". And the driving instructor that was with her wasn't saying anything.

No, no: that's the A330 tanker track. There's no (unclassified) Bear track 'cos the transponders were off.

The "eyewitness" did mention seeing a "jet". And the driving instructor that was with her wasn't saying anything.


If you are saying it was RAAF, that would be even more confusing.
^ looks like the fuckers want to annex the scilly islands :eek:

It merely illustrates where the tanker loitered to refuel the intercepting Typhoons (NW of Cornwall and central northern Scotland). The route of the Tu-95's will most likely have (roughly) been back and forth on an arc extending from the west of there to the top of Scotland, around the west of Ireland.
The intelligence Nazi strikes again :mad:;)
I was being the intelligibility social democrat, actually.
Trained observers? :hmm:

What was probably the Typhoon tanker support (standard grey A330 - not the escort or TU-95's) flew a circuit inland over much of Cornwall late yesterday afternoon:
View attachment 67882
The route would appear to suggest the typical profile of initial inbound intercept off the Scottish coast, then round to the SW Atlantic approaches crossing the oceanic air routes west of Ireland on the way, before turning around to head back again to the north of Scotland.
Makes sense.:thumbs:
No, no: that's the A330 tanker track. There's no (unclassified) Bear track 'cos the transponders were off.

The "eyewitness" did mention seeing a "jet". And the driving instructor that was with her wasn't saying anything.

Yes. Perhaps I should have been a little clearer. The route is of the tanker support and doesn't indicate the route the Tu-95's took. The tankers won't hang around to refuel within observational range of the bombers. They'll probably keep a cushion of say 100 miles (or more) at all times. The Russians will have been some way away to the west and north of the indicated flightpath.

I'm suggesting the possibility that the 'observer' wasn't that observant... (ie clocked the tanker, and/or something else).
the Irish Aviation Authority has stated that the flight came within 25 miles of the Irish coast - the magic number is 12 miles. i wonder of these ones will turned to have been armed as well...
Trained observers? :hmm:

What was probably the Typhoon tanker support (standard grey A330 - not the escort or TU-95's) flew a circuit inland over much of Cornwall late yesterday afternoon:
View attachment 67882
The route would appear to suggest the typical profile of initial inbound intercept off the Scottish coast, then round to the SW Atlantic approaches crossing the oceanic air routes west of Ireland on the way, before turning around to head back again to the north of Scotland.

Looks like they got the satnav mixed up with the nintendo DS again.
Fucking Putin, how dare he fly his crappy 1950's planes over Cornwall?

If he wants to nuke something, he can nuke Kent. Nobody gives a fuck about Kent.

Before we go any further with this, which Kent are you referring to?
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