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Russian Long Range Bombers disrupt UK airspace

Into the 90's large numbers of B-52's were chopped up and laid out on the ground at D-M to permit independent verification for the purposes of arms limitation. Quite possible to retrieve a lot of spare parts from those I suspect.
Interesting. Has anyone done a translation yet?

I bet it's probably quite dull anyway...


Balance, balance, balance, I'm 21 215, 21 215, do You copy?
- 21 215, I'm balance, speak.
- Balance, I'm 21 215, how do You read?
- I'm balance, I'm reading You well.
- Balance, I'm 21 215, I'm taking right for two points.
- Roger that. - Balance, I'm 21 215, take the radio.
- Radio reception is ready. - Balance, I'm 21 215, transmitting radio: section marks are
- he repeats every single number twice 791, 952, 200, 263. Copy?
- 21 215, I'm repeating selection marks ... 952 ... signal is very bad here, but I can hear parts of this numbers, that 21 215 was telling
- Balance, I'm 21 215, repeat the 4th group, copy?
- 2, 6, 3.
- Balance, I'm 21 215, radio confirmed, copy? a lot of noise and, I think, a bit of radio silence
- 21 214, I'm 21 215, how do You read, copy?
- I can not understand - 21 214, I'm ready to receive radio, ready to receive.
- signal is very bad here, but I can hear parts of this numbers
- Repeat the 4th group, 21 214. - The 4th group is .. not it's noisy and that the noise disappears ... selection marks are he repeats every single number twice - 791, 952, 200, 263
- noisy speech from 21 215 ... Balance, balance, balance, I'm 21 215, 21 215 copy?
- 21 215, I'm Balance, I'm reading you. - Receive the radio from 21 214.
- I'm Balance, I'm ready to receive the radio from 21 214.
- I'm 21 215, transmitting radio from 21 214, the selection marks are he repeats every single number twice
- 791, 952, 200, 263. - 21 215, I signal is very bad here, but I can hear parts of this numbers, she repeats received selection marks ...52 ... 263. - Balance, I'm 21 215, confirming radio.
Didn't they start a renewal/rebuilding programme for Tu-160s in 2007/8 - only a couple of aircraft a year but numbers will have mounted-up a bit by now.

There are 13 Tu-160s in service with Russian LRA. 10 will be relifed and updated to Tu-160M standard. So far, they've finished 1. It's militarily irrelevant anyway as the the 'White Swan' has a fearsome thirst on her and can't go anywhere without massive Midas support of which the Russian air force has only 19. That's why the Backfire is reserved for politically charged stunts like the recent Venezuela deployment and the Bear continues as the backbone of LRA.
The worst thing about this is the risk of my mother starting to sing this again, throughout my childhood ... :

Soviet Airman's Song

Our planes are roaring, roaring for the battle,
High in the air above the clouds we speed,
Our bombs are ready, our machine-guns rattle,
Against the world’s imperialist greed,


Flying higher, higher and higher,
Our emblem the Soviet Star,
And ever propeller is roaring,
Defending the USSR,

(shout) Red Front ! or (Shout) Y-C-L (My mum's preferred version...)

But to the workers and the toiling masses,
A gleam of hope all our propellers whirl,
We drop them leaflets while we bomb their bosses,
The first Red Air Force of the world,


Our proud machines obey our every order
There is no flight our pilots do not dare,
We form an iron ring above our border
The workers first squadrons of the air,


And should dictators with snouts come rooting
Around the soil of our free Soviet land,
Our guns can sting the jaws that gape for looting,
Our bombs will smash the greedy hand
I wave to the British hovertrain everytime I pass through Peterborough. I wish we had a nationalised railway again with a department coming up with wacky ideas, boldness these days doesn't extend much beyond the Parry People Mover.
The bear may look old but its the fastest production propeller plane ever so ww2 vintage aircraft unfortunately wouldn't catch it.

We discussed this very question (WW2 a/c vs Bear) at a RAFA/RAAFA lunch this week. The conclusion was that while a Ki-84, DH Hornet or Sea Fury would be in with a sporting chance the odds on favourite WW2 type (jets excluded) for splashing a Bear would be a Dornier 335 Pfeil.

We discussed this very question (WW2 a/c vs Bear) at a RAFA/RAAFA lunch this week. The conclusion was that while a Ki-84, DH Hornet or Sea Fury would be in with a sporting chance the odds on favourite WW2 type (jets excluded) for splashing a Bear would be a Dornier 335 Pfeil.


Doesn't know if it's coming or going.
Doesn't know if it's coming or going.[/QUOTE
We discussed this very question (WW2 a/c vs Bear) at a RAFA/RAAFA lunch this week. The conclusion was that while a Ki-84, DH Hornet or Sea Fury would be in with a sporting chance the odds on favourite WW2 type (jets excluded) for splashing a Bear would be a Dornier 335 Pfeil.

actually have a manga featuring that plane
Only a matter of time before some news outlet decides it must have live footage and rents a seat in a Hunter

ATC would never let them get close enough. They couldn't fly under the 'MARSEP' regime which allows military aircraft to take responsbility for their own separation and deconfliction.
ATC would never let them get close enough. They couldn't fly under the 'MARSEP' regime which allows military aircraft to take responsbility for their own separation and deconfliction.

it would be quite amusing though - journo pays the pilot/operator enough to break ATC's rules, appears in the middle of an interception in an unknown/unwelcome fast jet and gets shot down by our slip-on wearing hero for refusing to obey his 'fuck off, or else...' warning.

you can imagine Sky News trying to do a 'and how do you feel?..' piece to the aforementioned hack as he/she plummets into the atlantic...
How can you tell if these bears are armed, as in their designated role and what would be the outcome if they approached UK airspace 'loaded for bear' so to speak?
And anyway, even if they were carrying bombs the bombs weren't necessarily primed. A complex process, without which the bombs are just a dead weight (though a useful exercise).
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