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Owen Jones targeted and attacked

you've not been here quite two years so what's normal service to longer term inmates posters, what we celebrate, may seem quite peculiar to you

You don’t need to have been here very long to realise the culture of inane nitpicking, disassembling of posts and cavilling is taking up way too much of people’s time :D

Pickmans........if you don’t recognise who the peculiar person in the room is it’s probably you:D
You don’t need to have been here very long to realise the culture of inane nitpicking, disassembling of posts and cavilling is taking up way too much of people’s time :D

Pickmans........if you don’t recognise who the peculiar person in the room is it’s probably you:D
yeh, like theakston's auld peculier i'm often imitated but never matched.

if you think inane nitpicking, disassembling of posts and cavilling is a waste of time when they're really the meat and drink of urban, i have to wonder what brings you here
yeh, like theakston's auld peculier i'm often imitated but never matched.

if you think inane nitpicking, disassembling of posts and cavilling is a waste of time when they're really the meat and drink of urban, i have to wonder what brings you here

I ask myself that regularly. Fortunately there is plenty of good life affirming stuff to read as well as the rabbit holes you regularly grease with your hyperfastidious word wangling:D
I ask myself that regularly. Fortunately there is plenty of good life affirming stuff to read as well as the rabbit holes you regularly grease with your hyperfastidious word wangling:D
if you want to see your actual hyperfastidious word wranglery you need look no further than the unedifying discussion of what premeditation is on this thread. i could never aspire to such heights of pedantry and will have to content myself among the foothills of hyperfastidiary wrangling
You would think whoever did this will be picked up fairly soon, if they were in the same pub they're probably on CCTV and you'd imagine at least one of their group paid for something with a bank card which can link them to their address. If the cops pick one up then it should be easy to identify the others from their phone records.
You would think whoever did this will be picked up fairly soon, if they were in the same pub they're probably on CCTV and you'd imagine at least one of their group paid for something with a bank card which can link them to their address. If the cops pick one up then it should be easy to identify the others from their phone records.
i bet you a hobnob nothing comes of it
It’s for another thread, I know, but it’s so typical of certain journalists, to try and pretend this wasn’t what it was: a clearly politically-motivated and pre-meditated attack on one of the most well-known left wing voices in the UK. Criticisms of Jones aside, the handwringing and conditional solidarity is such centrist BS.
yr in good company, the OJ truther movement in full flow on twatter now, from James Goddard downwards :thumbs:

Prick. I've never made any claims about the truth of what happened. As I said, I don't know enough if the facts, and I don't see any value in jumping to a conclusion.
In what areas do you feel your knowledge is insufficient?
Insofar as the is nothing reliably known about the attackers' motives or the level of planning that went into the assault. It's quite possible it was a long- planned and targeted attack on Jones for his politics; it's also possible that it's random drunken violence of a sort thay happens all over the country every weekend; or, something in between. I think the difference is significant.
Insofar as the is nothing reliably known about the attackers' motives or the level of planning that went into the assault. It's quite possible it was a long- planned and targeted attack on Jones for his politics; it's also possible that it's random drunken violence of a sort thay happens all over the country every weekend; or, something in between. I think the difference is significant.
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Anti-fascist campaigners have told Jones there had been “chatter online” about the incident at the Lexington pub on Pentonville Road hours before he went public about it on Saturday afternoon. “What they had heard was that far-right football hooligans were boasting in closed groups along the lines of ‘Owen Jones has been done in, in Islington,’” Jones said.

You wanted more evidence, its there.
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Anti-fascist campaigners have told Jones there had been “chatter online” about the incident at the Lexington pub on Pentonville Road hours before he went public about it on Saturday afternoon. “What they had heard was that far-right football hooligans were boasting in closed groups along the lines of ‘Owen Jones has been done in, in Islington,’” Jones said.

You wanted more evidence, its there.

I've no doubt some far-right football hooligans are pleased about it (many people seem to be). But that's a bit different from saying they did it. I'm not saying they didn't, but that I remain open-minded until more details emerge. Because the difference is significant, and there's no value in jumping to a conclusion.
Insofar as the is nothing reliably known about the attackers' motives or the level of planning that went into the assault. It's quite possible it was a long- planned and targeted attack on Jones for his politics; it's also possible that it's random drunken violence of a sort thay happens all over the country every weekend; or, something in between. I think the difference is significant.
I think attacking but one person out of six and fending off the other five rather than engaging the whole group is at least suggestive of one individual being the target of their ire. It doesn't sound random, does it, to aim for one of a party of six. I don't think it was long planned, or they might have waited for the group to disperse before attacking, but there are elements of forethought obvious, namely waiting till they left, till they were far enough from the pub that assistance couldn't be immediately given to oj et al, that the attack was swift and the attackers didn't, it seems, get in each others way. Now, it's possible this all relates to a grudge from schooldays but I suspect it's much more likely to have something to do with oj's more recent activity.
I think attacking but one person out of six and fending off the other five rather than engaging the whole group is at least suggestive of one individual being the target of their ire. It doesn't sound random, does it, to aim for one of a party of six. I don't think it was long planned, or they might have waited for the group to disperse before attacking, but there are elements of forethought obvious, namely waiting till they left, till they were far enough from the pub that assistance couldn't be immediately given to oj et al, that the attack was swift and the attackers didn't, it seems, get in each others way. Now, it's possible this all relates to a grudge from schooldays but I suspect it's much more likely to have something to do with oj's more recent activity.

Not an unreasonable hypothesis.

I hope we find out the full facts, soon.
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Anti-fascist campaigners have told Jones there had been “chatter online” about the incident at the Lexington pub on Pentonville Road hours before he went public about it on Saturday afternoon. “What they had heard was that far-right football hooligans were boasting in closed groups along the lines of ‘Owen Jones has been done in, in Islington,’” Jones said.

You wanted more evidence, its there.
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Chatter online after the event isn't evidence of targeting or premeditation.

It may still turn out that the attack was premeditated, but this is still just speculation, let's not claim otherwise.
Chatter online after the event isn't evidence of targeting or premeditation.

Being singled out from a group is quite literally the definition of being targeted, no?

And if this is true, it would at least require some sort of discussion. Is that the same as premeditation?

It seems ludicrous to deny that this "online chatter" doesn't at least seem to make both of these details more likely.
Are you still doing this?

Chatter online after the event isn't evidence of targeting or premeditation.

It may still turn out that the attack was premeditated, but this is still just speculation, let's not claim otherwise.

the point is that the "online chatter" was happening before the incident was public knowledge. which indicates that whoever carried out the attack was was connected with the far right/football hooligan forums where this chatter was happening.

Its pretty unusual for a group of complete strangers to attack one particular person in a group with no prior interaction - it indicates there was something about Owen Jones these people did not like. I wonder what it was?
the point is that the "online chatter" was happening before the incident was public knowledge. which indicates that whoever carried out the attack was was connected with the far right/football hooligan forums where this chatter was happening.

I'd heard about it before it was public, on a trade unionist WhatsApp chat!
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