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Hotel housing asylum seekers attacked in Knowsley

Going to Rotherham next weekend, that has the potential to get seriously fucking ugly:

Maybe this goes without saying, but if there's serious local mobilisation going on in Rotherham for their side, I don't think bussing in a few people from the lefty scene in Sheffield, or even in Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, is going to cut it.
Going to Rotherham next weekend, that has the potential to get seriously fucking ugly:

Maybe this goes without saying, but if there's serious local mobilisation going on in Rotherham for their side, I don't think bussing in a few people from the lefty scene in Sheffield, or even in Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, is going to cut it.

I wonder who Amanda Smith is? Not heard of her.
Going to Rotherham next weekend, that has the potential to get seriously fucking ugly:

Maybe this goes without saying, but if there's serious local mobilisation going on in Rotherham for their side, I don't think bussing in a few people from the lefty scene in Sheffield, or even in Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, is going to cut it.

That made me have a look on the local forum and it didn’t surprise me to see cunts like this spouting off.
I wonder who Amanda Smith is? Not heard of her.
Name wasn't familiar to me either, but apparently she's a "migrant hunter" with a youtube channel called Yorkshire Rose.
Profiled in this article:
Not posting this as an endorsement of HNH, but they're often useful for intel, here's their write-up, which mentions Smith as having helped promote the Knowsley demo:
Shitty death this is a mirror to what’s happening in my town

Woman posts on Facebook about being followed by a bloke with brown skin in town

Suddenly an idiot narcissist DJ with drug convictions is posting in facebook about setting up keep our women safe group and asking for strong men to organise/join

The following posts are just lynch mob racism. I feel physically sick reading them. These cunts live amongst us
In better news the post has been pulled and tbh it’s let everyone see some right horrible racist cunts for what they are, lists have been made.

Should I be disappointed at the numbers of women showing out as absolutely filthy racists ?
Name wasn't familiar to me either, but apparently she's a "migrant hunter" with a youtube channel called Yorkshire Rose.
Profiled in this article:
Not posting this as an endorsement of HNH, but they're often useful for intel, here's their write-up, which mentions Smith as having helped promote the Knowsley demo:
What a pathetic bunch of scum they are
Statement from Merseyside AFN:

Statement regarding the Suite's Hotel protest:
We’re sure everyone has seen the videos and posts on last night’s ‘protest’ outside the Suites Hotel in Knowsley. We’re also seeing a lot of misinformation flying about so want to give an accurate run down of what happened, and some insight into why.
Antifascists walked down to the hotel to counter a demonstration that was organised by a far-right organisation using the ‘save our children’ slogan to mask what was racist intent.
(Let us be clear, this group had nothing to say about the white men who make up 85% of child molesters in this country, or the 100+ white people who are convicted of sex child sex offences in this city per year (some of who are their friends). This protest was advertised by racists on social media as one to ‘take back our city’, with people sharing it alongside messaging like ‘we need a white uprising’ etc.)
Counter-protestors were met by Yorkshire fascists and a small scuffle broke out, with them filming and antagonising. When we arrived to outside the hotel, we were kept separate from fash about 100m down the road, with around 150 people in our group.
Numerous times during this period, fascists attempted to infiltrate our group and were identified and chased out.
Around this time, clashes between the fash and police broke out; a police van was set on fire and they’d stolen police riot gear. This was confirmed by videos online, which have been going viral. Alongside this, the fash were throwing fireworks and bangers at the hotel and trying to break through in order to set fire to it whilst shouting things like “get them out”.
While this was happening, we were told that a splinter group of around 60 fascists had come from the other side and were using the weapons to break through the lines in order to get to us. A culmination of this and the police clashes forced counter demonstrators into The Knowsley Inn car park opposite the hotel, where we built barricades with skips and fencing and armed ourselves with makeshift weapons ready to defend ourselves and those who were vulnerable in the surrounding area.
Meanwhile, as the word spread on social media of the police vans on fire, numbers grew as more people came down wanting to be part of the commotion. These people were not there initially and are unlikely part of the fascist organising group, however we did hear racist language being thrown about.
We were eventually able to get vulnerable people out and home safely. The main takeaway points from this are:
  • This demonstration was not one organised to help protect children
  • The numbers of fascists reported is incorrect due to people just there wanting a fight, but they were central to the organising of the protest
  • Fascists came from all over the North West/Yorkshire, not just Liverpool
  • Fascism and racism should not be tolerated in any form, and antifascism is needed just as much now as it was in the days of the white man marches etc.
Thank you to everyone who came down, we understand it was an intense situation as can always happen with these things, and our inbox is open for anyone who wants to chat about what happened.
Let’s get mobilising.
A recent analysis by the Guardian found that 25% of asylum seekers are housed in just 10 local authorities, 9 of which are among the most deprived in the UK.

If you place large numbers of asylum seekers in hotels in the most deprived parts of the country then it’s hardly surprising that problems can arise or that it can be fertile ground for the far right. As I said upthread this happened in Knowsley but it could happen anywhere where there is deprivation and large number of asylum seekers. The fault for this lies squarely with the government for failings on multiple levels.
This is such a significant factor so I think you make a very good point here. But ofcourse the underlying problem is capitalism and the fact that the ruling class take up so much space, hoard all the resources and run the show to their advantage. Which is why its so frustrating and disheartening to see this happening, instead of the ruling class being the target for all the heinous shit they are responsible for at the expense of both those born here and asylum seekers and immigrants. But ofcourse I guess thats, partly, why this issue is used. It sounds like a conspiracy theory but its almost like all this is deliberately to divert people away from all the shit inflicted on people by the rich and their capitalist system. And ofcourse its used by the ultra right for their own gain.
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What sort of thing is unprecedented in Britain?

Race riots organised against newly arrived migrants in this way. We've had stuff between communities that are settled and not getting on at all but this is new and the scale is also something notable. Maybe some of this is about visibility through mobile phone footage but this seems distinct from what has gone before.
Racists are like rats. You're never that far away from them and once one comes out from under the local tip a lot more will follow. More than enough racists in Kirkby. Huyton's no better either, first hand experience of that.

Let's not forget they welcomed old Tommy Nosebag with open arms in Knowsley not that long ago.

Shameful behaviour. Probably slip back under their rocks for a while now until their fireworks supply is replenished.

The comments on this are interesting.

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