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Hotel housing asylum seekers attacked in Knowsley

Fash on this side of Pennines are absolutely in a frenzy about the upcoming Rotherham demo on Saturday now, plus the two they have planned for the following weekend in Skegness. Both have the potential to turn into violent clashes, if not full scale riots.

They are also trying to build something in Mansfield, egged on by neighbouring MP new Tory Vice Chairperson “30p Lee” Anderson & local MP Ben “Crack Den” Bradley. Like in Knowsley initial instigators in Mansfield have been v small numbers of fash (about 20 at their first “picket” of the local hotel) -including “White Nationalist” scooter club members exposed by Private Eye mag as pals of Anderson - who called them “top blokes” or some such when challenged. Key have been a local fash DJ who calls himself “MC Sniper” 🤔 and another guy who is a supporter of Andrew Brons British Democrats…

Most of fash public organising is going on via Facebook (Favourite home of ageing lardy hoolies and outraged Karens) As people have said you can see the fascist/neo-Nazi radicalisation process going on in real time as the activists start filtering in anti-Semitic, conspiracist and violent rhetoric and memes into the online spaces full of primed up “ordinary” racists.
Hard to know how representative this is, given the “attention economy” of TikTok.

But it does suggest that rumours/news about refugees hassling girls were spread on parents WhatsApp groups. Which are kinda notorious misinformation incubators.

As others have said, this doesn’t mean there have been no instances of it happening. But it does seem like the refugee dimension has been honed in on disproportionately.
Fash on this side of Pennines are absolutely in a frenzy about the upcoming Rotherham demo on Saturday now, plus the two they have planned for the following weekend in Skegness. Both have the potential to turn into violent clashes, if not full scale riots.

They are also trying to build something in Mansfield, egged on by neighbouring MP new Tory Vice Chairperson “30p Lee” Anderson & local MP Ben “Crack Den” Bradley. Like in Knowsley initial instigators in Mansfield have been v small numbers of fash (about 20 at their first “picket” of the local hotel) -including “White Nationalist” scooter club members exposed by Private Eye mag as pals of Anderson - who called them “top blokes” or some such when challenged. Key have been a local fash DJ who calls himself “MC Sniper” 🤔 and another guy who is a supporter of Andrew Brons British Democrats…

Most of fash public organising is going on via Facebook (Favourite home of ageing lardy hoolies and outraged Karens) As people have said you can see the fascist/neo-Nazi radicalisation process going on in real time as the activists start filtering in anti-Semitic, conspiracist and violent rhetoric and memes into the online spaces full of primed up “ordinary” racists.
Yep, here's the Private Eye thing:

Not sure if the reference to the SWPs recruitment methods is a compliment, criticism, or matter of fact observation.
I think it's intended as a criticism, but the writer probably had enough sense to realise that it wasn't the time or place for a full-scale rant about the SWP so limited it to that brief ambiguous mention.

...And, thinking about Rotherham, I'm now remembering the case of the 12 Asian men who were prosecuted for defending themselves against a previous far-right march through the town, with their political support coming pretty much entirely from the SWP and SP, and no meaningful solidarity whatsoever from the other parts of the left who you might think would be supportive of physical confrontation with fascists. It's that kind of big-city-left inability to pay attention to things going on in smaller towns that makes me so nervous about how the next Rotherham date might go.
Seems like a fitting place to post this. I certainly can't think of anywhere else to post it. Its about the far right hijacking the issue of Child Sexual Exploitation, written by a survivor of CSE :


This lot went back to visit people in the hotel and took supplies.
Looks like, after Rotherham on next Saturday, the fash (PA, BDP etc) are going to try & replicate Knowsley in multiple locations on 25th. Have already mentioned their two marches in Skegness, Lincs, on 25th. Also looks like something planned in South West. Fash have obviously sensed big potential for radicalisation, recruitment and mobilisation in these events - as with TERF stuff they are seeking recruits from conspiracist circles, populist right groups like Tice’s “Reform” Party, and the debris of Robinson’s EDL & associated gangs. FC09129B-84C0-47AB-8C81-61C2CC985C9B.jpeg
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Looks like, after Rotherham on next Saturday, the fash (PA, BDP etc) are going to try & replicate Knowsley in multiple locations on 25th. Have already mentioned their two marches in Skegness, Lincs, on 25th. Also looks like something planned in South West. Fash have obviously sensed big potential for radicalisation, recruitment and mobilisation in these events - as with TERF stuff they are seeking recruits from conspiracist circles, populist right groups like Tice’s “Reform” Party, and the debris of Robinson’s EDL & associated gangs. View attachment 362966
Some scumbag on the Facebook page that PA/Reform Party/BDP etc are using to agitate & organise has posted a list revealing locations and names of 180 alleged “migrant hotels” . Looks like this -in addition to anti-trans activities alongside TERFs- is going to be a fash focus & organising/recruitment point for the foreseeable.
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it's the perfect storm for getting a load of casual right-wing types and unwitting idiots involved in. "we're protecting our kids!?!!"
I wouldn't be surprised if the video is completely fake - and we know already loads of similar scaremongering on social is indeed completely fake.
it's the perfect storm for getting a load of casual right-wing types and unwitting idiots involved in. "we're protecting our kids!?!!"
I wouldn't be surprised if the video is completely fake - and we know already loads of similar scaremongering on social is indeed completely fake.

On point 1, referring to these communities as 'unwitting idiots' is spectacularly unhelpful language.

On point 1 and point 2 what if the video isn't fake and what to do if and where genuine concerns do exist?

Ultimately, the way to counter the far right isn't to react with a ‘oh what now?’, sense of irritation or seek to expand the numbers of counter protestors to bus in to confront the community, it's to engage with, support and empower the local community.
Right, yeah I wasn't making a speech to the local community about it, I was just breaking up my working day by letting off steam about these cunts... But thanks for the lecture. I get enough of them at work.
Right, yeah I wasn't making a speech to the local community about it, I was just breaking up my working day by letting off steam about these cunts... But thanks for the lecture. I get enough of them at work.

If you don't want people to engage with you letting of steam probably best not to post on a message board dedicated to debating such matters.
You've taken my quote out of context and applied it to a completely different situation just because that's how you're approaching this thread. So maybe take a moment to realise that not everyone is thinking how you're thinking and get off your high horse.
If there is a serious organised counter protest - and i hope there is - wrt future fash events, is it likely Braverman will crack down on them using her dreadful legislation. They are antifa, as far as she is concerned, and thus the enemy. In her warped mind at least
it's the perfect storm for getting a load of casual right-wing types and unwitting idiots involved in. "we're protecting our kids!?!!"
I wouldn't be surprised if the video is completely fake - and we know already loads of similar scaremongering on social is indeed completely fake.

The protest against refugees here is being publicised/promoted

What’s happen seems to be fairly bigoted parents are warning their kids away from the refugees but if they do see them video them

Kids are getting emboldened and are videoing anyone they see as “a refugee” and giving them verbals, these cut down videos are then being pumped up on all the local Facebook sites as proof of refugees stalking kids

So far it’s been “guilty of sitting on a park bench” and being out on the high street in daylight with a brown skin

the locals beating the drums aren’t just racist arseholes if you facebook them they are stalwarts of the community, involved in alsorts of clubs societies etc

Getting out of hand
Where’s Robinson nowadays then? Surely this would be right up his alley to fan the flames of. Appears Collet and PA have picked up the mantle.
On point 1, referring to these communities as 'unwitting idiots' is spectacularly unhelpful language.

On point 1 and point 2 what if the video isn't fake and what to do if and where genuine concerns do exist?

Ultimately, the way to counter the far right isn't to react with a ‘oh what now?’, sense of irritation or seek to expand the numbers of counter protestors to bus in to confront the community, it's to engage with, support and empower the local community.
I'm not really comfortable with all the people claiming it is a fake video or that people are lying about it happening.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt when they speak up about abuse or harassment is something that has become very important in recent years. We can't just start saying "unless the guy might be an asylum seeking in which case you are lying, oh and probably a fascist".

Street harassment of women and girls by men is a common thing across all backgrounds. Of course some men who are claiming asylum are going to harress women and girls because that is something a significant number of all men do.

I know everyone on here know this but what is needed more work on stopping street harassment.
The protest against refugees here is being publicised/promoted

What’s happen seems to be fairly bigoted parents are warning their kids away from the refugees but if they do see them video them

Kids are getting emboldened and are videoing anyone they see as “a refugee” and giving them verbals, these cut down videos are then being pumped up on all the local Facebook sites as proof of refugees stalking kids

So far it’s been “guilty of sitting on a park bench” and being out on the high street in daylight with a brown skin

the locals beating the drums aren’t just racist arseholes if you facebook them they are stalwarts of the community, involved in alsorts of clubs societies etc

Getting out of hand
There'll also be plenty of kids saying "nah, this is racist" and arguing that there are British men who do this stuff and plenty of migrant guys who don't. I have lots of hope for young people, a lot of them are pretty clued up nowadays, credit where it's due.
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Did the footage not point at his face (I haven’t watched it yet)? On the one hand it could be claimed that proves it’s fake but another explanation could be that pointing a phone at someone’s face could be seen as aggressive so easier to pretend you’re not filming.
Yes I would just assume she is trying to record it without be obvious about it.

Ultimately even if one particular video or story is fake so what? Trying to argue it is fake is not a good look, especially if comming from the same people who have been going on about the importance of believing victims for years. And it is not a political response, if your only counter is its fake then one genuine example (and the will be some) leaves you with nothing to say. Apart from doubling down on calling women liars and victim blaming.
I'm not really comfortable with all the people claiming it is a fake video or that people are lying about it happening.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt when they speak up about abuse or harassment is something that has become very important in recent years. We can't just start saying "unless the guy might be an asylum seeking in which case you are lying, oh and probably a fascist".

Street harassment of women and girls by men is a common thing across all backgrounds. Of course some men who are claiming asylum are going to harress women and girls because that is something a significant number of all men do.

I know everyone on here know this but what is needed more work on stopping street harassment.

Spot on. The knee jerk reaction - in some quarters - to dismiss community concerns out of hand or to deny that some asylum seekers are nonces/predators leaves the field open for the far right to act as community defenders.

I do wonder what those organising protests with one message for the community they plan to stage it in - 'you're wrong' - think they are going to achieve.
I feel like I'm being subtweeted here seeing as I was one of the first to say I wasn't convinced the video in question showed real events. I'd just like to point out that I never said 'this never happens', in fact my whole point was that this happens all the fucking time to teenage girls and that even if asylum seekers are doing it then that's no reason to call out the pitchfork posse when those communities don't react that way when it's a white man doing the harassing. It's being used as an excuse for racism.
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