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Hotel housing asylum seekers attacked in Knowsley

TBH this is probably the most sensible decision to make, Housing 250 refugees (mostly men in this case) in a village of 400 people was never going to be popular. It makes far more sense to house them in cities and larger towns. The hotel apparently sacked off 100 staff and cancelled loads of events in preparation for this so I suspect it will probably go bust now.
TBH this is probably the most sensible decision to make, Housing 250 refugees (mostly men in this case) in a village of 400 people was never going to be popular. It makes far more sense to house them in cities and larger towns. The hotel apparently sacked off 100 staff and cancelled loads of events in preparation for this so I suspect it will probably go bust now.
1 How do you know it would be mostly men, families were mentioned initially
2 It's not a fucking village, it's on the edge of a decent sized town, it's not popular anywhere is it, mob rule?
3 This could be down to the fire brigade condemning the building the other day (but probably is the protests sadly)
1 how do you know it would be mostly men
2 it's not a fucking village, it's on the edge of a decent sized town
3 this could be down to the fire brigade condemning the building the other day (but probably is the protests sadly)
I can't find the announcement anymore but the Govt said it would be a couple of families and the rest woud be single men relocated from elsewhere. The original number was about 300 but getting kept scaled down.
1 How do you know it would be mostly men, families were mentioned initially
2 It's not a fucking village, it's on the edge of a decent sized town, it's not popular anywhere is it, mob rule?
3 This could be down to the fire brigade condemning the building the other day (but probably is the protests sadly)
Yes you're right it's not popular anywhere however if you want these people to blend in and be accepted, do you think it's a good idea to house them somewhere where the locals are out protesting about it everyday?
Yes you're right it's not popular anywhere however if you want these people to blend in and be accepted, do you think it's a good idea to house them somewhere where the locals are out protesting about it everyday?
Give in to NIMIBY's?l
Sadly refugees need to go somewhere. The right would love to be able to use protest to keep refugees out of their area and it would massively embolden them
Llanelli has a population of 50000+
Where does the population of 400 that was being quoted come from then? is that just Stradey? there was one of the protestors shouting that figure on the box.
Give in to NIMIBY's?l
Sadly refugees need to go somewhere. The right would love to be able to use protest to keep refugees out of their area and it would massively embolden them
Yes they do but forcing areas to take them without consultation isn't going work all that great either is it? Yes you're right this will undoubtably embolden other groups who are opposed to them be located near them whether they have actual concerns or just don't like brown people but yet again we have a mess because a situation was reacted to not thought out properly.
There needs to be a co-ordinated policy on where to put them rather than just picking hotels whose owners see the chance for a quick buck.
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Where does the population of 400 that was being quoted come from then? is that just Stradey? there was one of the protestors shouting that figure on the box.

Yes they do but forcing areas to take them without consultation isn't going work all that great either is it? Yes you're right this will undoubtably embolden other groups who are supposed to them be located near them whether they have actual concerns or just don't like brown people but yet again we have a mess because a situation was reacted to not thought out properly.
There needs to be a co-ordinated policy on where to put them rather than just picking hotels whose owners see the chance for a quick buck.
Probably meant Furnace. Furnace, Felinfoel etc are all part of Llanelli. There is no break. It's not a village in the middle of nowhere.
Where does the population of 400 that was being quoted come from then? is that just Stradey? there was one of the protestors shouting that figure on the box.

Yes they do but forcing areas to take them without consultation isn't going work all that great either is it? Yes you're right this will undoubtably embolden other groups who are opposed to them be located near them whether they have actual concerns or just don't like brown people but yet again we have a mess because a situation was reacted to not thought out properly.
There needs to be a co-ordinated policy on where to put them rather than just picking hotels whose owners see the chance for a quick buck.
Consultation is never going to work in the current climate
It wasn't an ideal building but better than ancient disgusting dilapidated army barracks
so in Llanelli, they are still protesting despite the home office pulling out and the hotel wanting to reopen
none of the local campaign group are protesting so it's out of towners, grifters and cunts keeping it going, clearly don't give a shit about the hotel and its staff

"Our hope was to open our doors again before the end of the year, but the necessary renovations and preparations are impeded with obstacles and protesters at our doorstep.
"If the boulders, marquees and protesters remain, we can only deduce that the community does not wish for the hotel to reopen its doors."
It added it was "just a business endeavouring to survive".
Mr Lloyd said although none of the Furnace Action Committee's members were involved, "certain individuals" and "other groups which had sprung up organically" during the saga seemed intent on staying put.

The court has already dealt with a number of those involved in this incident:

Boy, 15, sentenced over violence at asylum hotel in Merseyside



(Source: as stated in images)

Jared Skeete has already been sentenced to three years' detention after pleading guilty to violent disorder.

The trial of several others is now ongoing:

"Rocks and fireworks were pelted at police as crowds shouted “get them out” at a hotel housing asylum seekers, the trial of eight people accused of violent disorder was told.

The court was told one of the defendants was heard saying, "They better not leave that place in the next few days because they’ll be dead."

Crowds shouted 'get them out' as violence erupted outside asylum seekers hotel on Merseyside'
The court has already dealt with a number of those involved in this incident:

Boy, 15, sentenced over violence at asylum hotel in Merseyside



(Source: as stated in images)

Jared Skeete has already been sentenced to three years' detention after pleading guilty to violent disorder.

The trial of several others is now ongoing:

Crowds shouted 'get them out' as violence erupted outside asylum seekers hotel on Merseyside'

Earlier today at Liverpool Crown Court, Brian McPadden, Thomas Mills, Paul Lafferty, all from Kirkby, and Jonjo O'Donoghue, of Liverpool city centre, were each found guilty of violent disorder following the violence said to have been organised by the English Defence League on 10 February 2023 outside Suites Hotel in Knowsley, which was providing temporary accommodation for asylum seekers.

A fifth man, Daniel Fulham, was cleared of violent disorder and abusive or threatening behaviour.

The four men found guilty will be sentenced at a later date, along with others who have already been convicted for their part in the violence.

Seven youths, aged between 13 and 17, have already been sentenced after they admitted violent disorder; six were given referral orders and one was fined:

Man storms out of court and defendant collapses as Suites Hotel jury give verdicts


(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Lafferty, left, and Jonjo O'Donoghue, outside Liverpool Crown Court


(Source: as stated in image)

Thomas Mills seen outside Liverpool Crown Court. He could be seen in footage of the violence standing on top of a police van before it was set alight and holding a banner which said: "Let's shout, get them out."


(Source: as stated in image)

Brian McPadden had told Liverpool Crown Court that he was 'embarrassed' by his behaviour but insisted he had not thrown anything. He was heard in the footage of the violence saying: "We protect our own, youse are not from Kirkby, we are."
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