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Hotel housing asylum seekers attacked in Knowsley

Report from last weekend in Rotherham:
AFN have a twitter thread collecting today's goings-on - sounds like positive news from Nottingham, Newquay, and the South London drag event, but about 200 in Skeggy with no visible opposition:
Newquay saw off the arseholes this afternoon

Got there early dominated the ground, outnumbered the right. Did it with humour and no violence.

Everyone stayed on the ground till the last of the anti-immigrant protesters ran out of motivation.

Black block walked over the road to instigate a shut down and coppers arrived by the van load

Eventually the coppers told the remaining waifs and strays of the right should bugger off as we weren’t going anywhere and they looked hypothermic

The sad thing was all the “real tasty geezers” left early as they knew they’d have their arses handed to them leaving a bunch of quite strange school age kids to shout “pedos” at the left.

Signs in the hotel windows with hearts and thank yous on them

7 hour well spent

Egg count. Two fash range rovers
Also, fair play to the IWGB for apparently getting this article published in the Metro:

Good article, the Metro and indeed the 'i' do both seem to maintain editorial independence, despite their owners being the Daily Mail and General Trust

Likewise Reach plc, owners of the Mirror, continue to allow both the Express and Daily Star their editorial independence since they took them over.
Newquay saw off the arseholes this afternoon

Got there early dominated the ground, outnumbered the right. Did it with humour and no violence.

Everyone stayed on the ground till the last of the anti-immigrant protesters ran out of motivation.

Black block walked over the road to instigate a shut down and coppers arrived by the van load

Eventually the coppers told the remaining waifs and strays of the right should bugger off as we weren’t going anywhere and they looked hypothermic

The sad thing was all the “real tasty geezers” left early as they knew they’d have their arses handed to them leaving a bunch of quite strange school age kids to shout “pedos” at the left.

Signs in the hotel windows with hearts and thank yous on them

7 hour well spent

Egg count. Two fash range rovers
nicely done.
Newquay saw off the arseholes this afternoon

Got there early dominated the ground, outnumbered the right. Did it with humour and no violence.

Everyone stayed on the ground till the last of the anti-immigrant protesters ran out of motivation.

Black block walked over the road to instigate a shut down and coppers arrived by the van load

Eventually the coppers told the remaining waifs and strays of the right should bugger off as we weren’t going anywhere and they looked hypothermic

The sad thing was all the “real tasty geezers” left early as they knew they’d have their arses handed to them leaving a bunch of quite strange school age kids to shout “pedos” at the left.

Signs in the hotel windows with hearts and thank yous on them

7 hour well spent

Egg count. Two fash range rovers
Also, fair play to the IWGB for apparently getting this article published in the Metro:
Fantastic. Perfect headline too.

With language of invasion and a plan to send refugees to Rwanda, this government has been trying to spark fear and division in our communities.

We should not let them. We need to show them that the working class are Black, brown and white, queer, disabled and trans, migrants and refugees, that we are united and we are willing to stand up for what’s right.

Calvin Robinson, GB News' fake vicar, turned-up at one protest, whinging about the so-called irony of the 'woke mob' labelling protesters as Nazis and fascists.


But, the real irony is the bloke behind him was arrested soon after he spoke, for making Nazi salutes! :D

It's like a hundred yards, what's to stop the migrants getting off the coach and walking to the hotel?
They probably have H&S requirements in place stating that they have to be dropped right outside. Which would make sense particularly in light of what the locals have done.
They can cross the Med in a dinghy but can't walk up a hotel driveway in Wales? H&S really has gone mad eh?
Interesting the "local action group" have said they are worried about the far right elements creeping in

Mr Lloyd, who described his group's campaign as "not racist or nimby (not in my back yard) in any way", said he was concerned that "commuter campaigners" were coming into town and being "threatening".
"I worry that somebody's going to be hurt or even killed in all this because it's getting a little bit out of control," he told the BBC Radio Wales Phone-In.
"I can see particularly on social media some of the things that are being said; it's quite awful."
Interesting the "local action group" have said they are worried about the far right elements creeping in

What actually did he expect? The far-right/fash were always going to jump on this as soon as they became aware. His we're not NIMBY rings a bit hollow as well.
Really? I am quite sure they are more than able to walk up the driveway but are likely not allowed to because of the possibly they might get abused or worse by locals, hence my speculation that it may be a safeguarding issue

Is the safeguarding also preventing the police from escorting them?
Is the safeguarding also preventing the police from escorting them?
They are probably not thinking that creatively. Moreover actually the OB would likely not be happy with what they would likely consider duties beneath them.
They are probably not thinking that creatively. Moreover actually the OB would likely not be happy with what they would likely consider duties beneath them.

Preventing public disorder is a duty beneath them? I was under the impression that kind of shit was supposed to be their fucking job. Are they too busy munching on kebabs?
Preventing public disorder is a duty beneath them? I was under the impression that kind of shit was supposed to be their fucking job. Are they too busy munching on kebabs?
It is pure speculation on my part but i wouldn't put it past them to make whingeing noises and in any case it hasn't actually happened. Yet.
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