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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

The cost of the flights is inconsequential compared to the hundreds of millions they've given Rwanda. An RAF A330 is about 25 grand/hour to operate and you'd need a block time of about 10 hours each way so half a million quid per rotation. They would only schedule slavishly loyal and ambitious crew on the operation so I highly doubt, though I could be wrong, that anybody would refuse to fly it.

Would be a direct order, so court martial if you refuse.

IF it is a legal order….another potential headache for Sunak.
Rwanda can't just magically become safe because Sunak says it is.

Maddest thing in this entire box of frogs is that according to U.K. law it is safe in perpetuity; genocide kicks off again, it’s safe, the gorillas evolve that bit more, come down from the mist and stage a violent coup, safe, the country turns out to be a super-volcano and the entirety of it is blasted in to space, according to U.K. law that is safe.

It’s almost as if when folk said that Cameron, Johnson, May and Truss had turned this once respected nation in to a global laughing stock, along comes Sunak and says, “Hold my zero-alcohol beer!”
Would be a direct order, so court martial if you refuse.

IF it is a legal order….another potential headache for Sunak.

I reckon things would go tits-up pretty quickly if the RAF started ordering their aircrew to fly deportation flights which none have signed up to do. That's not to say they wouldn't probably get a few volunteers though.

I still don't think this bollocks is going to happen. They've finally got the bill through but they're a fuck of a long way off actually sticking people on planes. There'll be more legal challenges from outside, appeals from those on the lists etc.

My money is on the Tories being out of government before a single flight takes off and this whole silly nonsense being flushed down the shitter.
The plan is for 200 this year it's never going to make a dent.
if you just want to make assylum seekers miserable buy up the holiday camps on the isle of sheppy job done you can even hire a few g4s goons to stand on the bridge and maybe patrol up and down the river for a pound shop escape form new York vibes:facepalm: Rwanda is far from stable and has proxy forces in the Congo and history of opposition members meeting nasty ends home and abroad.
The plan is for 200 this year it's never going to make a dent.
if you just want to make assylum seekers miserable buy up the holiday camps on the isle of sheppy job done you can even hire a few g4s goons to stand on the bridge and maybe patrol up and down the river for a pound shop escape form new York vibes:facepalm: Rwanda is far from stable and has proxy forces in the Congo and history of opposition members meeting nasty ends home and abroad.
If you're going to bad-mouth the place for comic effect, at least have the decency to spell it correctly.
I reckon things would go tits-up pretty quickly if the RAF started ordering their aircrew to fly deportation flights which none have signed up to do. That's not to say they wouldn't probably get a few volunteers though.

I still don't think this bollocks is going to happen. They've finally got the bill through but they're a fuck of a long way off actually sticking people on planes. There'll be more legal challenges from outside, appeals from those on the lists etc.

My money is on the Tories being out of government before a single flight takes off and this whole silly nonsense being flushed down the shitter.
My money is on them actually getting off one flight with about 12 poor fuckers on the whole the plane on a summer day when hundreds make the channel crossing. That's when the real problems with Sunak's 'legacy' start to emerge.
I can imagine that, if Rwanda does go to shit, he might just call the election tomorrow and frame it as a referendum on asylum policy. Called tomorrow, the polling day would be 30 May.
Sadly it didn't go to shit. It went through.

In practical terms they can now say, if it doesn't work in practice, that it's the fault of the woke blob/lefty lawyers, and that they will need to be returned to change all that.

plus ca change
The cost of the flights is inconsequential compared to the hundreds of millions they've given Rwanda. An RAF A330 is about 25 grand/hour to operate and you'd need a block time of about 10 hours each way so half a million quid per rotation. They would only schedule slavishly loyal and ambitious crew on the operation so I highly doubt, though I could be wrong, that anybody would refuse to fly it.
It's going to be a bout a million per person. A few hundred people a year, which is meaningless as a deterrent, will cost about half a billion that could easily go somewhere much more vital. Complete fucking insanity that will be cheered on, probably as I type, by whatever turd maggot they've dug up to speak their brains on daytime TV.
It's going to be a bout a million per person. A few hundred people a year, which is meaningless as a deterrent, will cost about half a billion that could easily go somewhere much more vital. Complete fucking insanity that will be cheered on, probably as I type, by whatever turd maggot they've dug up to speak their brains on daytime TV.
It's so depressing
meaningless as a deterrent
Nothing new I know, but I hate the whole retoric behind it.
There are no meaningful deterrents as long as our and other rich countries' governments are knee deep involved in wars, genocide and exploitation.
As long as there are people desperate enough to risk their lives and leave loved ones and kin to save their skin there is no such thing as a deterrent.

But that's not the point of this policy, anyway.
Nothing new I know, but I hate the whole retoric behind it.
There are no meaningful deterrents as long as our and other rich countries' governments are knee deep involved in wars, genocide and exploitation.
As long as there are people desperate enough to risk their lives and leave loved ones and kin to save their skin there is no such thing as a deterrent.

But that's not the point of this policy, anyway.
yeh, it's a gimmick. imagine if they'd spent this amount of time and energy on something useful like doing something about the pitiful state of uk rivers and beaches - they might not have been able to solve climate change in the time devoted to this shitty policy but they could have fixed polluted waters.
yeh, it's a gimmick. imagine if they'd spent this amount of time and energy on something useful like doing something about the pitiful state of uk rivers and beaches - they might not have been able to solve climate change in the time devoted to this shitty policy but they could have fixed polluted waters.
It's a staggering amount
yeh, it's a gimmick. imagine if they'd spent this amount of time and energy on something useful like doing something about the pitiful state of uk rivers and beaches - they might not have been able to solve climate change in the time devoted to this shitty policy but they could have fixed polluted waters.
Health care, poverty, education.....you know, all the expensive root problems behind crime and division....the ones 'Immigrants' get the blame for.
Just heard that dismal tabloid hack Nick Ferrari on the radio barely able to contain his glee and excitement at the possibility of flights taking off. Lovely.

Just easier not to listen to LBC, saves money on blood-pressure pills for a start.

The day starts with Ferrari; privately educated, dad who was a jouno at The Times got him in to the industry.
Followed by O'Brien; privately educated, dad who was a jouno at The Telegraph got him in to the industry.
Fogerty's up next, actual working class woman who did it all herself.
Followed by the privately educated Tom Swarbrick.
Next up the privately educated son of an investment banker Andrew Marr.

It's really shit.
200 asylum seekers are sent from the UK to Rwanda. If one boat can carry 50 asylum seekers, how many channel crossings will a people smuggler need to make in order to get them back to the UK from France? Your answer should be a whole number.
yeh, it's a gimmick. imagine if they'd spent this amount of time and energy on something useful like doing something about the pitiful state of uk rivers and beaches - they might not have been able to solve climate change in the time devoted to this shitty policy but they could have fixed polluted waters.
And all these flights are just going to contribute even further to the climate crisis.

But who cares about kids having to swim in shit as long as some faceless refugees can be sent to a country that had a genocide in living memory, right? It's a lovely country really, but it's also a deterrent, never mind that if you're desperate enough, you can and will find a way of getting into another country.
Well there's this


So who knows? those sources could be wrong, the government figures could be from an earlier date just published on the dates listed.
Well there's this


So who knows? those sources could be wrong, the government figures could be from an earlier date just published on the dates listed.
The government figures might not have got through data entry yet, but they're so shit that they still see fit to publish the blank ones.
Well there's this


So who knows? those sources could be wrong, the government figures could be from an earlier date just published on the dates listed.
At the bottom of the second article it does actually say this comes after a week with no crossings with the last recorded one being the 13th. It's not unreasonable there will be days with no-one crossing due to boats being intercepted or the weather being too bad to try, IIRC the weather last week was shit.
Well there's a thing. The Rwanda flights are not actually going to solve the small boats issue. Who knew?

Well there's this


So who knows? those sources could be wrong, the government figures could be from an earlier date just published on the dates listed.

At the bottom of the second article it does actually say this comes after a week with no crossings with the last recorded one being the 13th. It's not unreasonable there will be days with no-one crossing due to boats being intercepted or the weather being too bad to try, IIRC the weather last week was shit.

Five precious lives, including that of a small child.

A child is among at least five migrants who have died in an attempt to cross the English Channel, just hours after Rishi Sunak’s flagship Rwanda bill was passed by Parliament.

The victims were among more than 110 people who were on a small boat which capsized on hitting a sandbank after setting off from a beach in the town of Wimereux in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.

The five who died included three men, a woman and a child, a spokesperson for the French coastguard said.
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