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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

This is regarding Leonard Farruku, who took his own life on board the Bibby Stockholm in December last year.

A support worker has said "he repeatedly raised concerns with Home Office contractors about his mental health before he was placed on the barge, but was ignored."

“He had been let down for a long time from pretty much every direction,” said the support worker. “I was always really concerned about him and sometimes he went into mental health crisis.

“There are so many important parts of his story that need to be told as I am convinced this will happen again if pressure is not put on those who hold duty of care to support these people and who are consistently failing to meet their duty.”

The support worker said Mr Farruku was terrified of being taken onto the barge and was tricked by being told he was being taken to a hotel in Swindon.

Farruku’s sister Jola Dushku, 33, who lives in Lombardy, Italy, said her brother was “sweet and beautiful” and dreamed of being a rapper when he was living in Albania. She said the family was still in a state of shock about his death.

She said the UK government had not formally notified her or her older sister, Marsida, 35, about Farruku’s death and that cousins in the UK had been informed instead and had passed on the news.

“We have had no support and nobody has spoken to us,” she said.

Man found dead on Bibby Stockholm was ‘tricked’ on to barge, says support worker

The "lefty lawyers" and "hate marchers" from the National Audit Office have now had their say:

"The Government’s controversial Rwanda scheme – which the Supreme Court has ruled is unlawful – looks set to cost the UK more than £500 million, according to analysis by the National Audit Office ..."

Unlawful Rwanda Scheme Set to Cost UK ‘Staggering’ £500 Million, National Audit Office Reveals
A non-starter. Sunak has always been very careful not to acknowledge his artistic debt to the KLF.

I can't really see him having much truck with a dead sheep. I can, however, envisage him machine-gunning the audience before he bows out of office forever.
This isn't going to happen for the same reason that the original plan isn't going to happen, they have farted and faffed around for so long that they have just run down the clock on it and it is yet another attempt to convince the public that if they get re-elected they are going to "Stop The Boats" but it isn't going to work (either stopping boats or getting them re-elected)
There are some interesting numbers in that article (all government numbers on asylum to be taken with a pinch of salt naturally) There were 30,967 rejected asylum applications last year of which 19,253 went home voluntarily and another 6,393 were sent back kicking and screaming which leaves 5,321 who are basically stuck in limbo, they can't stay here and work legally and they can't or won't go back to their home countries. It's not impossible that there might be some in that group who opt to go to Rwanda in lieu of any other options.
What this isn't going do of course is stop a single boat, ('Stop The Boats' is 2024's 'Get Brexit Done') the argument originally being that people would be discouraged from crossing the Channel if they thought they were going to be summarily shipped off to Rwanda, a plan which oddly enough utterly failed to work. New Plan is cross the Channel, apply for asylum (currently with a 63% success rate albeit with horrendous backlog) and if it fails we will ask nicely if you want to go to Rwanda. I don't think this is going to work either.
The Rwandans (not without justification) must think we are completely daft we have sent them getting on for half a billion purely so UK politicians can make tough speeches, they must crack open the champagne every time Sunak or Cleverly open their mouths.
The "lefty lawyers" and "hate marchers" from the National Audit Office have now had their say:

Unlawful Rwanda Scheme Set to Cost UK ‘Staggering’ £500 Million, National Audit Office Reveals
After last night’s Common’s vote, the government said Britain will deport asylum seekers to Rwanda and that it is "unequivocally safe."

But Channel 4 News has revealed that the Home Office has been granting protection to those who have fled Rwanda.

Channel 4 News have spoken exclusively to Rwandans, some of whom have been given asylum since the Bill was introduced - the Home Office accepting their claim to have a well-founded fear of persecution.

One activist told Channel 4 News you are only safe if you stay silent:

BBC going on about this Rwanda idea is the governments "flagship policy", yet it seems so poorly thought out
BBC going on about this Rwanda idea is the governments "flagship policy", yet it seems so poorly thought out
That's because it isn't it's a desperate attempt to get votes by trying to kid peope they are offering a solution to a fundamentally unsolvable problem. Might as well promise everyone a box of unicorn shit and magic fairy dust since it's more likely they can deliver on that.
Apparently Rwanda is only legitimately not safe, in the eyes of the state, if you oppose it's government. So all those facing deportation will have to do then is say they publicly oppose the government.
until the tories send you anyway and then you'll have announced to the world that you oppose the Rwandan government and so are fucked that way, too.
Sunak has taken to a press conference to say that there will be "a drumbeat" of flights to Rwanda from July.
Are they planning on a June Election?
August 1st "See, we told you so; Starmer has not sent one plane, and They are still crossing"
Are they planning on a June Election?
August 1st "See, we told you so; Starmer has not sent one plane, and They are still crossing"
second half of the year, he said. ie probably October. Which is peak crossing time! A fair chance crossings will be at their highest ever level then
second half of the year, he said. ie probably October. Which is peak crossing time! A fair chance crossings will be at their highest ever level then
Well I guess the Tories are well known for the honesty. :p

October would be peak disenfranchisement time for people starting Uni, but also variable weather that may well keep the core vote at home.
10-12 weeks according to the BBC:

E2a there is also an as of yet, unsubstantiated rumour on Twitter that a civilian airline has agreed to the contract
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