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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

All Sevenbins problems with this (and BoZo's before him) stem from the facts that they have just tried to ram it all through relying on popular opinion to support them. That's not how this country works. He has to keep rewriting the damn thing because some smartass lawyer has managed to convince a judge that there are holes in it (which is course what lawyers are supposed to do). So Sevenbins has to send the whole kit and caboodle through Parliament again to close that loophole.
We have a process which it needs to be followed, Sevenbins can't just say "Well this is what I mean't" even though everyone knows what he means.
Assuming he manages to browbeat the HoL and HoC to get it passed again, it will definitely get challenged again and there is a high probability that some lawyer (who the Mail will have a rant about) will say "Well you forgot about this bit didn't you?" and back it goes again. Sevenbins is acting like a man who was a full five years in front of him not someone who had 8-9 months max and realistically less than that.
I am impressed by the man's tenacity if nothing else he must surely know that this can only end in abject failure yet still he pushes this mad scheme that has no hope of being implemented before Starmer decides it's too embarrassing and allows it to crawl into a corner and die.
As I said 'unsubstantiated'. i think if people actually knew the identity of the airline (if it is true) there's be a lot more talk about it. i just saw one tweet.

They could either use a charter mob who aren't really susceptible to a consumer boycott as they don't have direct ticket sales or an RAF A330. The RAF option is much simpler at this point.
My five eggs on Sunaks position on Rwanda flights is that it reeks of desperation. I think he is of the opinion that if they can just get one planeload of unfortunates to Rwanda it will reverse the vermin's fortunes leading to an upturn in their electoral chances. In the worst case scenario that this actually comes to pass, I think and of course hope that he is seriously mistaken.
Realistically, how are they going to make it happen? Rwanda is farther away from here than it is from Israel, so the fuel costs will be a problem for a start, and that's before you get into pilots refusing to fly and all sorts of other things. It's kneejerk bullshit.
My five eggs on Sunaks position on Rwanda flights is that it reeks of desperation. I think he is of the opinion that if they can just get one planeload of unfortunates to Rwanda it will reverse the vermin's fortunes leading to an upturn in their electoral chances. In the worst case scenario that this actually comes to pass, I think and of course hope that he is seriously mistaken.
I think you've hit the nail squarely on the head there though I suspect he will fail on both counts in either getting anyone shipped to Rwanda or it getting him re-elected. If he does succeed in getting one planeload sent out before the next GE it's going to be a bit of a bummer for those onboard it, even if they're the only ones who do get shipped out their chances of being shipped back again once the policy is canned is very low.
What a thing to leave as your legacy, a scheme so evil that Israel baulked at it. Creating a law that says the sun rises in the west, black is white, the final bit of bollocks after 14 years of shite.
i don't think they baulked, it was more that people kept fleeing rwanda and making their way back. It just didn't work at all, iirc
My five eggs on Sunaks position on Rwanda flights is that it reeks of desperation. I think he is of the opinion that if they can just get one planeload of unfortunates to Rwanda it will reverse the vermin's fortunes leading to an upturn in their electoral chances. In the worst case scenario that this actually comes to pass, I think and of course hope that he is seriously mistaken.
And yet even Sewerwoman is disowning it, saying that a few flights isn't enough to stop the boats, despite her negotiating much of it and despite rwanda saying they aren't going to take the kind of numbers she now dreams of. Utterly exposed as the vile opportunistic grifter she so clearly is, positioning herself for the leadership. What a shitshow
They fucked up when they went with the slogan "stop the boats", they doubled down by sticking with the slogan. People have crossed that gap since ancient times, it could be done on a lilo, an impossible task stopping it
Sunak has utterly trapped himself with this. A few people on a plane? That's the best pre election scenario he can manage. He cannot go back on this plan, the point of no return is miles behind.

History is going to look back on this with very befuddled eyes
I can imagine that, if Rwanda does go to shit, he might just call the election tomorrow and frame it as a referendum on asylum policy. Called tomorrow, the polling day would be 30 May.
I can imagine that, if Rwanda does go to shit, he might just call the election tomorrow and frame it as a referendum on asylum policy. Called tomorrow, the polling day would be 30 May.

And throwing in ditching the ECHR to please Bravermans supporters. A real cunts show.
When did proving to everyone that you are a complete cunt become so expensive? What's the price per head on a flight to a country the UK legislated to declare safe (ffs)?

Thirtypeelee does it for nothing on Twatter.

Maybe Sunak'll get a plane away, maybe he won't. I think the line has already been crossed. Give it a while, and we may see Starmer's 'Tanzania Plan' coming down the track :(
Realistically, how are they going to make it happen? Rwanda is farther away from here than it is from Israel, so the fuel costs will be a problem for a start, and that's before you get into pilots refusing to fly and all sorts of other things. It's kneejerk bullshit.

The cost of the flights is inconsequential compared to the hundreds of millions they've given Rwanda. An RAF A330 is about 25 grand/hour to operate and you'd need a block time of about 10 hours each way so half a million quid per rotation. They would only schedule slavishly loyal and ambitious crew on the operation so I highly doubt, though I could be wrong, that anybody would refuse to fly it.
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