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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

I know it's like, absolutely not the point or important at all, but this is so unprofessional, it reads like a stroppy comment on a local newspaper's Facebook post not something that should be coming out of the fucking government! It honest to god feels like when some passive aggressive knob ends up out of their depth at work and they get defensive when everyone slowly starts taking the kid gloves off and asks them pointed questions or grasses or whatever

Thing is, I don't think Sunak actually gives a shit about bringing immigration down or anything else. He's acting so petulantly not because he's being prevented from doing something he thinks is right or useful, but because he's being prevented (by silly things like the law and facts) from throwing a bone to the rabid dogs on his backbenches and in the gutter press. The law is getting in the way of him clinging onto a job he doesn't deserve and manifestly cannot do. He's just a spoilt child having a strop.
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Thing is, I don't think Sunak actually gives a shit about bringing immigration down or anything else. He's acting so petulently not because he's being prevented from doing something he thinks is right or useful, but because he's being prevented (by silly things like the law and facts) from throwing a bone to the rabid dogs on his backbenches and in the gutter press. The law is getting in the way of him clinging onto a job he doesn't deserve and manifestly cannot do. He's just a spoilt child having a strop.

I'd actually dispute that slightly. I know it's a low bar but in general he's been a much better PM than the two prior to him.

I've no idea though what the fuck he's doing with this bill as I don't think it was even his idea in the first place? If he wants to still be PM he would have been advised to drop it when he dropped Braverman. Even the Aussies have stopped deporting asylum seekers to a third country and they were who they modelling this on.
fucking pathetic that after the failure of that was Brexit (it will keep the immigrants out) people will be daft enough vote for this failing government after 2 years of failing policy

embarrassing that the leading party of this country is pushing this farce
Performative bullshit we actually pay for.

Mrs Cheese and I have just had a conversation about buggering off to Australia and renting the house out here for a couple of years. I could get a job before I get there.

Clown car fascism in UK right now.

Words, words words. Becoming a substitute for reality.

I doubt many of those MP'S could find Rwanda on a map, let alone understand its history and politics.

Not playing anymore. Fuck it.
Clown car fascism in UK right now.
Well put.

This is a very sad if predictable result. Sunak will dine out on this for a while. Hopefully it will harden opposition to him and maybe open the eyes of some of those that think Labour are progressive. The Graham Hughes/Phil Moorhouse brigade. Im not even convinced the Tories will lose the election, when it comes to the crucnch they are thick as thieves.

This whole shitshow is unworkable and will hopefully crash and burn in the courts or further readings. Fuck my MP for voting for this, the cunt
This whole shitshow is unworkable and will hopefully crash and burn in the courts or further readings.

But this is the point. It will. There will be loads more Tory infighting for the 3rd reading and even if it gets through it will crash in the courts.

Nothing has changed. A lot of today was performative parliamentary politics. A bill hasn't crashed at this stage since 1986. They have an 80 majority. It was never going to happen.

And we already knew what cunts they are.
I'll quote this from BBC News without editing or context

The government has comfortably seen off a revolt against its flagship Rwanda bill
The vote passed by 313 to 269, a majority of 44
No Tory MPs voted against the bill - but party sources suggest 24 chose not to vote for it
The proposed law seeks to revive the Rwanda deal, which was ruled unlawful by the UK Supreme Court last month
hmm heard someone getting interviewed on the subject last night who was opposed to the Rwanda flight, arguement for was we already pissed millions up the wall we cannot just walk away

no let keep throwing money at something that unworkable as it keeps the right wing bastards happy and boring Tory :facepalm:

just indicates what a load of racists bigots without a shred of human decency among them ...

and completely opposite to how they've treated the people fleeing an invasion in February 2022
Fleeing Ukrainians were treated far better than refugees from outside Europe are, but that's not saying much to be fair.

The Ukrainians attempting to get here were treated pretty shabbily: the powers that be did the bare minimum for them and it was to a fair extent a shit show. There was nothing to prevent predators looking for "single Ukrainians", and people who were able to get here (extremely difficult) were often placed in very unsuitable situations.
BBC Verify having an investigation ...
Some interesting details to be found within

IMO, the investigation indicates that those statistics reveal that there's a lot of mucking around in the background, and tbh, I'm somewhat suspicious of the accuracy !

Nice bunch of lads.

“She has actually waged war on her country and compatriots,” he wrote. “Individuals with such terrible disorders and illnesses think they are very clever.

"she makes the most rabid anti-Rwanda statements on Rwandan territory and has not suffered for it.”

Perfectly safe place to be sent.

Those are the words of an adviser to the President btw for those who haven't read the link.
Performative bullshit we actually pay for.

Mrs Cheese and I have just had a conversation about buggering off to Australia and renting the house out here for a couple of years. I could get a job before I get there.

Clown car fascism in UK right now.

Words, words words. Becoming a substitute for reality.

I doubt many of those MP'S could find Rwanda on a map, let alone understand its history and politics.

Not playing anymore. Fuck it.
Tbh I don’t think you’ll find a better political culture in Australia. They were pioneers in this deporting refugees bullshit, the Tories have basically copied the policy, likely at the suggestion of Lynton Crosby who has advised right wing parties in both nations.
Tbh I don’t think you’ll find a better political culture in Australia. They were pioneers in this deporting refugees bullshit, the Tories have basically copied the policy, likely at the suggestion of Lynton Crosby who has advised right wing parties in both nations.
Yeah, I'm under no illusions on that front, not a surprise where the 'stop the boats' crap came from.
"Labour is drawing up legally watertight alternatives to the Rwanda plan designed to neutralise Tory attacks branding Sir Keir Starmer weak on immigration, The Times can reveal.

The Labour leader has ruled out backing Rwanda-style deportation but is considering detailed plans for offshore processing schemes whereby asylum seekers would have their claims assessed overseas ..."


Labour plots ‘watertight’ alternative to Rwanda migrant plan
Yvette Cooper on C4News, just. Sounded very Tory: end the hotels, stop the boats, tough border control is what the British people want, etc. There's no questioning of the morality, it's just "how quickly will you stop the boats"
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