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Owen Jones targeted and attacked

How do we know the online chatter happened before it was public knowledge? So far we have the say so of a few people on this thread.

there a quote from the gaurdian article earlier attributing it to "anti racist groups" monitoring far right websites. So - yeah - it could be bollocks - it could be kosher. But -tbh- the description of the incident makes it sound exactly like jones was singled out by a group of men for a kicking with no prior interaction. I dont know why people are so desperate to try and avoid the obvious conclusion.
Cos they don't like Owen Jones? We know he is a particular hate figure for the far right is constantly getting abuse and threats online and in person.
As this thread is still rumbling on. Here's why it matters. A list of p(not exhaustive) possibilities in ascending order of severity of implications going forward.

  1. Bunch of blokes with far-rightish views but no organisational links spot "that leftie off the telly" in the pub and later drunkenly attackh him
  2. a bunch of blokes influenced by far-right stuff online spot Owen Jones and decide to attack him
  3. A bunch of Far-right activists are roaming the pubs looking for a target and spot OJ...
  4. A Far-right group decides to attack OJ and gather intelligence as to his likely movements prior to the attack.
I think it likely that it was a political attack from an element of the far right or some in that orbit but its still a bit premature to claim it definitely was.
there a quote from the gaurdian article earlier attributing it to "anti racist groups" monitoring far right websites. So - yeah - it could be bollocks - it could be kosher. But -tbh- the description of the incident makes it sound exactly like jones was singled out by a group of men for a kicking with no prior interaction. I dont know why people are so desperate to try and avoid the obvious conclusion.
Cos they don't like Owen Jones? We know he is a particular hate figure for the far right is constantly getting abuse and threats online and in person.

Because it gives them something to argue about on Urban.
Chelsea were at home the next day to leics, so up to the big city for a big night out first. This bloke can't help getting in trouble when chelsea play midlands teams can he? That's three times now.

The items found at the home of James Healy included pin badges with the names, logos or mottos of the far-right group Combat 18 and the banned loyalist group the Loyalist Volunteer Force, and a black flag featuring a “totenkopf”.......Healy told the court “I didn’t understand their meanings as respects the far right”
From the BBC website:
Mr Healy also allegedly had a football hooligan flag adorned with SS symbols and a collection of pin badges linked to white supremacist groups.

He told the court: "I'm a hoarder. I never throw anything away. I just had them all that time tucked away in the back of a drawer.
Hoarding explains hanging onto things you've acquired; it doesn't explain why he acquired a collection of neo-nazi paraphernalia in the first place!

According to the Graun article I linked to, he didn’t know what he acquired was “far right” crap. How old is this toe rag now? As he said he collected this stuff 20 years ago?
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