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North Shropshire by-election

Candidates for North Shropshire

Suzie AKERS-SMITH (Independent)
Andrea ALLEN (UK Independence Party (UKIP))
Martin DAUBNEY (The Reclaim Party)
Russell DEAN (The Party Party)
James ELLIOT (Heritage Party)
Howling Laud HOPE (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party)
Earl JESSE (Freedom Alliance The Real Alternative)
Yolande KENWARD ( *️⃣)
Duncan KERR (Green Party)
Helen MORGAN (Liberal Democrats)
Neil HURST-SHASTRI (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Kirsty WALMSLEY (Reform UK)
Ben WOOD (Labour Party)

*️⃣Candidate has chosen to use no ballot paper description as permitted under the Registration of Political Parties Act.
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"No ballot paper description" really speaks to the concerns of the average Shropshire voter, IMO.
Under the Registration of Political Parties Act, candidates can use "independent", the name of a registered political party, or leave the box blank. I could have just put "-" I suppose.
Lots of weirdo candidates scrambling over six hundred votes between them, and the Lib Dems.

Have to say the vox pops a couple of weeks ago from this seat, when Paterson stood down, were very depressing. Everyone more or less agreeing that he was a shit absentee MP and he was only ever seen at election time, but "people just vote Tory round here".

forelock-tugging twats
The far right seem to have more factions these days than the left ever did in their heyday. I guess that’s a function of the general odiousness and/or self-importance of the people involved in that kind of politics, like nobody wants to work with them so they set up their own movement. Pantomime twats.
From Wikipedia

"Yolande Kenward is standing on an anti-corruption platform as an independent,[24] although she will be shown on the ballot paper with no label. Drew Galdron, under the name Boris Been-Bunged, is a Boris Johnson impersonator, is standing for the Rejoin EU Party.[25] Monaco-based Russell Dean, standing for The Party Party, is a consultant for a yacht broker and grew up in Shropshire.[26]
Only one candidate here. Howling Laud HOPE (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party).

One of the OMRLP policies in their manifesto is as follows

- Puddles deeper than 3 inches will be marked by a yellow plastic duck.

This is a quality policy with forward thinking in times of climate change. Another good policy is

- Jobseekers will be made to stand two abreast in order to halve dole queues.

Also another superb idea is

- Terrorists will be made to wear Bells and Horns so we know where they are.
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Daubney seems to be banging on about the price of eco-friendly boilers, and likening Johnson to Greta Thunberg.. Either way, hopefully Reclaim do abysmally badly so the libetarian right don't get any more traction.. I'd rather the Tory got in than anyone from the "common sense" right.
Lib Dems now favourite with the bookies... I imagine to win they'll have to rely on either Tory switches or Tory stay-at-homes.. Can't see the Labour vote reducing much more.
Lib Dems now favourite with the bookies... I imagine to win they'll have to rely on either Tory switches or Tory stay-at-homes.. Can't see the Labour vote reducing much more.

If true, I suspect my gast will be pretty well flabbered but I still think it'd be a very long shot. At best I'd be expecting a much-diminished majority coupled with a Lab/Lib vote split of, say, 40% Con/35% Lab/20% LD/5% other. Hopefully the bookies know something better than my (decades out of date) reckon. If so I'm fairly sure it'd be the first time ever Shropshire North was ever anything but blue.

You see a lot of yachts around Shropshire

<random aside> Oddly enough, when I was walking around shropshire with my family as a kid we came across a guy who was literally building his own boat in the middle of a wood. He invited us up in to the galley (it was weird climbing in to a boat on a vertical ladder) and he made us tea and muffins on a stove. As part of our history and nostalgia binge in lockdown we tracked him down as this chap, Malcolm Ozanne, who passed away in 2019.
Blimey, Momentum is backing the LDs.

Momentum has swung firmly behind the party’s candidate, Helen Morgan, as the final weekend of campaigning approaches in what is traditionally an ultra-safe Conservative seat.

Growing public outrage over a series of government scandals – most notably, the now infamous Downing Street Christmas Party – has seen Ladbrokes, Paddy Power and William Hill all slash their odds on Ms Morgan, a 46-year-old parish councillor, winning the seat off the Tories.

She is now the favourite with all four of those, while Betfred and Betway have her and blue candidate Neil Shastri-Hurst as joint favourites.

Yet the mood in the yellow camp is now one of growing confidence with leader Ed Davey briefly joined the campaign trail on Friday.

“We’re feeling very positive,” a campaign source said. “We’ve been going into the real true blue towns the last couple of days and we’ve got former Conservatives switching in their droves while Labour supporters are backing us tactically.”

I guess there's hope, not sure how Johnson could survive if the seat is lost.

...yeah, that's the kind of mindset I'm used to from shropshire north. I've seen a fair few column inches over the last few weeks from papers like the graun and the indie that look to have seized on a few people switching sides and extrapolating that in to a mass swing away from the tories. I'd desperately want it to be true too, not least of which because it's enough egg on Johnson's face to give him cholesterol poisoning, but I think it's too much to hope for.
Only one candidate here. Howling Laud HOPE (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party).

One of the OMRLP policies in their manifesto is as follows

- Puddles deeper than 3 inches will be marked by a yellow plastic duck.

This is a quality policy with forward thinking in times of climate change. Another good policy is

- Jobseekers will be made to stand two abreast in order to halve dole queues.

Also another superb idea is

- Terrorists will be made to wear Bells and Horns so we know where they are.

Whatever happened to their 1992 manifesto pledge to introduce crocodiles to the Thames ?
That's not for me or anyone else to say.
Well the person whose tweet you posted clearly thinks it is or they would not have tweeted that.

For someone who is involved with a political media outlet they seem to have a total lack of understanding of what politics, or voting, actually is. Neither politics or voting are some sort of clinical rational choice, however, much progressives might want it to be.
Of course people, whether in North Shropshire or the UK as a whole, are going to vote for the main (centre-)right party - there are their interests (and what they perceive as their interests), there's the tribal loyalty, there's cultural reasons. Nor is this some special peculiarity of the British electorate, it is the same in nearly all countries.

Politics is not a free choice in a market of ideas, it is a social interaction of competing interests.
Well the person whose tweet you posted clearly thinks it is or they would not have tweeted that.

For someone who is involved with a political media outlet they seem to have a total lack of understanding of what politics, or voting, actually is. Neither politics or voting are some sort of clinical rational choice, however, much progressives might want it to be.
Of course people, whether in North Shropshire or the UK as a whole, are going to vote for the main (centre-)right party - there are their interests (and what they perceive as their interests), there's the tribal loyalty, there's cultural reasons. Nor is this some special peculiarity of the British electorate, it is the same in nearly all countries.

Politics is not a free choice in a market of ideas, it is a social interaction of competing interests.
You've derived a great deal more meaning from what they said than i think is actually there. I think It's fairly easy to see where their sympathies lie, but telling people how to think/behave? Nah.
Lib Dems now favourite with the bookies... I imagine to win they'll have to rely on either Tory switches or Tory stay-at-homes.. Can't see the Labour vote reducing much more.
not sure what the story is with Labour, they came 2nd in 2019 but now seem to have been totally written off. If the Torys lose I think it's curtains for Boris wouldn't you agree?
not sure what the story is with Labour, they came 2nd in 2019 but now seem to have been totally written off. If the Torys lose I think it's curtain for Boris wouldn't you agree?
No, I don't.

They have an 80 seat majority, They can bullshit through it.

It may scare a lot of tory MPs, but they have another three years to go. They will be promised tax cuts the year before the GE. They will be bullshitted. It will be brushed under the carpet.

A year ago, I predicted that De Pfeifle would be out by March. He survived.

(I should add that most of my predictions are wrong and I contradict myself depending on my mood)
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