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North Shropshire by-election

No it didn't work out ideally. Would your contention be that it would have been better if some of those LibDem MPs had in fact been tories, meaning that they wouldn't even have had to make a coalition? I don't see that myself.

2010 didn't work out because there were not enough labour MPs, not because some tories were tactically supplanted by LibDems.

Most of the elections of the past 50 years haven't worked out well from my point of view. Doesn't mean that the primary aim at all times isn't TO NOT HAVE TORIES IN POWER. By whatever means necessary.
Glad to know that you think a huge program redistributing money from the poor to the rise was not ideal. That people being pushed into poverty was not ideal.

The LDs did not just permit they actively enabled the program of the coalition government. Their ideological and practical support of Cameron and Osbourne meant that austerity could be done much more rapidly and brutally than a Tory government could have. See the resignation of fucking Ian Duncan-Smith from the cabinet.

The LDs maintained their support for austerity in 2015 and 2017 and even in 2019 when they changed their message stood on a platform economically to the right of the Tory party, Nor is 2010 the only example of the abysmal politics of the LDs there are plenty of others at local level, where they have consistently attacked workers.
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