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North Shropshire by-election

they would never vote labour in a million years in that part of the world. labours performance there is immaterial - much of their vote went tactical to beat the Tories. Hartlepool was a disaster. this means nothing. when the lib dems won Amersham in June the labour vote shrank to 1.6% - their worst showing ever that couldn't be excused as tactical voting.

31% voted for the Corbyn candidate four years ago, and Labour were second in 2019, placing them specifically to be the main not-the-Tories vote. By-elections often don't mean very much, but they can be indicative of ongoing problems, and this has such indications in spades.
31% voted for the Corbyn candidate four years ago, and Labour were second in 2019, placing them specifically to be the main not-the-Tories vote. By-elections often don't mean very much, but they can be indicative of ongoing problems, and this has such indications in spades.
they wern't by -elections. What it indicates is that died in the wool, life long rural tory voters prefer voting lib dem to labour in a bielection if they are fucked off with the government. Who knew? Next election, tories will win it back and labour vote share will be back near where it was before.
life long rural tory voters prefer voting lib dem

Well done, yes it does partially reflect that. It also indicates that Labour's left vote is in trouble, and that none of Starmers's campaigning is cutting through to less committed Tory/centrist voters. More than one thing can be shown by an event.
Well done, yes it does partially reflect that. It also indicates that Labour's left vote is in trouble, and that none of Starmers's campaigning is cutting through to less committed Tory/centrist voters. More than one thing can be shown by an event.
not on the evidence of this byelection. lots of anti-tory voters voted libdem cos they believed - correctly - that that was the best way to kick out the tory. Momentum were telling its member to vote lib dem. Plenty of other electoral evidence of the shitness of kieth - but this isnt it.
With just 3 votes, Yolande Kenward has set a new record for lowest ever number of votes at a byelection.
Yolande Kenward stood as in individual. It is more remarkable when a party gets a handful of votes.

The candidate of the Communist League received seven votes in the 2017 General Election when it stood in Islington North against Jeremy Corbyn.
not on the evidence of this byelection. lots of anti-tory voters voted libdem cos they believed - correctly - that that was the best way to kick out the tory. Momentum were telling its member to vote lib dem. Plenty of other electoral evidence of the shitness of kieth - but this isnt it.
There is no evidence for your assertion that Momentum told people to vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate in the North Shropshire by-election.
He clearly doesn't know the Labour Party membership very well, who if anything hate the Lib Dems more than they hate the Tories.
He clearly doesn't know the Labour Party membership very well, who if anything hate the Lib Dems more than they hate the Tories.
I suspect say that Sir Keir Starmer would rather that there be a Liberal Democrat MP in North Shropshire than a left-wing Labour MP. Which is why he sabotaged Labour's chances by excluding the veteran candidate and imposing a right-winger.
He clearly doesn't know the Labour Party membership very well, who if anything hate the Lib Dems more than they hate the Tories.

I mean, really, this just isn’t true. Most of my family and most of my friends are Labour Party members (as am I), and every single one of them hates the tories much much much more than they hate the Lib Dems, and would obviously, because it’s fucking obvious, vote Lib Dem tactically to oust a Tory if required. I’ve done it myself.

Anybody who thinks of themselves as labour and hates the Lib Dems more than they hate the tories really ought to take a long hard look at their thought processes and motivations.
I mean, really, this just isn’t true. Most of my family and most of my friends are Labour Party members (as am I), and every single one of them hates the tories much much much more than they hate the Lib Dems, and would obviously, because it’s fucking obvious, vote Lib Dem tactically to oust a Tory if required. I’ve done it myself
Worked out great in 2010 that
Worked out great in 2010 that

No it didn't work out ideally. Would your contention be that it would have been better if some of those LibDem MPs had in fact been tories, meaning that they wouldn't even have had to make a coalition? I don't see that myself.

2010 didn't work out because there were not enough labour MPs, not because some tories were tactically supplanted by LibDems.

Most of the elections of the past 50 years haven't worked out well from my point of view. Doesn't mean that the primary aim at all times isn't TO NOT HAVE TORIES IN POWER. By whatever means necessary.
No it didn't work out ideally. Would your contention be that it would have been better if some of those LibDem MPs had in fact been tories, meaning that they wouldn't even have had to make a coalition? I don't see that myself.

2010 didn't work out because there were not enough labour MPs, not because some tories were tactically supplanted by LibDems.

Most of the elections of the past 50 years haven't worked out well from my point of view. Doesn't mean that the primary aim at all times isn't TO NOT HAVE TORIES IN POWER. By whatever means necessary.
But the only time in living memory that voting tactically for the lib dems made a difference to who was in power, they supported the tories, and they were enthusiastic participants in the coalition government to the point where it's difficult to imagine a tory majority government being any worse. So fuck that, and fuck them.
But the only time in living memory that voting tactically for the lib dems made a difference to who was in power, they supported the tories, and they were enthusiastic participants in the coalition government to the point where it's difficult to imagine a tory majority government being any worse. So fuck that, and fuck them.

Yeah, and I’m not your real dad anyway :D

Seriously though, yes, that was a bitter disapppointment. But one shouldn’t let one’s emotional reaction to that disappointment cause one to lose sight of the primary aim - defeating each and every Tory candidate in whatever way is feasible in whatever constituency one has the vote.
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Yeah, and I’m not your read dad anyway :D

Seriously though, yes, that was a bitter disapppointment. But one shouldn’t let one’s emotional reaction to that disappointment cause one to lose sight of the primary aim - defeating each and every Tory candidate in whatever way is feasible in whatever constituency one has the vote.
Austerity was unnecessary. Austerity is a neo-liberal response to the Great Recession. The Liberal Democrats were fully committed to Austerity. This is why they approved cutting the income of the poorest people in our society, those dependent upon social security benefits. They could have said “no”. Cameron was not going to refuse to go into coalition if the Lib Dems would not let him cut benefits.
It wasn't a disappointment to me, it was exactly what I expected. That's why I'll never vote lib dem tactically.
what would you do, if the last time you voted labour , like I did and they only got 3000 odd votes and the only other option to oust the cunts was the lib dems?

This is why it's all fucked.
The Lib Dems are an ineradicable faecal smear on the worn porcelain of British electoral politics.

Their victory in North Shropshire was welcome only for the point-and-laugh opportunity it afforded, and the discomfort caused to the blustercunt.

A genuinely loathsome farrago of besandalled oddballs, mediocre local government functionaries, "muscular Christians", shy Tories and self-serving liars, whose cosying up to the Tories enabled the shit politics of the last decade.

Fuck 'em.
The Lib Dems are an ineradicable faecal smear on the worn porcelain of British electoral politics.

Their victory in North Shropshire was welcome only for the point-and-laugh opportunity it afforded, and the discomfort caused to the blustercunt.

A genuinely loathsome farrago of besandalled oddballs, mediocre local government functionaries, "muscular Christians", shy Tories and self-serving liars, whose cosying up to the Tories enabled the shit politics of the last decade.

Fuck 'em.
poetic stuff :D:thumbs:
It wasn't a disappointment to me, it was exactly what I expected. That's why I'll never vote lib dem tactically.
No surprise to me either. Those of us paying attention had seen them form various coalitions with the Tories in local government, sometimes ‘rainbow coalitions‘ with the complicity of the greens too. They did that in Leeds and fucked over the refuse workers and flogged off the airport, which people piss and moan about now because they have to pay a stupid amount to the new private owners just to drop people off.

I can accept giving an incumbent tosser a bloody nose is quite satisfying just for the shit it stirs up like in this case, but don’t think I could put a cross in their box for that alone.
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