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Rochdale by-election

Hopefully, the current Member of Parliament for the constituency will be able to do more for their constituents on issues such as this than The Late Sir Tony Lloyd was able to.
Aye, that story was really grim, just horrible. :( To be honest though, I don't see Galloway doing anything more than making a noise about stories like this. He doesn't seem like the sort of MP who specialises in running with an issue over time, doing the hard graft away from the media. Mayhap he was once, I don't know.

Thank you for this busman's holiday in the urban of 2004, with a number of SWP drones calling for uncritical report for RESPECT. No doubt the likes of Silent Nate and "Levien" are on other platforms these days with some other dishonest politics.

But, from the old RUC leaflet, what's this "GALLOWAY FOR EUROPE" heading then, eh?

surely not.....MR BREXIT??

Last I knew of Levien he was part of the group that split from the SWP over the Delta case and formed a new goup/website that I can't think of the name of now.
Aye, that story was really grim, just horrible. :( To be honest though, I don't see Galloway doing anything more than making a noise about stories like this. He doesn't seem like the sort of MP who specialises in running with an issue over time, doing the hard graft away from the media. Mayhap he was once, I don't know.

danny la rouge would be able to tell you from the non-durty student perspective of Glasgow Hillhead, but from the durty student pov he was occasionally moderately useful at writing snotty letters to authority, but there was no follow-up - once he'd done the Holy Proclamation of St George that was it, no interest whatsoever. The other side of that coin was that he had a reputation for capitalising on his undoubted charisma and speaking talents with pretty first and second years who, like many students, were attracted to left wing politics and found our MP very accessible, interested, and approachable. He must have been a very diligent MP, because despite representing a relatively economically diverse constituency, he could often be found in the student bars of Byres road - I can only assume he must have been equally accessible to the people of Scotsoun and Anderston at other times...
danny la rouge would be able to tell you from the non-durty student perspective of Glasgow Hillhead, but from the durty student pov he was occasionally moderately useful at writing snotty letters to authority, but there was no follow-up - once he'd done the Holy Proclamation of St George that was it, no interest whatsoever. The other side of that coin was that he had a reputation for capitalising on his undoubted charisma and speaking talents with pretty first and second years who, like many students, were attracted to left wing politics and found our MP very accessible, interested, and approachable. He must have been a very diligent MP, because despite representing a relatively economically diverse constituency, he could often be found in the student bars of Byres road - I can only assume he must have been equally accessible to the people of Scotsoun and Anderston at other times...
"The Holy Proclamation of St. George"? Sounds more like a load of Bull to me.

Re: his undoubted charisma - Max Weber's theory of charisma held that it was not a feature of the individuals who possessed it, but was thrust upon by the masses. El Georgeo's case seems to suggest something different, that it is an actual power that some have and some don't (like Kennedy in my mum's era). I saw him speak in Birmingham years ago, and he did know how to work a crowd. If only he would use his power for good.

As for the other stuff, well, I bet the local middle-aged academics didn't care for the competition.
danny la rouge would be able to tell you from the non-durty student perspective of Glasgow Hillhead, but from the durty student pov he was occasionally moderately useful at writing snotty letters to authority, but there was no follow-up - once he'd done the Holy Proclamation of St George that was it, no interest whatsoever. The other side of that coin was that he had a reputation for capitalising on his undoubted charisma and speaking talents with pretty first and second years who, like many students, were attracted to left wing politics and found our MP very accessible, interested, and approachable. He must have been a very diligent MP, because despite representing a relatively economically diverse constituency, he could often be found in the student bars of Byres road - I can only assume he must have been equally accessible to the people of Scotsoun and Anderston at other times...
When we were there the Chinese one child policy and its impact on female infants was in the news. Mrs LR wrote to Galloway (it was just before the web, and emails for MPs weren’t available). His response was extremely perfunctory and it was clear he thought it Western propaganda. I think his Tinanemen Square denial was already known at that point.

He’s always known how to promote himself, and when to jump on bandwagons. And that’s where his efforts go.
Rochdale Town Hall re-opened yesterday, a beautiful multi-million pound restoration funded in part by the council, who like many in the north-west seem to be applying principles of Community Wealth Building / The Preston Model locally, drawing on the town's long history of co-operativism. This week in the town there's a big Festival of Ideas to try and come up with further new and interesting solutions to the town's problems.

There's a lot to criticise about Labour and their local councillors, but this genuinely seems to be a local authority investing in the commons and some sort of future infrastructure for council tax payers rather than cutting everything to the bone and selling everything off. Exactly the same council that the bombastic buffoon wants to replace with his cronies and ne'er-do-wells over time.

Oh, and Rochdale AFC- a much loved and endearingly terrible local football club with a long history of muddy success-averse mediocrity- were saved from the threat of imminent liquidation by new American owners. This happened on the day of the election but that won't stop the WPB leader trying to claim the credit for this happy outcome.

Be nice to populate the thread with good news stories from here from now on, and exile Galloway to the sadly resurrected and newly topical WPB thread. Hopefully by the time Touchstones Gallery re-opens in 2025 the fedora-wearing parasite will have been flushed away like the piece of shite he is. Thanks to Labour's shambolic incompetence and control-freakery at national leadership level, that's far from the certain outcome it should be.
Who would you prefer to gorgeous George?
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