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London Mayoral Election 2024

It was mainly OU, but TBH you sounded a little irritated or defensive too (I wasn't disparaging the people doing the count), but it might just be my interpretation.

I think it's also partly that including the verification as an extra day still doesn't really explain it, because it's been done quicker before when there have been more votes to count even when it was also counted manually. The explanation seems to be it just was done this way this time, and that's that.
I didn't mean to! I love being able to share my knowledge with people. It is rare that I know more than anyone else about anything, but I have been running polling stations for, literally, decades, so it is one area in which I am a bit of a hands-on expert!

I can't really explain the counting thing either, as that is not my expertise, but I do know that one of my poll clerks was being picked up by coach at 6am the day after polling day, to do two days of counting.

The fact that a whole day was set aside for verification is simply that there were three main ballot papers to sort and verify, and across the whole of London. So, a LOT of papers. And there were council by-elections in some areas as well, which had to be separated and verified/counted as well.

I also know that what they call "verifications" is part of the counting process. I have only done the counting twice, and neither of those were in the last few years.

I am really sorry if I came across as being irritated, though - it is kind of the opposite, so I am clearly not using my words well.
Feels reasonable to think she'll get the nod as well
I get the impression that even the Tory party didn't really rate her, so I am hoping that means she will just disappear. I am fed up of seeing her on various BBC News and current affairs programmes as if she has some relevance/significance.
I get the impression that even the Tory party didn't really rate her, so I am hoping that means she will just disappear. I am fed up of seeing her on various BBC News and current affairs programmes as if she has some relevance/significance.

As Silas Loom pointed out, the Tories put her forward as a no hoper to ensure Daniel Korski got the backing of the party. Then when he was forced to withdraw they had to stick with her.

What I find terrifying is the sheer amount of people 812k odd - a third of the vote - who still willingly voted for her. All it proves to me is that London will never be a slam dunk for Labour. Khan was lucky to have faced two very poor candidates but next time things could be very different.
As Silas Loom pointed out, the Tories put her forward as a no hoper to ensure Daniel Korski got the backing of the party. Then when he was forced to withdraw they had to stick with her.

What I find terrifying is the sheer amount of people 812k odd - a third of the vote - who still willingly voted for her. All it proves to me is that London will never be a slam dunk for Labour. Khan was lucky to have faced two very poor candidates but next time things could be very different.
Three if you count Goldsmith. Remember his hamfisted attempt to play the racism card against Khan's Pakistaniness to win the Indian vote?

Totally agree with your last point, though. The doughy bit of the doughnut will vote for any old donkey with a blue rosette. London should end at Zone 4. ;)

Also, changing from a more democratic voting system gives the Tories much more of a chance with a half-decent candidate. (Which is why they changed it, obvs - backfired on them splendidly in West Mids, though.)
Sure but Ulez was real and did affect a lot of people.

Even if not as much as the Tories or papers said.

Much easier to engage normal people
Speaking as a non-car-owning Londoner, I thought the Ulez scheme was pretty generous, all things considered. Most cars are already compliant and there were grants for people whose vehicles weren't compliant. It was actually a net spend on driving and drivers. It should be us non-drivers complaining about it. ;)
Binface just keeps on giving. After ribbing Britain First he’s said that Elphick wanted to defect to him before Labour but he said no as he’s in the business of taking out the trash not taking it in.
I think it's remarkable that he held his vote count with the loss of the preference system. Something like 90% of Binface voters in 2021 voted Khan as second choice, so I expected him to lose some support with the one round only system.
Speaking as a non-car-owning Londoner, I thought the Ulez scheme was pretty generous, all things considered. Most cars are already compliant and there were grants for people whose vehicles weren't compliant. It was actually a net spend on driving and drivers. It should be us non-drivers complaining about it. ;)

There was a clip from Susan Hall’s ungracious concession speech on Nish Kumar’s podcast last week and he rightly points out that Hall has clearly never watched The Wire:
The GLA are conducting a review of May's elections, and all the various changes introduced this round.
survey link at the bottom of the page.

now's your chance to express discontent at having FPTP foisted onto the mayoral contest, requiring ID, or any other complaints.
not wishing the GLA's power to change that, but at least gives evidence for them to take to government to make the case.
The GLA's estimated cost for the 2024 elections is £26.8m; the final cost of the 2021 elections was £36m and of the 2016 elections £16m"
The estimated cost of the elections was reduced from £36m to £27m 😱
Down to COVID?
The GLA's estimated cost for the 2024 elections is £26.8m; the final cost of the 2021 elections was £36m and of the 2016 elections £16m"
The estimated cost of the elections was reduced from £36m to £27m 😱
Down to COVID?

article said something about going to manual counting for 2024. presume the counting is easier to do when it's FPTP rather than the first / second choice thing it used to be. Not sure that would account for that much though.

Maybe some places weren't available for use as polling stations in 2021 because covid, so more expensive places had to be hired?
cost of face masks, hand sanitiser, and extra deep cleaning at polling stations and the count? and I'd guess a stamps for a much higher proportion of postal votes.

wonder if there was already much spent on the original 2020 election date that was wasted & couldn't be recovered. so double spent for the 2021 election.
It might also be because fewer people are now registered or able to vote after some voter suppression shit. Wasn’t turnout down quite a bit?
Yes because shammer's shit as is sunak. Voter suppression by utterly repulsive parties not by actual voter suppression to the extent you suggest
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