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North Shropshire by-election

A reminder to Labour that by trying to appeal to everybody you appeal to nobody. But I think this lot are incapable of learning the lesson. A bunch of careerists led by a careerist cop but they aren't even any good at their chosen career.

Lib Dem candidates are quite good at appealing to locals based on the good old fashioned appeals to prevent building houses, trains or anything at all. Along with a decent case work game.

Compare and contrast to Jez Phillips or Chukka
How expensive are Sunak’s tastes in wallpaper likely to be?
Very but he made a point of saying that (unlike Boris) he paid for the decorations to the No 10 flat out of his own pocket.
A fair observation:

It's not accurate though the LibDem majority is about 6,000, the Labour vote went down by almost 9,000 (70%) If all those votes were added to the LibDem ones from 2019 they would have 14,000 which is still more than the 12,000 the Tories got.
The Tory vote utterly collapsed though it dropped by about 23,000 (roughly the size of Patterson's majority) but percentage wise slightly less than the drop in Labour support.
Looking at the numbers the obvious conclusion is that a lot of Labour voters voted tactically and some didn't bother and that some Tories voted LibDem and a LOT didn't bother.
I suspect that Ed Davies is hitting the champers this morning, Sir Kier the Unready is shrugging it off as people voting tactically though this isn't a great result for him and BoZo is putting a brave face on it but keeping his eye out anyone for wearing a toga and carrying a knife. I don't think it will unseat him though the cunt has more lives than a cat.
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Just been on Conservative Home. More swivelling eyes and frothing than a frog that had eaten a dishwasher tablet in error.

One chap thought it was the RNLI that cost ‘Borris’ the seat…
Out of morbid curiosity I had a look at the #backboris tag on Twitter. It seems the bots are offline to be reprogrammed for whoever the creepy billionaires who fund them want next, but still a few inhabitants of la la land flying the flag.


The language (‘warrior’, ‘patriot’) suggest this one is programmed by a septic.
I just can't watch the news coverage of this, it's just far too cringe-worthy. The LibDem lot just did some press thing of them actually using a pin and bursting a blue balloon with 'Boris's Bubble' written on it.

Just looking through the lost of candidates again, what a parade of loons. This short bio is quite good...

Russell Dean, The Party Party
The Party Party founder and consultant for a yacht broker grew up in Shropshire and now lives in Monaco.
He said he is standing on a platform of anti corruption.

Yacht broker... Lives in Monaco... Anti-corruption. :D
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Count Binface where were you when your country truly needed you? In the Before Times, there used to be a monthly quiz in our local pub and one of the questions in one was 'Who is the Leader of the Liberal Democrats?' and I was the only one who knew it was Vince Cable. My team won £20 that night (plus some cheap vino the landlord was trying to unload) so it is unfair to say that no-one has benefitted from the LibDems.
Maybe the lib dems party here are fulfilling their function of being neither Labour nor Tories. Also btw does anyone know who Ed Davies is?
It's nice to be able to eat my hat with a genuine smile on my face today.

I'm not sure why people think this is terrible for labour TBH; shropshire north isn't somewhere that was ever going to flip red and labour voters in this neck of the woods have known this for a long time. There will be a lot of labour here who've held their nose and voted LD because it was the best way of giving the tories a well-deserved kicking, although even that wouldn't have generated a swing a quarter of the size of this. A bigger factor will be pissed-off tories and likely a lot of "meh" tory voters not voting at all (although a 46% turnout was more than I expected given the rapid onset of omicron, etc).

I wouldn't expect the LDs to hold this seat unless Boris and his cronies continue to show themselves to be spectacularly corrupt and useless without managing to implode themselves completely which will be quite the balancing act.
Nice to see some good news for a change. I had expected them to hold the seat with a reduced majority despite all the coverage, given it was the 4th safest in the country. Now we just need to get the entire country to behave in the same way at the next election. Though hopefully voting Green or Labour and not LD lol.
tbh - this doesnt really mean that much in terms of labour's performance. Its one of the most tory constituencies in the country and it will return to that at the next GE.
Its was tory voters wanting to signal their anger at johnsons for his ineptitude/corruption/partying/utter wankerness - and the lib dems are always going to be the recipients of tory discontent in that situation.
By extension im not sure it means that much in terms of a lib dem revival. they are still only polling around 10% nationally. next GE tactical voting will benefit them in fairly limited selection of seats - but the stench of their coalition years still lingers.
Maybe the lib dems party here are fulfilling their function of being neither Labour nor Tories. Also btw does anyone know who Ed Davies is?
Yep. Came in my brother's office during the election where they had their bloodbath. Bro took great pleasure informing him he was going to get a kicking, which he seemed blissfully unaware was coming
Whereas Corbyn had broad appeal to cynical non-voters and younger people in seats that would historically be seen as unwinnable for Labour (his 2017 performance was exceptionally strong in places Labour rarely does well like the Shires and South West), typical Labour leaders are never going to have that kind of appeal, even Blairite types. So it's important that the Lib Dems do well in those places, especially with Scotland now providing so few seats to Labour. The more Con > LD switches there are, the easier it is for Labour to win without having to attempt to appeal to those kinds of voters.
Not according to the world's expert on how to stop fascism through progressive alliances

You'd think, given that he barfs this stuff out for a living, that Mason would grasp the age old difference in voting in a by-election and a General Election. You'd also think he's know where the calculator is on his iphone.

As for the progressive majority dribble we've dealt with that on the thread dedicated to Mason. But, as has been said on this thread already, by Red Squirrel iirc, the general political degeneration and disorientation caused by Brexit has been spectacular. Mason being an increasingly hilarious example of the tendency.
I'm not sure why people think this is terrible for labour

Because the Lib Dems went from a distant third place to pick up the "anyone but" vote, suggesting that even though Labour's shunted heavily rightwards they're not breaking through on their key play of saying they're more responsible than Boris. It'd be less of a worry for them if they were still pretending to being socialist, but Keith's whole strategy is to pitch as non-scary, reliable and Toryish-acceptable which clearly, no-one bought.
Because the Lib Dems went from a distant third place to pick up the "anyone but" vote, suggesting that even though Labour's shunted heavily rightwards they're not breaking through on their key play of saying they're more responsible than Boris. It'd be less of a worry for them if they were still pretending to being socialist, but Keith's whole strategy is to pitch as non-scary, reliable and Toryish-acceptable which clearly, no-one bought.
they would never vote labour in a million years in that part of the world. labours performance there is immaterial - much of their vote went tactical to beat the Tories. Hartlepool was a disaster. this means nothing. when the lib dems won Amersham in June the labour vote shrank to 1.6% - their worst showing ever that couldn't be excused as tactical voting.
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