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Nicola Bulley Missing


Pisces Moon
Police suggesting that there's no evidence that a third party was involved. On the other hand there's no suggestion of any mental health issues. Probably not fair to speculate out of respect to the family without further evidence. I just hope she shows up safe and sound. These incidents seem far too common these days 😟
I think I read that the dog was dry when it was found which I suppose might indicate that she hasn't got into trouble trying to rescue her dog from the river.

Her poor family, I do hope she's found soon
Police suggesting that there's no evidence that a third party was involved. On the other hand there's no suggestion of any mental health issues. Probably not fair to speculate out of respect to the family without further evidence. I just hope she shows up safe and sound. These incidents seem far too common these days 😟
you know we'll end up speculating anyway
Its so strange. The phone on the bench with a still-connected teams call, the as yet un-located dog walker in the red coat/white dog. Her agitated yet still dry dog. No sign of foul play (that's been revealed anyway).

The next most plausible theory is she fell into the river and was swept downstream. But how? I feel so sorry for her poor family. It was heartbreaking listening to her Dad on TV talk about how close they all are as a family and how devestated they are by this.
Its so strange. The phone on the bench with a still-connected teams call, the as yet un-located dog walker in the red coat/white dog. Her agitated yet still dry dog. No sign of foul play (that's been revealed anyway).

The next most plausible theory is she fell into the river and was swept downstream. But how? I feel so sorry for her poor family. It was heartbreaking listening to her Dad on TV talk about how close they all are as a family and how devestated they are by this.
There was so much flow on the river when I saw interviews. It looked fully in flood. They had searched the river hadn't they? It can take a couple of weeks for a body to surface should someone drown. Had so much experience of this happening as a boater, many, many missing person incidents that I can think of that ended in this way. Mostly accidental, someone slips and they are gone. A friend discovered one of the victims, a raver who had gone missing on the way back from a squat party and obviously fell in the river. Recently round here (W Yorks) a man was spotted half naked on a bridge one night by a witness who turned and then he was gone from her view. Two weeks later his body was found in a canal section, a couple of miles downstream.
They located the red coat dog walker. Nothing suspicious.

It's dreadfully sad for her partner parents and children.

The fact that the police are saying they don't suspect a crime was committed means they suspect she had an accident. 🥺
There was so much flow on the river when I saw interviews. It looked fully in flood. They had searched the river hadn't they? It can take a couple of weeks for a body to surface should someone drown. Had so much experience of this happening as a boater, many, many missing person incidents that I can think of that ended in this way. Mostly accidental, someone slips and they are gone. A friend discovered one of the victims, a raver who had gone missing on the way back from a squat party and obviously fell in the river. Recently round here (W Yorks) a man was spotted half naked on a bridge one night by a witness who turned and then he was gone from her view. Two weeks later his body was found in a canal section, a couple of miles downstream.

I know I did think that river looked like a mission to find anyone in. Notwithstanding it's depth and the cold, it looked murky and fast flowing.
I know I did think that river looked like a mission to find anyone in. Notwithstanding it's depth and the cold, it looked murky and fast flowing.
it can take a long time to find someone or for the body to float back up and be discovered, if they have fallen in, we had the search helicopter and search parties on the ground looking for the missing man for several days, but he surfaced somewhere else entirely. If she did fall in, I hope it doesn't take as long as this.
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Suicide, accident, faked own death, abduction/murder in that order imo. Obviosuly the police could have evidence pointing to the first or third of those after some brief enquiries, but wouldn't say so publicly at this stage. The last one would be extremely difficult to acheive at that time/location without being seen, which could be why that aren't looking for anyone else.
Did anyone pick up the parents and sister not mentioning the husband at all during the police press conference. Is that odd or not? I'm not sure.

I keep swaying between the river and the bench. The white turnstile is directly behind it and you could get to the bench unnoticed if she was concentrating on her phone. Its just horrible, a horrible horrible situation for all concerned.
I didn't realise the red coat dog walker had now been located. Apparently she was confused why they issued an appeal to find her because she claimed she already spoke to police. But the police "can't verify" the account :confused:

What does that mean - they can't remember she spoke to them? They can't prove it's true?

Police ‘can’t verify’ second witness’s account​

Lancashire Police have this morning told The Independent that they cannot verify the account of the second possible witness in the case of missing dog walker Nicola Bulley.
Christine Bowman, who was caught on CCTV walking her dog around the time that Ms Bulley went missing last Friday, told the Daily Mirror that she “didn’t see” the mum-of-two.
This was after Lancashire Constabulary issued an appeal to trace a woman wearing a red coat and walking a dog near the River Wyre where the 45-year-old woman disappeared last week.
Ms Bowman told the Mirror that she “doesn’t know anything” and she couldn’t understand why police were appealing to find her when she already spoke to them to tell them this right after Ms Bulley went missing.

It doesn't say much about the competency of the police if they lost the original account.
There are probably more accidents than murders. At least I hope so, and I'm pretty pessimistic as a rule.
I didn't realise the red coat dog walker had now been located. Apparently she was confused why they issued an appeal to find her because she claimed she already spoke to police. But the police "can't verify" the account :confused:

What does that mean - they can't remember she spoke to them? They can't prove it's true?

I expect it means that they're being very selective in what information they make public. If she'd had an accident or committed suicide you'd expect the body to have been found in 7 days. If they suspect foul play they're probably unlikely to publicise that during the investigation, particularly if they have a suspect.

Interview with Nicola's partner..

I may watch too many private eye / detective films / scandi series.
So I won't say what I think of this interview.

I know what you mean and I think I agree with you.

Interview with Nicola's partner..

I may watch too many private eye / detective films / scandi series.
So I won't say what I think of this interview.
go on
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