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New age cosmic hippies and the far right

Your options, muppet edition.

Spiritual types are magical thinkers. The more you believe that you can control your own destiny through positive thinking, the more nonsense you take on board about illness being a symptom of spiritual malaise, the more you fall victim to solipsism. And selfishness, extreme selfishness, and callousness are a logical consequence of this kind of solipsism.
Reiki-prehensible behaviour.
Funny how a lot of these new age cosmic types espouse extreme right wing ideas under the guise of peace and love innit? There's loads of 'em all over the Occupy Facebook pages.

There's one called "Quintessence Healer",who says they are "Here to help the earth as a Light Worker, which i like to call Gaia Consiousness.", yet has this to say about immigrants "What rights do you serve when you dont even Belong here, You only care about your own Countries.... Your all Scum. And you know what your doing.... Your here to try and Push the U.K Population Out of Work......".

It's often these types pushing the anti-Jewish stuff too.

Michel Houellebecq's Atomised entertainingly sheds light on the connection between hippy/New Age and Neitzschean/proto fascist thinking, including the idea that Charlie Manson was the ultimate hippy.
But if opposition to to Israel's policies = anti jewish then yeah. Right wing Israelis like to mold those sentiments with being anti-Semitic.
Is there more than one definition of Zionism?
Well like most political definitions there is considerable room within it for very different outlooks.
For instance IIRC Chomsky has described himself as a zionist but it's not that difficult to find somebody who'd refer to him as a self-hating jew.
Not the same is it, it also depends what is meant by Zionism.
It doesn't mean being Jewish, does it? I think people need to stop spending hours on their Guy Fawkes graphics, do a bit of reading and *think* what they are accusing people of.
Some freaky stuff there: David Icke, UFO 'Disclosure' movement ...


Yeah. But not so puzzling really, all it takes is for whoever controls the page to be into that kind of thing, and the minority of people who visit the page and post similar stuff will be given prominence, whilst dissenting voices get censored.
Lots of people on the left get accused of anti-semitism when they are nothing of the sort. Is it so hard to imagine that many "truthers" might suffer from the same thing?

With regard to the question, can't say I have come across much of that type of person mentioned in the OP, but I don't doubt they exist. There is a whole world of weirdness out there.

I would not object to being called "left wing" or "new age".

There are plenty of reasons to be anti establishment at the moment and plenty of arse-about-face narratives out there competing with more sensible ones. I consider it something of a failure of the left if they consider the arse-about-face ones are winning so many people over. A lot of the "Youtube" generation of knee jerk conspiracists are basically won over by US stuff of the Alex Jones type (although there is an amusing row between him and the maker of Zeitgeist up there somewhere) Where is the left equivalent of this stuff? (I know there is some, but have we really mastered it enough? seems not)

Zeitgeist itself is very overrated, not without it's good points but to try and build a "movement" out of it? Proper daft. One conspiracist, a hippy (not a right winger) called Freeman Fly (not Freeman of the land connected, just a funny pothead who goes on about some very far out stuff as well as being into permaculture basically rather a Kropotkinite without saying as much) pointed out that the Venus Project (a zeitgeist "solution") has curiously few humans in it....

Anyhows, the most bugging thing about the kneejerk conspiracists tends to be their SHEER FUCKING ARROGANCE. A few Youtube movies and they think they have the secret to the entire history of humanity , the of us being just fucktard dupes. I have spent years watching those movies, some have merit, some don't, some I don't know. But I am always happy to have my opinions swung.

Politically, too many of these people are vague and drifting - I wouldn't call them right wing per se, but it can be a recipie for conservatism.
called Freeman Fly (not Freeman of the land connected, just a funny pothead who goes on about some very far out stuff as well as being into permaculture basically rather a Kropotkinite without saying as much).

If it barks like a dog, walks like a dog, it's not a duck no matter how much you wish Tabitha.
The most intriguing aspect of the common ground between New Age and fascism really isn't in the attitude New Agers take towards the Jews and Israel.
I wonder if the strike which is going to be massive will 'wake up' some of these people who are moving into rather unpleasant political territory, the sheer scale is going to put genuine working class issues back on the agenda and in many cities the O/movement will be providing various support..

There are a few at the various Occupies who seem to be going this path, I don't think they are anti-semites, etc but the logic of their emerging(and it does seem to be the start of their political journey, many never having been involved in politics before) belief system could mean they end up on that path...
'Anyhows, the most bugging thing about the kneejerk conspiracists tends to be their SHEER FUCKING ARROGANCE. A few Youtube movies and they think they have the secret to the entire history of humanity , the of us being just fucktard dupes. I have spent years watching those movies, some have merit, some don't, some I don't know. But I am always happy to have my opinions swung.'

You could be describing the Sects and the text dwellers, at least in the past, dwindling numbers are I think leading to some humility..
Well, don't be a tease.

Not sure if LLETSA agrees, but for me the connections worth thinking about would be all the mysticism and the belief in Great Leaders, the divide between the "enlightened" and the mass, etc.

New age movements and fascism have all that in spades, and often appeal to similar people. (Which is not to say they are the same thing.)
Not sure if LLETSA agrees, but for me the connections worth thinking about would be all the mysticism and the belief in Great Leaders, the divide between the "enlightened" and the mass, etc.

New age movements and fascism have all that in spades, and often appeal to similar people. (Which is not to say they are the same thing.)

I do agree. All that and the elevation of 'feeling,' instinct and 'awareness' above rational thought, and the emphasis on immediate gratification of all desire. That isn't to say that hippies and fascists are identical, nor that your average New Age type wouldn't be repelled by your average racist/fascist buffoon, but Houellebecq's idea of Manson as the inevitable outcome of following the hippy ideal to its logical conclusion is worth thinking about.
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