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Collective - new left wing party?

This thread is a near perfect example of Urban’s decline. No serious analysis, no suggestion of alternative strategies, the shallowest of critiques from ageing, bitter, burnt out, despairing “resting” “socialists” & “anarchists”, punctuated by the bad faith interventions of Blairite scum who are now an indulged part of the Urban furniture.
Pale, male, stale and old.

Meanwhile, a good part of what today passes for the “left” in UK & particularly the US have become dictator apologists of the most craven and blatant form, whilst others are only woken from their retirement slumbers when there is a suggestion that one of the objects of their recent personality-cult monomania might be coming to save them.

All this whilst the planet burns, the working class in even the “rich West” struggle for survival in largely ununionised penury, and the Fash plan their future coups & camps quite openly.

Just have a word with yourselves. 🙄
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This thread is a near perfect example of Urban’s decline. No serious analysis, no suggestion of alternative strategies, the shallowest of critiques from ageing, bitter, burnt out, despairing “resting” “socialists” & “anarchists”, punctuated by the bad faith interventions of Blairite scum who are now an indulged part of the Urban furniture.
Pale, male and old.

Meanwhile, a good part of what today passes for the “left” in UK & particularly the US have become dictator apologists of the most craven and blatant form, whilst others are only woken from their retirement slumbers when there is a suggestion that one of the objects of their recent personality-cult monomania might be coming to save them.

All this whilst the planet burns, the working class in even the “rich West” struggle for survival in largely ununionised penury, the Fash plan their future coups & camps quite openly.

Just have a word with yourselves. 🙄
Elsewhere, this is the level of nonsense politics some former “Corbynites” have descended to, on a level with the apolitical folk you might encounter in local community campaigns who would see the first move any campaign should take would be to “write to the Queen” about whatever local environmental, planning or housing issue you were engaged in. 😢
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