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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

On the sentences in general, what are people's thoughts and how they compare to left protests?

To me the ones I have seen still look rather short comparatively, but it could be we are still just seeing simple cases with a guilty plea.

Comparative to what? You have to compare like with like.

When this all first kicked off, people here were saying that they’d be treated more leniently than lefties who riot, but that simply hasn’t been the case.

These arseholes have been hammered so marvellously by the police, the CPS, and the courts, my worry is that sentences will be reduced on appeal.
Ah, the 'won't someone think of the poor capitalism' argument.

Never mind the victims of crime, mustn't cause his business to fold as a result of him feeling the consequences of his actions, mustn't hurt capitalism.

Think that's a stretch tbh. I don't think capitalism per se gives a toss about a tiny business and it's not actually going to get him off the hook. This is just his lawyer grasping at whatever they can.
Think that's a stretch tbh. I don't think capitalism per se gives a toss about a tiny business and it's not actually going to get him off the hook. This is just his lawyer grasping at whatever they can.

The petty bourgeois are still capitalists, and capitalism is a system, so doesn't have emotions
Over in Sheffield Crown Court, Thomas Birley now sits in the dock, dressed in a black and grey zipped sweatshirt.

He’s hearing how he was part of large-scale disorder, with the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham being badly damaged by rocks being thrown and fires being started.

CCTV has been played to the court, showing the defendant, identified wearing a black hooded coat and red mask, placing wood on top of a fire.

This fire had been started when a bin was set alight, in front of an external fire door of the hotel.

He pulls down his mask to shout abuse at police.

Fucking genius! :D
Comparative to what? You have to compare like with like.

When this all first kicked off, people here were saying that they’d be treated more leniently than lefties who riot, but that simply hasn’t been the case.

These arseholes have been hammered so marvellously by the police, the CPS, and the courts, my worry is that sentences will be reduced on appeal.
One of the issues is that the left does not generally engage in the same kind if disorder.

There was the 5 years for just stop oil, there is this list which looks like there are longer sentences for similar sounding things. But not totally clear.

He’s going down for a long time.

The maximum penalty for arson with intent to endanger life is life imprisonmen

Indeed, I like the warning from the judge -

Thomas Birley, sat in the dock, is about to hear his sentence, for taking part in violence outside a hotel in Rotherham last month. He has already admitted arson with intent to endanger life, the first count on the charge sheet.

“You must listen with great care to what I am about to say,” Judge Richardson says.

“The maximum sentence for the first count is life imprisonment.”

That was on the BBC live page at 12.11, and this at 12.36 -

Birley has highly relevant previous convictions, including criminal damage, attacking emergency workers, and racially aggravated harassment, the court hears.

The 27-year-old, of Swinton, had previously been sentenced for some of those offences, the court is told.

A pre-sentence report had views which “raised alarm” with a probation officer, the judge says.

There were hints of a “white supremacist mindset”, Judge Richardson adds.

He must be shitting himself, waiting for the final sentence.

ETA - 9 years plus a 5 year extension on licence.

Birley has been jailed for 9 years for taking part in a riot in Rotherham on 4 August – the highest prison sentence handed out by judges following widespread violence and rioting.

He was part of a group which helped smash windows at the Holiday Inn Express in Manvers and added wood to a fire against the building, which housed asylum seekers.

Birley, 27, of Swinton, Rotherham, previously pleaded guilty to a charge of arson with intent to endanger life, violent disorder, and possessing an offensive weapon.

At Sheffield Crown Court, the Recorder of Sheffield Judge Jeremy Richardson KC said:

“You are unquestionably a dangerous offender.”

His sentence is one of 9 years, with a 5 year extension on licence.
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One of the issues is that the left does not generally engage in the same kind if disorder.

There was the 5 years for just stop oil, there is this list which looks like there are longer sentences for similar sounding things. But not totally clear.

I think we’ve generally accepted that the judge who gave the JSO clowns 5 years was probably having a bad day.

The rest of those in that article seem more or less commensurate with the arseholes who are going down for this. The ones who got longer sentences seem to have pleaded not guilty and went to jury trials. You get longer for that.
Indeed, I like the warning from the judge -

That was on the BBC live page at 12.11, and this at 12.36 -

He must be shitting himself, waiting for the final sentence.

ETA - 9 years plus a 5 year extension on licence.
Reckon he sees himself in the position of martyr so maybe not as comcerned as you might imagine. Let's hope he doesn't inflict prison scrawlings on an unsuspecting world
I think we’ve generally accepted that the judge who gave the JSO clowns 5 years was probably having a bad day.

The rest of those in that article seem more or less commensurate with the arseholes who are going down for this. The ones who got longer sentences seem to have pleaded not guilty and went to jury trials. You get longer for that.
You can say that the JSO oil is down to the judge having a bad day, but that is one of the few examples we have and since the point is that sentences for something "left" are more severe you can't just dismiss it because it was too severe.

I broadly agree on the kill the bill ones, some plead not guilty and one who plead guilty looked to have an element of arson as well which would have pushed his sentence up. Overall they look a bit higher to me, but as you cannot compare like with like it is hard to be sure.
I think we’ve generally accepted that the judge who gave the JSO clowns 5 years was probably having a bad day....
Who is this 'we' you speak of? It does not include me. Though there will never be any concrete evidence I strongly suspect that despite a judge's supposed impartiality the length of the sentencing handed down was anything but impartial and may very well have been influenced by other interested parties.
You can say that the JSO oil is down to the judge having a bad day, but that is one of the few examples we have and since the point is that sentences for something "left" are more severe you can't just dismiss it because it was too severe.

I broadly agree on the kill the bill ones, some plead not guilty and one who plead guilty looked to have an element of arson as well which would have pushed his sentence up. Overall they look a bit higher to me, but as you cannot compare like with like it is hard to be sure.

Yes the JSO sentences were long, but as the Judge said all had previous convictions, and all were on bail for other charges when they committed the offence, the courts tend to take a very dim view of that.

They do seem to be moving onto the more serious cases from the riots now, and I don't think there's been any that are pleading not guilty appear for a jury trail yet, so we can expect longer sentences in coming.
You can say that the JSO oil is down to the judge having a bad day, but that is one of the few examples we have and since the point is that sentences for something "left" are more severe you can't just dismiss it because it was too severe.

I broadly agree on the kill the bill ones, some plead not guilty and one who plead guilty looked to have an element of arson as well which would have pushed his sentence up. Overall they look a bit higher to me, but as you cannot compare like with like it is hard to be sure.

I half agree with your first paragraph but as Cupid says, they were on bail (or suspended sentences?) for other stuff too, which aggravated things quite severely. Five years is still harsh for non-violent protest though, but hey-ho!

I like to think that the judges dog shat on the kitchen floor that morning, he stepped in it barefoot and decided to take it out on the bellends in the dock that day.

I’m delighted with 9 years for the arsonist, mask removing tit though. I reckon the other inmates are already calling him Einstein.
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I half agree with your first paragraph but as Cupid says, they were on bail (or suspended sentences?) for other stuff too, which aggravated things quite severely. Five years is still harsh for non-violent protest though, but hey-ho!

I like to think that the judges dog shat on the kitchen floor that morning, he stepped in it barefoot and decided to take it out on the bellends in the dock that day.

I’m delighted with 9 years for the arsonist, mask removing tit though. I reckon the other inmates are already calling him Einstein.
More like zorro, who was that masked man :D
I half agree with your first paragraph but as Cupid says, they were on bail (or suspended sentences?) for other stuff too, which aggravated things quite severely. Five years is still harsh for non-violent protest though, but hey-ho!

I like to think that the judges dog shat on the kitchen floor that morning, he stepped in it barefoot and decided to take it out on the bellends in the dock that day.

I’m delighted with 9 years for the arsonist, mask removing tit though. I reckon the other inmates are already calling him Einstein.
They weren't on suspended sentences
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