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Farage is right about NATO. Sorry

Staff officer material right there!

More ambition that that my friend - a true Commander of Armies only uses maps as something to wave a hand over.

Get a small enough scale map and a good hand can encompass a front from Marseille to Copenhagen, and sweep it to the Caspian Sea without any consideration for terrain, logistics or any enemy action.

Confidence and decisiveness. It's all you need...
See he hasn't got proper close protection yet, or maybe he has and isn't listening to them. Just a couple of roided up blokes who did a three day "CP Combat Course" from some bloke off the internet who himself did three months in the TA in the 90s and now works part time as a parking enforcement officer* in Essex...

(* Sorry likesfish , not all wardens...)
That actually will be Likefish
Are you not coming up with a ridiculous abuse analogy then?

I went with a more historical one as a matter of fact. But I can go a step further if you'd like, and highlight the basic absurdity of blaming Group C (NATO) for the actions Group A (Russia) have taken against Group B (Ukraine). Is that sufficiently stripped of emotive baggage for you to drop the red herring?
I went with a more historical one as a matter of fact. But I can go a step further if you'd like, and highlight the basic absurdity of blaming Group C (NATO) for the actions Group A (Russia) have taken against Group B (Ukraine). Is that sufficiently stripped of emotive baggage for you to drop the red herring?
The red herring belongs to Serge Forward
Does Putin also have a Farage pee pee video? :hmm:
I glimpsed a snatch of it on that dark web - f****ing appalling. Like a Cronenberg nightmare.

Trump was naked save for a deer mask and was squatting down in an oligarch-sized shower with golden power shower unit.
Farage climbed in wearing jodhpurs & holding a pint of Abbot Ale in a tankard if you please, and proceeded to piss all over the Orangeman.

I'm told there are more shocking scenes involving a Henry the Hoover and a glass-topped coffee table but the jodhpur piss scene was all that I could stomach
I glimpsed a snatch of it on that dark web - f****ing appalling. Like a Cronenberg nightmare.

Trump was naked save for a deer mask and was squatting down in an oligarch-sized shower with golden power shower unit.
Farage climbed in wearing jodhpurs & holding a pint of Abbot Ale in a tankard if you please, and proceeded to piss all over the Orangeman.

I'm told there are more shocking scenes involving a Henry the Hoover and a glass-topped coffee table but the jodhpur piss scene was all that I could stomach
Pls pass the mind bleach
I think he's got a different rosette on - black and white, rather than pale blue. Some local indy/loon?

How far is Salisbury from Glastonbury?

Yes, I didn't notice tbh, small screen, sunny day, old eyes.

King Arthur Pendragon is standing as an independent candidate in Salisbury. (source)

Presume this was some multi-party hustings thing.

It was a hustings. Pendragon is an Independent. Also present (not in shot) were Barney Norris (Green), Julian Malins (Reform), Chris Harwood (Climate Party), John Glen (Conservative), Matt Aldridge (Labour) and Victoria Charleston (Liberal Democrats).

ETA: Apologies Puddy_Tat , I didn't see your earlier reply.

Yep, got it now :)

And I evidently owe King Arthur Pendragon an apology for blithely and inaccurately associating him with RefUK, he doesn't read urban but so it's on the record: sorry, I'm actually relieved to realise I was just chatting shit. I sometimes do, You know.

“I don’t actually need (a manifesto) as an independent,” he said.

Right you are too, King.
See he hasn't got proper close protection yet, or maybe he has and isn't listening to them. Just a couple of roided up blokes who did a three day "CP Combat Course" from some bloke off the internet who himself did three months in the TA in the 90s and now works part time as a parking enforcement officer* in Essex...

(* Sorry likesfish , not all wardens...)
We had to get rid of a ceo who thought wearing a pump up muscle suit to intimidate people was a good idea🙄. I thought he was joking senior had to think how to explain this wasn’t allowed because nobody had thought of this.
SIA private security firms are much more walty you can’t really look like a paramilitary operator on a bicycle while wearing a high viz
The beardy next to him appears to be that motorbike cod-druid "king arthur pendragon" who does the solstice shtick .. sadly unsurprised to see him supporting Refuck :facepalm:
He's like the Brit Jacob Chansley. What is it with eccentric weirdos and shit politics?
That actually will be Likefish
that's harsh and unfair even I don't take civillian close protection courses officers seriously ran into a "team" looking after their principal outside stanmer house the main threat being me on a bicyce a dog walker and the Nordic walking exercise group :D. They seemed to be enjoying themselves though.
Farage just thinks the UK is sovereign nation and should be free from the yoke of the EU and able to forge it's own swashbuckling way in the world without being told what to do by anyone.

But Ukraine? They aren't a real proper sovereign nation because they can only make their decisions and do their own thing if it doesn't make Russia feel bad

Ten years ago, I worked in a market intelligence vendor which had a deeply crappy suite of defence reports, Janes at half the price and a tenth of the accuracy. Not part of my division, but I was the most senior person available when an oddster from the Russian embassy turned up, wanting to buy that year’s output of reports while insisting on paying in cash from a suitcase. For hard copies. I fobbed him off, but apparently someone else had fewer scruples and let the deal go through.

Point of the anecdote: use of cash for overseas operational needs seems to be their custom even outside of covert contexts, and when it’s really weird and unusual to do so.
Probably retyped it to make it look like their own work . One former kgb spy said they did that with leaflets from Farnborough.
But of everyone slagging him off. Beneficial? Get his core vote riled up? I’m not certain what his game is here.

Well he's got the far-right tory plus the actual fash votes all sewn up, a fair showing of apolitical conspiraloons in his corner, maybe he's after reaching for some red-brown alienated-from-labour lefties who might hate him but hate galloway even more.

So you think he was shoring up his voter base with these statements?

And right on cue, a Morning Star front page :D :facepalm:

Welcome comrade Farage, to the anti-imperialism camp (not the anti-Russian-imperialism camp obvs but I guess everyone has to start somewhere...)
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