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Farage is right about NATO. Sorry

I am unsure. Farage denies it, and says he just received a couple of appearance fees for Russia Today. But even that is a bit dodgy, frankly.

So not "widely said", after all
Blair, Cameron and co's fondness for a bit of oligarch feltching
Talking of which just saw this old article from the Times posted:
Screenshot Capture - 2024-06-23 - 15-37-49.png

"Jeremy Corbyn was accused by his own MPs of politicising the poisoning of Sergei Skripal after he used his response to Theresa May’s Commons statement to criticise the Conservative Party’s Russian donors.
The Labour leader faced shouts of “shame” and “disgrace” when he mentioned Tory donations. “We’re all familiar with the way huge fortunes, often acquired in the most dubious circumstances in Russia, sometimes connected with criminal elements, have ended up sheltering in London and trying to buy political influence in British party politics,” he said.

“Meddling in elections, as the prime minister put it, and there has been over £800,000 worth of donations to the Conservative Party from Russian oligarchs and their associates.”"

....followed by lots of denouncements from Labour MPs
I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.
Oh do fuck off.
But of everyone slagging him off. Beneficial? Get his core vote riled up? I’m not certain what his game is here.
Maybe he’ll get a little boost on social media from lots of accounts with user names ending in a string of numbers. And perhaps some mystery cash funnelled through the DUP again.
This is they key thing....what has been the Wests response to the collapse of the Soviet Union up to now? My summary understanding is:

-US agrees to a mutual disarmament programme with Gorbachev....instead US increases its armament programme
-US leads the way for Russia to sell its state assets and create an oligarch class, so the West can have "people we can deal with".
-conscious attempt to integrate Russia into the US-led globalised capitalist system, keep the people up top sweet and well paid, but with the view that Russia will now be a periphery weak state and market.
-the West increasingly spreads its tentacles into the former eastern european ex-soviet states
-Putin increasingly gets ideas above his station on Russia's borders, but as its in non-strategic areas its not a problem...the "feltching" from the West goes on with barely a bat of an eye.

But now with Ukraine everything changes as its a contested space on the chess board

Oh fuck off with the ex-soviet states. you mean occcupied colonies :mad: Poland and the Baltic states were invaded by Stalin as part of his deal with the Nazis and they didn't fuck off until the 90s! France left NATO in a strop Hungary and Czechoslovakia were invaded by force when they objected Albania was in the middle of nowhere and Yugoslavia and Romania were prepared to fight !and weren't worth the hassle
But of everyone slagging him off. Beneficial? Get his core vote riled up? I’m not certain what his game is here.

the main part slagging him off his perfect for his aim at being the one True patriot politician who won't be silenced

jesus has slagging trump off worked against the prick in the last 12 years
Maybe he’ll get a little boost on social media from lots of accounts with user names ending in a string of numbers. And perhaps some mystery cash funnelled through the DUP again.
So that would be enough given the voters he might alienate?
Oh fuck off with the ex-soviet states. you mean occcupied colonies :mad: Poland and the Baltic states were invaded by Stalin as part of his deal with the Nazis and they didn't fuck off until the 90s! France left NATO in a strop Hungary and Czechoslovakia were invaded by force when they objected Albania was in the middle of nowhere and Yugoslavia and Romania were prepared to fight !and weren't worth the hassle
the main part slagging him off his perfect for his aim at being the one True patriot politician who won't be silenced

jesus has slagging trump off worked against the prick in the last 12 years
No Coz Trump has been giving Jesus tax breaks
Oh fuck off with the ex-soviet states. you mean occcupied colonies :mad: Poland and the Baltic states were invaded by Stalin as part of his deal with the Nazis and they didn't fuck off until the 90s! France left NATO in a strop Hungary and Czechoslovakia were invaded by force when they objected Albania was in the middle of nowhere and Yugoslavia and Romania were prepared to fight !and weren't worth the hassle
The Czechs and Hungarians never objected to france leaving nato in a strop
So that would be enough given the voters he might alienate?
A lot of that particular right-wing camp are the ‘look after are own first*’ types, no foreign aid, throw refugees in the sea. They don’t want their taxes helping out anyone overseas, even militarily, so likely fits with that.

(*strangely they don’t seem to give much of a fuck for ‘our own’ either, not keen on domestic welfare etc.)
Oh fuck off with the ex-soviet states. you mean occcupied colonies :mad: Poland and the Baltic states were invaded by Stalin as part of his deal with the Nazis and they didn't fuck off until the 90s! France left NATO in a strop Hungary and Czechoslovakia were invaded by force when they objected Albania was in the middle of nowhere and Yugoslavia and Romania were prepared to fight !and weren't worth the hassle
despite that they are ex-soviet states - i was not suggesting Russia has a claim to them - of course it doesnt
despite that they are ex-soviet states - i was not suggesting Russia has a claim to them - of course it doesnt
Tbh anyone can claim anything, altho the validity of such or chances of successfully gaining what you claim can be at or near 0 - take for example the longstanding claim of the royal family to the French throne which was only abandoned around 1800
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A lot of that particular right-wing camp are the ‘look after are own first*’ types, no foreign aid, throw refugees in the sea. They don’t want their taxes helping out anyone overseas, even militarily, so likely fits with that.

(*strangely they don’t seem to give much of a fuck for ‘our own’ either, not keen on domestic welfare etc.)
So you think he was shoring up his voter base with these statements?
I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.

As opposed to politics where, out of curiosity? Where would you say has a superior form of democracy?
despite that they are ex-soviet states - i was not suggesting Russia has a claim to them - of course it doesnt
It wants them in it's sphere of influence or as neutrals. They gave a collective 2 fingers to that idea that's why they pushed for NATO membership NATO wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the idea, Russia sees clients or country's too strong for it too bully that's why it's pissed about NATO's expansion all it's former colony's forever out of reach.
hmm you know it could be self sabotage ...

Nigel has shown for years he not a serious politician..
he have no interest in standing and putting in the time to work as an mp for Clacton

he going to be flying between here and american to shore up the orange turd

this was all about click and media coverage
hmm you know it could be self sabotage ...

Nigel has shown for years he not a serious politician..
he have no interest in standing and putting in the time to work as an mp for Clacton

he going to be flying between here and american to shore up the orange turd

this was all about click and media coverage
I don't really buy that, tbh. Foreign policy is unlikely to sway much of the RefUKer core, I'd have thought?

Bit late to this thread but isn't this anti-NATO/pro-Putin position a no-brainer for Falange? Keeping all of his US & Russian (pay)masters happy, getting a whole weekend of name recognition coverage and not really denting the core.
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I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.

How is it amusing? Farage claimed that NATO provoked Russia into invading its neighbour. Is that not a patently absurd claim on the face of it? Would the presence of WarPac forces in East Germany have justified a British invasion of Ireland? No, because it's a fucking daft argument, one made by fools and stooges. Same thing with Russia and its erstwhile Ukrainian province.

Since the Kremlin has started being more open about their ambitions to rebuild the Russian Empire, making stupid noises about how big bad NATO forced them to aggress against Ukraine and commit war crimes is at best massively tone deaf, and at worst a position advanced in complete bad faith.

While it's clear that NATO's history is far from spotless, I also think it should be clear at this point that dismantling NATO isn't going to give Putin and his cronies an epiphany that will lead them pursue peace and respect other polities as sovereign entities. They'll just take it as a sign of weakness and act accordingly. Beating your swords into ploughshares is just asking to be conquered by the cunts who kept their swords.
It's revanchism/irredentism on the part of the Putinist state. Yes, NATO is also shit but justifying the invasion of Ukraine with "but NATO..." is indeed bollocks. It's the equivalent of the abuser saying to the abused "look what you made me do."
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