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Farage is right about NATO. Sorry

This could be where the Farage fucks his own campaign. It won't bother the baked in Reform vote but he needs wavering Tories & they might just think wtf , the man is a fucking headcase.

I think he's taking cues from his far-right counterparts in America, wouldn't surprise me if he leans into it and gets a bus saying "We give Ukraine £500 billion a day, let's spend it on the NHS instead"
Not me. People who vote for Farage are beyond listening to any kind of reason.
It's funny cos about 10 years ago I cycled around the coast of Suffolk and Essex, taking ferries across the wide stretches of estuary, etc. And going through Clacton was the only place I actually felt unsafe, and the only place where i came into conflict with shitty motorists, who otherwise in that region were exceptionally careful, courteous and law abiding - cycle aware, and friendly. And then in Clacton there were significant numbers of shitty drivers, just like in London, who seemed just to want to run you over, and expected you to ride in the gutter, who would cut you up at junctions, etc. And it wasn't just cos it was a town, I rode through a few towns. Clacton was shitty by any standard.
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I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.
Preferred your nutteryahoo nonsense
Russia is worried about Nato expanssion it can't bully it's Western neighbours and they remember what life was like in Russia's " sphere of influence"
20000 dead in Polish forests
the baltics none of them wanted to be allies of Russia or had a choice Lithuania was handed to the Soviets by the Nazispoland along with half of Poland Russia I probably worried it's neighbours remember how Russia treated them.
I wonder if Farage ever mentioned NATO prior to 2022?

Because none of the, 'it's all NATO's fault' clowns on here did, as the search function clearly shows.
TBF, the Xen search function can't be relied upon to prove that Tony Blair existed prior to 2018 in my experience. I'm sure it can prove that Moses only wrote the Ten Commandments last week.
Problem with niether Farage or Nato.
Is like unilateral nuclear disarmanment. Theres a very angry dicator with a penchant for invading neighbours and believes he's entitled to an Empire.
getting rid of the military alliance that has dettered him from attacking his neighbours who are in said alliance the only neighbours he hasn't attacked.
Much like trident it's ludicriously expensive but appears a better option than trusting to Vlad nuclear tsunami pootin. good intentions. He only wants the Russian parts of ukarine and a warm water Port for his fleet. It didn't end well in 1938 and why does he need a warm water Port for his fleet anyways?
I can't imagine most of the Farage fan club will care overly about his NATO or Ukraine positions, if anything they'd probably be in favour of Britain minding its own business. His target demographic is nativist, much like Trump's, so he's appealing to their basic instincts even as he alienates his chances of going wider. And I suspect he doesn't really care about wider, after all he's not actually thinking he can win the election unless hes completely delusional, and he's never struck me as that. He knows what his top whack of voters will be this time round and can quite happily appeal to that while also nodding into the far-right trends both in the EU and US, which have been very much Putin-sympathetic.

The reasons for that are potentially a more interesting question. Ideologically I can see it - Russia represents a great deal of what far-right types worldwide hanker after. Led by an intelligent, successful strongman, confident, aggressive, traditionalist and socially conservative to the point of serious repression - plus Putin himself has explictly positioned Russia as a bulwark for Tradtional Europeans against the woke/muslim hordes. They think of him as their boy.
Yeah and we'll call them cunts for it as well.

Blair, Cameron and co's fondness for a bit of oligarch feltching is why Putin felt strong enough to just yolo in and start murdering people in Ukraine, murdering people in Georgia and murdering people in Salisbury
I can't imagine most of the Farage fan club will care overly about his NATO or Ukraine positions, if anything they'd probably be in favour of Britain minding its own business. His target demographic is nativist, much like Trump's, so he's appealing to their basic instincts even as he alienates his chances of going wider. And I suspect he doesn't really care about wider, after all he's not actually thinking he can win the election unless hes completely delusional, and he's never struck me as that. He knows what his top whack of voters will be this time round and can quite happily appeal to that while also nodding into the far-right trends both in the EU and US, which have been very much Putin-sympathetic.

The reasons for that are potentially a more interesting question. Ideologically I can see it - Russia represents a great deal of what far-right types worldwide hanker after. Led by an intelligent, successful strongman, confident, aggressive, traditionalist and socially conservative to the point of serious repression.
I agree with you on the 'minding its own business' demographic however the largest far right EU group, which is the third largest party grouping , in the EU is not Putin sympathetic.
Well, bang goes any chance of Reform UK increasing their share of the vote. :D

I think the only stupid thing I do remember before the start of this war was Boris insisting several times that British troops would never be sent to intervene in a war in Ukraine he didn't need to say that and say it several times, he should have been more vague and leave the Russians/Putin guessing. worrying.
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