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'Needle spiking' in UK nightclubs wtf?

There's already a petition about it which has attracted nearly 160,000 signatures so certainly there seems to be a lot of public interest in it
I'm not sure patting down everyone or making them walk through a metal detector before entering a nightclub is particularly practical

There's already a petition about it which has attracted nearly 160,000 signatures so certainly there seems to be a lot of public interest in it
I'm not sure patting down everyone or making them walk through a metal detector before entering a nightclub is particularly practical

Already happens in some places along with passport/driving license ID. 🤷‍♀️
A few places in Scotland, and a more concentrated number in Nottingham. Not an individual, but needn't be many.

I guess we don’t know the full picture. For every instance reported there’ll be more that aren’t. If it’s one individual the offending has to progress at some point from drugging women to what he wants to do whilst they’re drugged. Those aren’t being reported yet.
Already happens in some places along with passport/driving license ID. 🤷‍♀️
Personally I haven't been a nightclub in decades, I confess to being very surprised that is happening, do they search everyone or just men or whoever the bouncers think looks dodgy?
I guess we don’t know the full picture. For every instance reported there’ll be more that aren’t. If it’s one individual the offending has to progress at some point from drugging women to what he wants to do whilst they’re drugged. Those aren’t being reported yet.

Yeah. Given the unreliability inherent to such a method, I'd expect lots of reports of subsequent abuses if these were really druggings.
There's already a petition about it which has attracted nearly 160,000 signatures so certainly there seems to be a lot of public interest in it
I'm not sure patting down everyone or making them walk through a metal detector before entering a nightclub is particularly practical

I don't much like this idea because there can be a fuzzy line as to what constitutes a club, and some really nice small places would become a bit security-laden and stuff if you needed metal detectors at a wide manner of events and shindigs. The killer counter-argument is that in terms of this case at least, it's not likely to be me being jabbed. I always found searches made me more uneasy - kind of a signal that a place isn't safe.
Personally I haven't been a nightclub in decades, I confess to being very surprised that is happening, do they search everyone or just men or whoever the bouncers think looks dodgy?
I don't tend to go to clubs where that's standard but was out with some work folk one night and apparently this is reasonably normal. I bailed at the ID thing because fuck that but yeah, it was everyone. They claimed it was part of their licensing conditions -- it clearly wasn't an age check thing as I'm very old. (And obviously I didn't have any ID on me anyway.)
Personally I haven't been a nightclub in decades, I confess to being very surprised that is happening, do they search everyone or just men or whoever the bouncers think looks dodgy?
In bigger clubs you'll get a good pat down and they'll empty your pockets, check your shoes and the like to satisfy the cops that they're doing their bit in the war on drugs. They'll do everyone, men and women. Some places will also have colaborating sniffer dogs. I've been metal detected in a couple of places, but I guess this is more in response to gang beef more than anything else
Personally I haven't been a nightclub in decades, I confess to being very surprised that is happening, do they search everyone or just men or whoever the bouncers think looks dodgy?

Nor have i but i can remember the odd club in the 90s using metal detectors and "patting down" was very commen.
No doubt about it. If anyone needs convincing, try thinking up the weirdest most depraved shit imaginable. Then Google it and some cunt will have done it.

I used to work with a lass who, on the surface, was a very “girly girl”; (e.g, all her clothes and stationery in pink, cried when shown pics of puppies, etc.) but when the blood service came to solicit donations she would eagerly volunteer knowing full well that she had very elusive veins just so they would have to poke and prick her to no avail. When I asked her about it she told me that she had a needle (& in particular an injection) fetish and the bigger the needle, the more she loved it. Takes all sorts I suppose 🙂
Many of these things are a mix of real events, amplified by social media, related to genuine fears, a bit of social contagion, media hyping it, and then copycat stuff.

Well, quite. The one thing I'd put my money on is increased reports of people thinking they've been injected, or at least saying that they think they were, and in all probability scrotes using safety pins or the like to jab others to frighten them.

So far no toxicology reports, or incidents where someone has actually been seen to jab anyone else with anything, whether capable of delivering drugs or not, as far as I'm aware.
I used to work with a lass who, on the surface, was a very “girly girl”; (e.g, all her clothes and stationery in pink, cried when shown pics of puppies, etc.) but when the blood service came to solicit donations she would eagerly volunteer knowing full well that she had very elusive veins just so they would have to poke and prick her to no avail. When I asked her about it she told me that she had a needle (& in particular an injection) fetish and the bigger the needle, the more she loved it. Takes all sorts I suppose 🙂
A lovely tale that I'm not sure is appropriate for the discussion though?
If it wasn't a thing, it is now. I have some acquaintance with syringes and while I am, sadly, completely prepared to see all sorts of horrible, sly, nasty attacks...and for sure, the whole idea of drugging...with needles is the very epitome of one of those folk devils because it has so many cultural and emotional connotations. As to whether I think this is a serious attempt to drug women into sedation, then I am a bit more conflicted but not totally dismissive. A couple of mls, in an Intramuscular injection is, afaic, entirely plausible (and there is a phenomenon of steroid use which certainly is familiar with administering an IM injection). Intravenous or subcutaneous is far less feasible, if not, in the case of IV, impossible. Anyway, I just don't know - I am depressed and angry as fuck.
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If it wasn't a thing, it is now. I have some acquaintance with syringes and while I am, sadly, completely prepared to see all sorts of horrible, sly, nasty attacks...and for sure, the whole idea of drugging...with needles is the very epitome of one of those folk devils because it has so many connotations. As to whether I think this is a serious attempt to drug women into sedation, then I am a bit more conflicted ofbut not totally dismissive. A couple of mls, in an Intramuscular injection (intravenous or subcutaneous is far less feasible, if not, in the case of IV, impossible). .

Agree that IV is out of the question, but SC less feasible than IM?
I would suggest subcutaneous injections do require a degree of accuracy , 8ball - (not really my thing) but an IM, with a 26 or less guage needle, in thighs, buttocks or even stomach is perfectly doable. C'mon, all these people claiming it would be instantly detected...have we not most of us had exactly that, these last few months. Then imagine within the confines of a crowded club, while being fairly off your head. Nope, I am not arguing with the inherent dangers or difficulties, just saying it is depressingly plausible...and so potentially amplified because of all the other social fears it taps into.
It's obviously much easier to do if somebody is already comatose. Except for people who may be watching. Is there any need to drug someone who is already comatose in plain sight of others?
I would suggest subcutaneous injections do require a degree of accuracy but an IM, with a 26 or less guage needle, in thighs, buttocks or even stomach is perfectly doable. C'mon, all these people claiming it would be instantly detected...have we not most of us had exactly that, these last few months. Then imagine within the confines of a crowded club, while being fairly off your head. Nope, I am not arguing with the inherent dangers or difficulties, just saying it is depressingly plausible...and so potentially amplified because of all the other social fears it taps into.

My feeling is hitting a fatty spot with an SC is likely easier (and more crucially, less likely to make someone jump) than doing an IM, but I guess it's a trade-off between pain and accuracy. Easy to aim for SC and wind up in the muscle. I'm going to guess that few of us have experience of injecting people in a moving crowd of people. All of the plausible agents discussed interact with alcohol, so getting a suitable (ie. between ineffective and seriously dangerous) dose seems like a tightrope too.
I don't think it would be difficult at all. Women have their personal space invaded all the time in clubs. Queues.. Any sort of bottleneck near the toilets or stairs or cloakrooms. Too close or gropey everywhere. Bit dark.

Let's face it, we're all guessing here. I wouldn't fancy anyone's chances of administering a suitable dose of anything without being discovered, but i also think it's theoretically plausible. The idea of a wrong 'un who likes sticking needles in people is more plausible to me, but some reports suggest something has been injected. I think the needle angle is being played by the media but what is certainly the case is a sickening rate of spikings (and no, I don't have year on year stats, but that's how it occurs to me).
Read about this needle spike thing over here too. Some well known Tik Tok person was on about it.

I dont know how true it is. But even if its guys sticking a pin in women just for scares its really shitty and if caught they deserve jail.
"Police said the arrests were not linked to a specific report by an individual of an alleged spiking by needle, or contamination of a drink."

So no idea wtf is going on.
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