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'Needle spiking' in UK nightclubs wtf?

Though not that hard to make an Epipen or similar look like a vape, I suppose. Then you need people clustered fairly close to each other and a practised motion as you brush past...

I think bellaozzydog may well be right, though, and this is a case of someone with some kind of jabbing fetish in many cases.
Have you ever stuck an EpiPen in yourself? You'd have to be in a coma not to feel it.
I'd be surprised if there's any truth in this.
I once spoke to a guy in a pub who reckoned he did distraction thefts on posh boys and I must say his methods work. They get your attention which distracts your mind and then they grab a part of your body say your wrist so your mind also focuses on that whilst your wallet or watch gets removed. Not sure it’s enough to prick someone though but might be.
Have you ever stuck an EpiPen in yourself? You'd have to be in a coma not to feel it.
I'd be surprised if there's any truth in this.

No, an EpiPen used as standard is intramuscular. Easy to modify slightly for just subcutaneous depth, though. Or do something with a similar device. Probably something different to an EpiPen tbf seeing how you and another poster both indicated that it smarts more than a little.

I've stuck Clexane PFS's in myself. Similar length needle, I think a bit thinner than the EpiPen but not certain.. Also been jabbed in the morning when asleep and not woken up on occasion (and been woken up by it too tbf), and when jabbing myself in the evening after a bit of booze I do think it's comparable with brushing against a cold surface.
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...back in the day I got a kicking on the street from a group of lads, casual violence.
later in time one of them revealed himself to me, we were working in the same place,
he was a violent dude, much feared in the locale, even by his mates. One night I run into him in a busy pub frequented by counter culture youth, which he definitely was not. From his pocket he pulled a set of darts ( as in the pub sport) he told me in no uncertain terms that he only used them to jab people, at the bar or on the dance floor...for the kicks and sometimes to provoke a fight.Probs not relevant to the discussion but illustrates a mindset of sorts...
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There's no doubt at all that drink spiking happens.

Mrs SFM’s parents met when her dad looked after her ma when she was acting strangely after being slipped something on a date with someone else - while drinking nothing stronger than Pepsi Cola (circa 1960)
...back in the day I got a kicking on the street from a group of lads, casual violence.
later in time one of them revealed himself to me, we were working in the same place,
he was a violent dude, much feared in the locale, even by his mates. One night I run into him in a busy pub frequented by counter culture youth, which he definitely was not. From his pocket he pulled a set of darts ( as in the pub sport) he told me in no uncertain terms that he used them to jab people at the bar or on the dance floor for the kicks and occasionally to provoke a fight.Prob not relevan to the discussion but illustrates a mindset of sorts...

The twat probably had mummy issues.
Mrs SFM’s parents met when her dad looked after her ma when she was acting strangely after being slipped something on a date with someone else - while drinking nothing stronger than Pepsi Cola (circa 1960)

That sounds like a bit of a weird day.

Actually I read that as "I met Mrs SFM's parents when...". :facepalm:
Someone I was at school with spent a school disco jabbing a compass into people’s legs. I can happily report that he hasn’t turned into a dickhead adult though.
I would have thought it would be tricky to do without being seen.

Unless the perpetrator is using the Rosa Klebb style of injecting.
Initially I thought this must be made up, but maybe there is something in it and it is really happening.
I used to love Russell Brand's radio show in the mid-late 2000s but one of the more disturbing bits on it was something he called 'pin pin', referring - astonishingly enough - to jabbing a pin in someone's arm and saying 'pin pin'. Not so much IV smack use but apparently something he'd done at school. I remember he had some schoolkids writing in saying they were having a laugh doing pin pin at school. Top role modelling there.
People saying it's only jabbing/pricking with a needle doesn't fit, as the people are saying they've been drugged.

Not sure how many have said drugged as well as jabbed, though (Vice article says "several of the accounts" involved memory blackouts). Also, it's possible there might be both things going on, or a jabber in one location and drugger in the other etc.
People saying it's only jabbing/pricking with a needle doesn't fit, as the people are saying they've been drugged.
See what the tox reports bring back. If it's a potent benzo it will surely show up as they have a long half life. Other potential spiking drugs would just take up too much volume to be practical.

I'm still leaning towards just some needle fetishist. That combined with the victim either feeling because they've been injected, responding in a manner that they expect or being spiked in the more traditional way coinciding with the needle stick attack. There's a fair few weirdos out there Maryland man sentenced for attacking woman with semen-filled syringe
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