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I'm on ur boardz, wasting ur 2024 election bandwidthz

Nigel Farage’s website hacked and now plays ‘Milkshake’ by Kelis

Noticing that Farage’s official website, NigelFarageMEP.co.uk, was no longer under his control, marketing expert Craig Campbell purchased the domain to illustrate the potential consequences of neglecting domain security.

He has placed a redirect on the site so visitors are taken to a YouTube video of “Milkshake” by Kelis, with thousands of people unwittingly landing on the video, Campbell says.

Well, it's his ex-website, but still amusing. :D
enjoyed the AI presidents gaming memes which went around a few years ago, and not weve got our own version!

afraid I can only find x or instagram links so apologies in advance

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