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I'm on ur boardz, wasting ur 2024 election bandwidthz

Christ, are the bellends after solar farms now too? After pig fucker’s ban on onshore wind to satisfy a few angry gobshites likely put an extra zero on the end of our electricity bills, they’re now doing this?
I believe that to be a Labour leaflet, going by others I’ve seen on this thread.

I haven’t yet seen any leaflets or posters nor any sign in the real world here that there’s an election going on.
Christ, are the bellends after solar farms now too? After pig fucker’s ban on onshore wind to satisfy a few angry gobshites likely put an extra zero on the end of our electricity bills, they’re now doing this?
Yes it's tragic isn't it, from what I can tell is a mixture of Nimbyism eye sore , to shouldn't be on arrable land, to great reset communist conspiracy. Far right are going all in on all "green transition" issues
I can't tell if he recorded this before going in or after coming out.
He seems a bit pissed to me but then that could just be how he is.
Christ, are the bellends after solar farms now too? After pig fucker’s ban on onshore wind to satisfy a few angry gobshites likely put an extra zero on the end of our electricity bills, they’re now doing this?
You may have noticed that licenses fvor onshore wind were available, and no one wanted one?

I believe that to be a Labour leaflet, going by others I’ve seen on this thread.

I haven’t yet seen any leaflets or posters nor any sign in the real world here that there’s an election going on.
We've had a chap canvassing for Labour, he was told that their candidate had my vote, not because I love Labour but because they are the only ones that can beat the fucking SNP.
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