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I'm on ur boardz, wasting ur 2024 election bandwidthz

I've had more leaflets at this address than any election ever. 3 from labour, the third just today. Two tory ones, a green leaflet. A visit from hollobone and a visit from a labour bod the day after. Never seen the like anywhere I've lived before. None of them are getting my vote regardless, I'm drawing a cerne abbas style dick and balls.

I've had more leaflets at this address than any election ever. 3 from labour, the third just today. Two tory ones, a green leaflet. A visit from hollobone and a visit from a labour bod the day after. Never seen the like anywhere I've lived before. None of them are getting my vote regardless, I'm drawing a cerne abbas style dick and balls.

Was like that for me in the 2019 GE but none so far this time. Guess your seat is targeted this time round.
We've had hardly anything. The least canvassing/general effort I've ever seen in the 8 years I've lived here. A few leaflets, zero door knockers. Quite disappointing really, it's a two horse race between Tories and Lib Dems and I haven't even had the chance to tell either lot to fuck off.

brogdale think you are same area as me, has it been as low profile for you?
We've had hardly anything. The least canvassing/general effort I've ever seen in the 8 years I've lived here. A few leaflets, zero door knockers. Quite disappointing really, it's a two horse race between Tories and Lib Dems and I haven't even had the chance to tell either lot to fuck off.

brogdale think you are same area as me, has it been as low profile for you?
Yep, same.
I reckon the LDs know they've got it in the bag and have deployed elsewhere. As ever, the useless CLP will be incapable of getting anything out before the PVs drop.
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We had a libdem leaflet today. Didn't read much of it, but I did notice they had a section calling out the local Tory wannabe. This was good, should have been a bit bigger TBH because it was probably their best weapon. Turns out we've got one of Boris' old SPADS who lives in London being parachuted in to a rural constituency whose borders have now been changed to become far too large and unwiedly for one of the most disconnected regions in the country
Yep, same.
I reckon the LDs know they've got it in the bag and have deployed elsewhere. As ever, the useless CLP will be incapable of getting anything out before the PVs drop.
LDs been mostly quiet here, but I saw in their last mailing (glanced at before recycling) that they've rolled out the pre-2019 LD MP to approve of the new candidate. To be fair, I think Brake was mostly well-liked and as I've said before he seemed to put in the effort you'd like to see in a local MP. Though I think it's a part of LD indoctrination camp that they expect them to be highly visible in a way the other two parties frequently aren't.

Edit: Oh fuck me, they just popped one of those fake "hand-written" letters through the door. Do they think those fool anyone?
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