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Glastonbury 2011

Most Glastos end up with some defining image burnt in to the memory. This year the image of 2011 Glasto that has ingrained in my head was the sight of a naked tranny with tits and a dick crowd surfing in NYC downlow.
My one and only Glasto pic.

10 points to those of you who recognise it and can name the venue.


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My one and only Glasto pic.

10 points to those of you who recognise it and can name the venue.
Not only that - I can name the artist - Sam Haggarty. Does great stuff at... (I'll let others play your game, as I'm kinda cheating - I work there).

Is it in Bez's Acid House? :confused:

I never went in but thought I saw some horse parts in there when we were passing?
Michael Evis says that Glastonbury has only 3-4 years left in it due to rising prices and competition with other festivals.


Its interesting how the own reporter on that can be factually wrong referring to how much the festival lost in 2008. If it lost that much it would be out of business. The 22m is how much the festival costs to put on.

Well, as long as he puts it on I can say I'll generally be around to help make it happen.
Your correct as it was claimed in 2008 ' Eavis was similarly relaxed. "It's the first year in 39 years that we didn't make anything out of it," he said, "so it's not bad really is it?"


It would appear he gave the 2011 interview with The Times so the Guardian was re reporting it.

Who knows where it will go - I think if they don't sell out quickly reporters are very quick to highlight this fact.

I cant see demand for Glastonbury falling down that quickly - time will tell.
Anyone care to put a price on what that brand and various infrastructure is worth?

Tough question really because a lot of the brand is Eavis himself. It would be very easy to run the festival into the ground in a couple of years so who knows what'll happen after he retires. The fact there is some family interest involved is good but what will happen with the farm? Does Emily want to be out milking the cows at 5am every morning?

Without ME running the show I do worry about overall direction. So as it stands the brand is worth a shitload, maybe £50 million, but could easily be worthless in a handful of years.
The festival got so much bigger when the festie boom in general happened. I don't see why, if demand drops slightly, they can't just downsize it again. The site now is massive compared to just 6 or 7 years ago, surely shrinking it again would be a better idea than trying to justify and fund it forever at that size.
They also had to up the numbers to cover the all the viciously inflating costs which are set to continue to rise.

Expect 220 or perhaps higher, in 2013.
So there are fixed costs that require the current ticket price and punter numbers to cover?
totally agree (with smmudge) - it's really at the limit of how big it can get, it now takes an act of dedication to see the whole site, it's a massive pain in the arse slogging everywhere to see one band and then knowing you'll have to miss the next one you want to see 'cos it's a half hour march away and the next band where you are, are toss. demand for tickets is still massive. they don't need such huge headline acts or such a massive amount of stages - scale back a bit, it'll still be the biggest best festival in the world.
apparently Eavis wouldn't book The Cure this year 'cos he thought they weren't big enough to headline anymore - they'd have been better though. and they are.
They also had to up the numbers to cover the all the viciously inflating costs which are set to continue to rise.

Expect 220 or perhaps higher, in 2013.

When we saw ME give his little talk at the South Bank Centre a week before this year's festival he was very firm in his view that the festival won't and probably can't get any bigger. He's very well aware that £200 is a lot of cash for punters to shell out & he stated that he's only interested in making it better and offering value for money.
When we saw ME give his little talk at the South Bank Centre a week before this year's festival he was very firm in his view that the festival won't and probably can't get any bigger. He's very well aware that £200 is a lot of cash for punters to shell out & he stated that he's only interested in making it better and offering value for money.

That does not preclude the cost of stuff going up.

Fuel costs for instance, all those genny's running for all those days straight.
totally agree (with smmudge) - it's really at the limit of how big it can get, it now takes an act of dedication to see the whole site, it's a massive pain in the arse slogging everywhere to see one band and then knowing you'll have to miss the next one you want to see 'cos it's a half hour march away and the next band where you are, are toss. demand for tickets is still massive. they don't need such huge headline acts or such a massive amount of stages - scale back a bit, it'll still be the biggest best festival in the world.
apparently Eavis wouldn't book The Cure this year 'cos he thought they weren't big enough to headline anymore - they'd have been better though. and they are.

Yup, and in the sunshine, thats not too bad. Stick in rain and/or mud and, in my case an 8 yr old, and thats 1/3 of the festival site not touched. I was very disappointed this year. Third muddy one in a row for me, and probably my last.

Smaller fields are my way forward, regardless of which bands are playing. I go for the frolicing and a bit of good music, not massive headline acts.
Yup, and in the sunshine, thats not too bad. Stick in rain and/or mud and, in my case an 8 yr old, and thats 1/3 of the festival site not touched. I was very disappointed this year. Third muddy one in a row for me, and probably my last.

Smaller fields are my way forward, regardless of which bands are playing. I go for the frolicing and a bit of good music, not massive headline acts.

Unlucky. The last 3 have been great, 30 degrees and cloudless for the last two.
Yeah, yeah yeah... I know :madface:

Its my only holiday and I need to make less of a gamble with our quids I think :D
I went to Spain on Tuesday morning, n slept monday night at the airport on the floor pretty much straight after Glastonbury (that was hardcore), not been back long but I've realised I never posted anything subsequently, anyhow... I had a REALLY good festival mostly.


- Working Green Police, which was a shift every day chasing wrong 'uns pissing everywhere, getting dressed up n glittery, having ace conversations, good wanders once it got sunny and actually feeling like attitudes have really changed in regards to pissing/shitting everywhere. We did good apparently, the river pollution levels were low n everyone was happy.
- The ace people i met n chatted to in Green Police n all over the site.
- F-Block, who's a friend, DJing on Friday on BBC Introducing with another mate on live trombone. Until recently he's been an unsigned local DJ n he got the slot before Ed Sheeran the headliner! He's been in the top 5 most shared artists on the BBC page since!!
- The guy playing bagpipes standing on a stone at the stone circle for almost half an hour on wednesday/thursday night? Absolutely brilliant, what a star. Then later went n smoked changa and did K at the top of the hill. The site looked so stunning.
- Bangface on Thursday Night (wish I hadn't left this for the crappy dance area!! you'd have loved it Sim...), Correspondents on Club Da Da Friday night (?), QOTSA on Sunday were incredible - one of the best things i've seen live for ages, The Destroyers, a 15 piece brass group in Da Da on Sunday Night, Asian Dub Foundation on Friday (?), Breakage then Shy FX & The Ragga Twins down on Shangri La on Saturday night.... oh and Pretty Lights smashed it on the G stage Sunday afternoon!
- Weather was pretty loooosh once the sun came out, was just glad it went from gash to lovely, rather than other way 'round.
- Finding the shortcut into Shangri La through the dragon field by croissant neuf. Fuck off one way system!
- Stone circle Monday morning was fairly lovely, and pretty warm, I was still in a t-shirt n shorts at 6am n feeling fine. Might have been a cider blanket though...
- Crew Bar just off the railway track was a laugh, and made for handy toilets.
- Arcadia's sunday performance, loved it! I didn't go last year so can't compare, but this was an ace show, got a good video too.
- Getting filmed singing 'Police in Helicopter' on the Stone Circles as the police choppers flew overhead endlessly :D
- THE POLICE driving around early monday morning playing tunes out of their 4*4s, and everyone running after them cheering! They were even playing some ragga, although a few looked proper embarrassed. Still, it was awesome, definitely didn't imagine this...


- Getting rained on and having to wander about in the mud until it felt like legs had been dislocated, reminding miserable wet people not to throw fag butts on the floor or pee in the hedges yada yada. That wasn't great. It seemed to take ages to get anywhere once the mud had kicked in, and become deliciously sticky.
- One of the reasons I didn't go into the dance village area was the mud actually, it felt pretty dangerous at points, especially thursday when there was no crowd control on in/out and the area became a total quagmire bottleneck. Got stuck and a bit crushed, one of the few times i've felt pretty panicked in a big crowd... not nice.
- Expensive bars, although I wasn't that surprised, and mainly drank my own.
- Was kinda fun in a way, but having to walk alllll the way across the entire top of the site from Yellow to Blue gate on the tuesday with all my stuff was a reet effort, although it was at least sunny...
- The rubbish, chaos, left tents and give-a-shit attitudes come monday morning. As usual. Also bad weather seemed to bring out attitudes at points, I heard about some bar staff getting beaten up in the Rabbit Hole one night when the crowd turned on them? Fucking weird...
- Having to do a work shift for 5 days in a row unpaid was a bit physically n mentally draining, although it seemed like one of the best jobs going, and i got lots of free food so hey...

A reet good 'un.
When we saw ME give his little talk at the South Bank Centre a week before this year's festival he was very firm in his view that the festival won't and probably can't get any bigger. He's very well aware that £200 is a lot of cash for punters to shell out & he stated that he's only interested in making it better and offering value for money.

this is heartening news I think, because it's now like a bunch of little festivals stitched together in some ways.

thing is £200 would not buy you tickets to see U2, Coldplay and Beyonce on consecutive nights in an atmosphere free corporate shitehole like the O2, never mind all the rest of the stuff available. coldplay have a link to the festival fair enough but neither of the others really need to be there, Pulp, frankly would have been great headliners, and despite what Eavis might think they are big enough.
The pyramid for Beyonce was a ridiculous roadblock - meanwhile The Streets (who again, might have pulled off a headline slot, at least on the other stage) were playing in the John Peel tent with as many people outside it as in. And he was better than Bouncey too. I'm sure they can downsize the acts on the pyramid and still have the same fantastic festival, I've said it for years and I believe it even more now.
I know I have minor mobilty problems - definitely aggravated by the mud - but honestly I find it a bit of a struggle to cope with the size the festival is now, so Im also glad to hear there are no plans to make it bigger. I was ready to admit defeat tbh. I'll probably still have to wait & see how Im doing in 12 months time but 'no bigger' is good news to me, for sure. :)
actually feeling like attitudes have really changed in regards to pissing/shitting everywhere. We did good apparently, the river pollution levels were low n everyone was happy.

- One of the reasons I didn't go into the dance village area was the mud actually, it felt pretty dangerous at points, especially thursday when there was no crowd control on in/out and the area became a total quagmire bottleneck. Got stuck and a bit crushed, one of the few times i've felt pretty panicked in a big crowd... not nice.

I've never done it before but I did piss in a ditch by the park this year. We were queuing and I genuinely wouldn't have made it. : o

We were trying to get into dance thursday night and it was really frightening at one point. We lost my very pissed brother, people just kept pushing and pushing. There was a girl on the floor having a panic attack and people didn't give a shit. : (

Same Friday night. I was leaving the pyramid after morrissey and seemed to be the only one going that way. I was trying to stay by or on the path as it was so muddy and I was pushed off so many times. I was too knackered and wet to see Primal Scream, I just went to bed.

I had fun but it's so much harder in the wet. Saturday we made up for it and got wasted.
Riklet said:
- The rubbish, chaos, left tents and give-a-shit attitudes come monday morning. As usual. Also bad weather seemed to bring out attitudes at points, I heard about some bar staff getting beaten up in the Rabbit Hole one night when the crowd turned on them? Fucking weird...

Did you get any confirmation or more detail on this one Rik? Sounds bizarre!

Agree on the rubbish obvs -- see my much earlier post where that exact point was a major negative for me as well.
We made lots of trips back to our tent where toilets weren't an issue. Tried once near a stage and it was a 20 minute wait.

I didn't see half of Glastonbury as it is now so I already consider the festival as too big. That's coming from someone with no mobility problems. I lost my mate the once but as we were both heading for our tent it wasn't an issue.

Couldn't find Mysterygirl or LMHF at the Pyramid tent though. Was impossible.
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