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Glastonbury 2022

You didn't miss The Chems, they cancelled because one of them had Covid.

Love the reports. :)
Ah yes, that rings a bell!


Saw so much brilliant music, top for me were Bicep, Samantics, Jess Silk, Olivia Rodrigo. Second tier: Charlotte Campbell, Diana Ross, 2 young lads that Billy Bragg was showcasing Tom A Smith and Seb Lowe, Moulettes, Mitski, Beans on Toast, First Aid Kit. Saw more music this year than I usually do, probably cos my kids are now old enough to actually enjoy/tolerate the music more. Only spent 1 hour in the Kidzfield (youngest is 12).

Weather was ideal on the whole, bit bastard hot Wednesday, but we'd arrived by campervan Tuesday (smug), so didn't have any lugging in the heat to do like usual. It was a nice mix of hot/warm/only slightly rainy/overcast/sunny. Perfect festival weather, nice sunsets and dawns.

Friends, caught up with so many, some I only see at Glastonbury, so not seen for 3 years. Lovely to be chatting and watching music again together.

Our kids are more independent now so don't need so much keeping an eye on, the eldest did her own thing mostly (17), youngest was content to mostly do what we did, plus a bit of kid's stuff. So much easier than having little ones. And they both had a great time, saw friends too, enjoyed music, and just being there. The Dragon, and climbing the hill to the Glastonbury sign are particular favourites.

Oh, just the whole atmosphere, as I said, people (punters) were on the whole friendly and considerate, got given free stuff/extra stuff at food stalls, a free CD from a performer, people were just generous, kind and helpful. Lovely atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be so glad, overjoyed even, to be back there to party again, it was really special. I thought I might be done with Glastonbury, in '18 & '19, but this has rekindled my love for it, and I deffo wanna be there next year, working hopefully.
One to add, as well as seeing old friends... meeting new people, some in person for the first time having known them online, some just random people, or friends of friends. Friendly vibe. Lots of sharing.
I’m still enjoying sets on iplayer. Enjoyed a rewatch of Herbie Hancock and four tet last night :)
Haven't been able to bring myself to watch any yet, although I intend to catch up on things I missed and wanted to see. Was Four Tet good? I'm not a big telly watcher at the best of times, and struggle to sit through programs.
I'm really glad you had such a good time William of Walworth - I know how much it means to you. When I saw a couple of pre-Glastonbury forecasts mentioning thunder I did have an 'Aaaaargh! What about Williams feet?!' moment I must admit. :eek: So glad it all worked out for you.

What I saw on the telly looked fab. Blazing sunshine, happy crowds, that ace sweary Lily Allen / Olivia Rodrigo moment :D

Looked fab. :)
I'm really glad you had such a good time William of Walworth - I know how much it means to you. When I saw a couple of pre-Glastonbury forecasts mentioning thunder I did have an 'Aaaaargh! What about Williams feet?!' moment I must admit. :eek: So glad it all worked out for you.

What I saw on the telly looked fab. Blazing sunshine, happy crowds, that ace sweary Lily Allen / Olivia Rodrigo moment :D

Looked fab. :)
Voley : Cheers lots! :) :cool:

Would you contrive to come back in 2023, or in some other future G-Fest year? :thumbs:

Cider not cumpulsory :D, but coffee might be, if you joined the Cool Crew Gang! :p :oops:, and got some job or other! :cool: :)
Uppers and Downers -- Music and Gigs


Missing too many gigs! because of The Feet! (distances, etc.) and because of general Glastonbury disorganisation.Cider/distractions, spliff-stops (did I mention I managed to score some "pain-killers" quite early ? :p ), etc.
2. In particular, missing Paul Heaton and Jackie Abbot in Acoustic! :( and Jarv-Is in The Park! :(. and The Pet Shop Boys! at Other! :(
3. Also missing Chemical Brothers at Arcadia! (Covid-based cancellation very late) :( and missing The Damned at Avalon! (same reason) :mad:
4. Missing Anjelique Kidjo in West Holts! for no particular reason -- I wasn't even that far away! :( :oops:
5. Seeing/hearing a Big Phat Zero number of acts at West Holts! or The Park! or in [ETA] Silver Hayes (Dance area -- see 6. below) :oops: (and see 1. above :( )
6. Not enough Rave Acts!, man! :mad: I could have managed to balance and dance!, And I had Cider! and weed! :p
7. First half of Sir Self-Indulgent Macca's set! :mad: :confused: -- mainly obscure and little known songs! :mad: weakly sung, and with very crap acousitics from where I initially (and sensibly to avoid mega-crowd!) was! -- half-way up the hill betwenn the Cider Bus and Worthy FM :( :( :confused: [But see also 1. in Uppers below! :cool: ]
8. Missing Diana Ross! (work! :( )
9. Overall though, I'm more generally! struggling to think of any really! shit gigs! that I did get to! :) :cool:


Second half of Macca's gig! :cool: :) :thumbs: -- (see also! 7. in Downers list, above). This was best witnessed, myself and mate found, from very near the Cider Bus!, from where we could (sort-of ;) ) see the screen and get more Burrowhilled-up! :p and hear the fucking sound properly! You were knighted for your back-catalogue Paul! :D. Absence of Frog Chorus! ( :mad: ) and Absence of Mull of Kintyre! ( :hmm: ) were significant additional bonuses!! Presence of Dave! (there's always a Dave! :D ) and Bruce! provided a big further bonus! Also, in particular, I absolutely adored Blackbird! (singing in the dead of night! ;) ) and it was fab to get plenty of Abbey Road! (The Love you Take ... ! :cool: x 100 ::thumbs:and especially! I absolutely loved One After Nine-O-Nine! ;). Near-tearful moments! :eek: :) :cool:
2. Those Other Superstars :D Hobo Jones and The Junkyard Dogs! opening Avalon on Friday. This gig is traditional for us! :cool: [Maybe with Cider! :D :p }
3. Catching part of The Libertines, who were opening! Other on Friday morning!, as we were on our way to breakfast! and! catching part of Foals!, who were closing Other on Friday night!, on our way back from our only late shift!. We were too busy! (first) and too knackered! and cold! (second!) to linger!, but the bits we heard were great! :)
4. Shedloads of other cool live shit! :thumbs:-- I'll probably remember a few specifics later on! -- like on some other day, when I haven't got to go to bed!, as I'll have to soon! :eek: :( :mad:

Moar later!, etc. ;)
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Voley : Cheers lots! :) :cool:

Would you contrive to come back in 2023, or in some other future G-Fest year? :thumbs:

Cider not cumpulsory :D, but coffee might be, if you joined the Cool Crew Gang! :p :oops:, and got some job or other! :cool: :)
I do get a bit of a nostalgic pang when I watch it on the box these days, Will, but I don't want to risk the best part of 300 quid on a ticket on what might be a mudfest. Also I think it's too synonymous with drink/drugs for me now. I could see a cheeky half pill leading to a comedown curing pint or two and that'd be me fucked.
That's a bit of shame, Voley .... Yes, a mudbath is a risk sure, and as I said, we may well be overdue one next year or soon! :eek:

But I wonder whether you might? be under-estimating your own strength and determination about staying sober?

Glastonbury isn't necessarily synonymous with drinking and drugging, especially not if you work/volunteer ...... lots of sober crew and punters about**! :)

As I'm sure you well know, there's so much! to get out of Europe's best and biggest music and cultural Festival!, and in any! head-state too! :cool:

**in fact, several of us (during our late shift in particular) were remarking about how few really fucked people there were around this year. :This was noticeable, and quite conspicuous, at G2022,, IMO! :)
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**in fact, several of us (during our late shift in particular) were remarking about how few really fucked people there were around this year. :This was noticeable, and quite conspicuous, at G2022,, IMO! :)
I do think that's changing. Young people, in particular, seem to enjoy themselves a lot more without chemical aid these days.

I'd trust my instincts on this though. One of the things you learn in recovery is that if you can avoid a potentially tricky situation, you should. And this is very avoidable.

Couple that with the cost - it would cost me the same as a weeks holiday, I'd imagine- and there are other more preferable options for me these days.
that ace sweary Lily Allen / Olivia Rodrigo moment :D

Small complaint in grand scheme of things but a mate found out that Lilly Allen had arrived on the Sunday afternoon, put two and two together made 5, and when they told me I ran past the people gathering for O-Rod to get to the BBC Introducing stage for the secret set. I was genuinely convinced at this point it was Lilly Allen.

Whoever it was who was playing were pretty good but I was not in the mood to fully appreciate.
Phew, what a scorcher. Glastonbury, for me, is about being fully in the world (whilst right off my nut, obv) and talking to other humans about stuff. I don't bother with the stages because it stresses me out. I just go to where the electronic music is, DJs, whatever, hear something I like and dance. Or just talk to someone I don't know. I love knowing that no one gives a fuck who I am and I can just be me. Is it the size of the place or what? I had a few thoughts after taking some shrooms, as you do.
Just catching up with Roisin Murphy now, I love her so much :cool: Brilliant set.
Love the way she spontaneously breaks out into groovy dance moves at specific points. Was watching it live with a mate, both of us stoned to fuck and just breaking out into hysterics. During lockdown she played a live streamed set in, I think, Berlin. It was a paid thing but it was amazing!!! Don't think there's (m)any links to it online.
I saw her at Brixton Academy last year, first gig post-pandemic <3 An amazing experience, she was absolutely superb.
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