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Glastonbury 2011

I'm with miniGMgoit

There's a fuckton of stuff to see and do. I've never even properly seen the area I work in. The only way I'd be unhappy about who was booked for main stages would be if it knackered ticket sales, which pay for all the really good stuff elsewhere on site.

If it was something like V, then sure - you've got the main stage and almost naff all else. Then you'd be right to worry about the headliners.

But it's about as far removed from that kind of festival as it's possible to get. At a guess - and it depends on how you define it - there's between 60 and 80 stages at Glastonbury. Newbies often don't get this when they first come (I didn't), but after a few years you realise there's more to the city than the 'West End'.
I didn't know anything about Chase & Status apart from the name... then watched some of their set a few nights ago. Epic. They seemed to captivate and energise the crowd in the way that Pendulum did a few years back.

Gotta love iPlayer/YouTube/BitTorrent... and the beeb for getting themselves out to West Holts. The bookings there have much more 'discovery' potential.
Paolo, i worked at V a couple of times serving booze in the VIP section, not good. Spending 10 hours giving coked up z-list pricks warm beer and wine then sneaking off for a few spliffs and a headline act. It's probably the same if not worse for the similar staff at G. G has so much more going for it than V though. (Dermot O'Leary was sound and bollocked his twatty hangers on for what it's worth).
I didn't know anything about Chase & Status apart from the name... then watched some of their set a few nights ago. Epic. They seemed to captivate and energise the crowd in the way that Pendulum did a few years back.

Gotta love iPlayer/YouTube/BitTorrent... and the beeb for getting themselves out to West Holts. The bookings there have much more 'discovery' potential.
seen the amazing video for that tune then?

rushes, grins and tears of joy watching that :)
Paolo, i worked at V a couple of times serving booze in the VIP section, not good. Spending 10 hours giving coked up z-list pricks warm beer and wine then sneaking off for a few spliffs and a headline act. It's probably the same if not worse for the similar staff at G. G has so much more going for it than V though. (Dermot O'Leary was sound and bollocked his twatty hangers on for what it's worth).
best thing about working v was my flat mates returning with about 20 crates of booze that the daft bastards had left lying around on an unfenced pallet in the middle of the backstage area one year.

had it been another festival I'd have disapproved of this, but as it was V I was proud of their efforts.
I didn't know anything about Chase & Status apart from the name... then watched some of their set a few nights ago. Epic. They seemed to captivate and energise the crowd in the way that Pendulum did a few years back.

Gotta love iPlayer/YouTube/BitTorrent... and the beeb for getting themselves out to West Holts. The bookings there have much more 'discovery' potential.

I saw em at Glastonbury in the pouring rain last week.
I saw em at Wireless in the dry last night.

If I had to re-live one of those then god help me but put me back in the rain. It was truly a magical audience at Glasto. Everyone else was off watching Mumford and Sons or bagging their U2 spot. So it was pure Chase and Status fans singing along to everything. Truly one of my highlights of the festival.

Last night was full of people along for the ride who didn't know any of the lyrics.
I saw em at Glastonbury in the pouring rain last week.
I saw em at Wireless in the dry last night.

If I had to re-live one of those then god help me but put me back in the rain. It was truly a magical audience at Glasto. Everyone else was off watching Mumford and Sons or bagging their U2 spot. So it was pure Chase and Status fans singing along to everything. Truly one of my highlights of the festival.

Last night was full of people along for the ride who didn't know any of the lyrics.

There was a good vibe on Friday night. I think people had bags of energy and were not letting the rain get to them. Stanton Warriors in our field was rocking.
There was a good vibe on Friday night. I think people had bags of energy and were not letting the rain get to them.

I thought the Friday night was ace, especially in Arcadia. There's nothing like raving in the rain, I don't do enough of it tbh. Makes the lazers look amazing for one.
There was a good vibe on Friday night. I think people had bags of energy and were not letting the rain get to them. Stanton Warriors in our field was rocking.

I was there for them too. Dirtyphonics afterward was good too.
Pulp were great - never seen them live before and they're as good as any band from their era when it comes to live performance. Great songs aswell.

I quite liked my 6 hours at 'Wireless' caught afew other bands - Foals were great, the others not so.

All good. Apart from some kids chucking beer around.
Pulp weren't loud enough! The Park stage is too small for that size crowd.

btw Emily, if you're reading this, having a beer tent with an enormous flat nameboard on it immediately opposite the stage is a Bad Idea, it reflects the sound straight back at the audience, which is really quite unpleasant..
chase and status were definately the act of the weekend for myself. They stole the show last year in the dance tent and i was curious to how it would come across on the big stage. the sound from west holts was blooming amazing, good to feel the bass in your body again :)
i had to work sat and sunday night, friday night was the one night i could let go and was glad that i got the friday despite the rain.
had a good spot just in front of the stage for chase and status, 3/4 way through i had to get out to go for a piss.. i tell you what, walking up the path towards the toilets at the back of the stage, i have never seen that field full of people dancing so much. it was quite a sight, brilliant,, and i am guessing that its due to the change in name to holts that allows c and s on such a stage. i was impressed from the sound to the lighting to the crowd going crazy, a sight ill never forget. have to agree that it just felt like everyone in that field was up for the party that night.

I was totally unprepared for the rain that night and took a soaking, up at arcadia after and i have to agree that it looked mint in the rain, the lasers were brilliant. a little disapointed that shangri la didnt have caravan palace and parlov stelar as announced before the festival for their electro swing night, i was looking foward to them, tho the correspondents with the twilight players were superb. looking fwd to catching them again at a white mink night in edinburgh next month.

just sinking in that there is no glasto for a couple of years :(, on the up side looks like ill get abroad next year, as ill definately need to do siomething that week to make up for its absence. :)
the sound from west holts was blooming amazing, good to feel the bass in your body again :)
West Holts sound is bliss (didn't see Chase & Status mind). I actually caught up with one of the sound guys on his way for a pie (or something), and congratulated him. He was well chuffed.
I second these positives about the West Holts' sound :) :cool:

They've certainly beefed it up in recent years. The volumes there used to be really poor & you could barely hear anything further back than the mixing tower but I remember seeing the Wailers there a few years ago & wondering how it had suddenly gone from zero to deafening! :D
I'll go along with this- Go Team played west holts and we're the best i've ever seen them - usually they're a bit beset by crap sound but it was great and for their part they were totally on it

big grins all round
Kind of a tough gig as well - cos one minute you're mixing some Arabic band, then a weird German art orchestra ensemble, then you turn to your mate and say 'What's up next?', 'err... Go! Team' ...'Oh shit!' (they can't be the easiest band to mix, unless you just turn everything up really high?).
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