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Glastonbury 2011

Oxfam is an option but its not the only option. You might know one or two people doing this.

Green stewards pay you although that's difficult to get. WBC serving pints. Stuart and Co security firms also pay 100 quid for stewards.

Green peace have a big area, need more time off for them though.

Then there are the performer tickets which can be as little as a couple hours work if you can get them.

The list of people working there is fairly long and if you want to work I expect there are plenty of people offering if you look hard enough.

While all that is true as a WBC Organiser I can say that under the new deadline rules - all new volunteers have to be registered before a specific date and once that date is reached no Organiser can add any new volunteers until the end of the year.

The deadline date does vary from year to year and it could be sometime this month or March.

The WBC sends out a provisional calendar and then the deadline ' for the whole year ' will normally be two weeks after that date.

I can only place people provided they have been registered in advance so anyone who has hopes of joining a WBC Team has to get their skates on.

I have a list about general festival jobs which is a good starting point

That is WBC related rather than specific to any other organisation or Glastonbury.


The section about Oxfam is inaccurate. Anyone can apply, there is a 2 week application for past stewards allowing them to choose the festivals they want to do then it is thrown open to the public.

Applications open for the general public who want to steward festivals for Oxfam on the 15th March.
That is WBC related rather than specific to any other organisation or Glastonbury.


The section about Oxfam is inaccurate. Anyone can apply, there is a 2 week application for past stewards allowing them to choose the festivals they want to do then it is thrown open to the public.

Applications open for the general public who want to steward festivals for Oxfam on the 15th March.

Its only a starting point - all a person has to do is check each link on that page.

There is no links to the WBC on that page because the WBC does not accept direct applications from a private individual so cant work out what you mean.
Coldplay are confirmed for the Sat night. U2 pulled out of last year and are rumoured to be playing the Friday night. The Beyonce thing - well Michael Eavis has been saying that he is in talks with a *massive* US star to headline, who he has been waiting ages for. He's done hippety hop, so Beyonce could well fit in with his thinking, but if I was reading between the lines about a massive US star, it would probably be someone like Neil Young, or Bruce Springsteen.

Which would make a hat-trick of dullness.

In that context of American headliners, the once-strong Prince rumours seem to have died down some time ago ... ?? :confused:
That is WBC related rather than specific to any other organisation or Glastonbury.


The section about Oxfam is inaccurate. Anyone can apply, there is a 2 week application for past stewards allowing them to choose the festivals they want to do then it is thrown open to the public.

Applications open for the general public who want to steward festivals for Oxfam on the 15th March.

I noticed you've got CATs listed for reading and leads on there...

Dont ever work for them..... it was rubbish.
I noticed you've got CATs listed for reading and leads on there...

Dont ever work for them..... it was rubbish.

Over the years I have spoken to a few who were working for Hotbox Events at Latitude and they appear to be happy with the work and facilities.

I suppose its all a matter of luck but they appear to be happy { at least at Latitude }
Over the years I have spoken to a few who were working for Hotbox Events at Latitude and they appear to be happy with the work and facilities.

I suppose its all a matter of luck but they appear to be happy { at least at Latitude }

I didnt like working for them, they were doing tent checks for things that weren't allowed onsite (i.e. bottles/drugs) the only time ive worked for them.

On or 2 of the guys that were running it took themselves a bit too seriously too...... really relished in the fact they were allowed to kick you out if they thought you were drunk on duty..... which seemed to be done with no proof other than making a suggestion of how something could be done better that they didnt like.
I didnt like working for them, they were doing tent checks for things that weren't allowed onsite (i.e. bottles/drugs) the only time ive worked for them.

SLS had a similar random drug searching policy of workers tents, where tent numbers were just picked out at random and gone through with a fine tooth comb. Last year this included a girl being pulled out of her tent, naked at 5am :(

I appreciate that one of the major security companies at Glasto can't be seen to have fucked employees but really, there are better ways to do stuff, eh?
SLS had a similar random drug searching policy of workers tents, where tent numbers were just picked out at random and gone through with a fine tooth comb. Last year this included a girl being pulled out of her tent, naked at 5am :(

I appreciate that one of the major security companies at Glasto can't be seen to have fucked employees but really, there are better ways to do stuff, eh?

The question is, is it actually policy? Or is it the people in charge trying to find stuff to give to their mates to resell at the festival.....

I always dig a hole under my tent and put anything naughty in a waterpoof bag....
This was security searching their own though, is that right Pootle?

Sounds about right. When Strange-Fish's son worked security at Big Chill a couple of years ago they were regularly ordered to turn out their pockets and anybody who had any naughties on them had them confiscated plus a cash blackmail for not turning them in. Unsurprisingly they left everything in their tents only to find they had all been ransacked on the Sunday night despite the fact they were supposedly in a secure crew area.

At the end of the day security generally cause more problems at festivals than they ever solve. Wouldn't it be lovely if the local authorities who insist on their presence could be persuaded that this was the case!
Sounds about right. When Strange-Fish's son worked security at Big Chill a couple of years ago they were regularly ordered to turn out their pockets and anybody who had any naughties on them had them confiscated plus a cash blackmail for not turning them in. Unsurprisingly they left everything in their tents only to find they had all been ransacked on the Sunday night despite the fact they were supposedly in a secure crew area.

Awful... would be curious to know the name of the firm.
This was security searching their own though, is that right Pootle?

Yep. And in all the mailouts/details you got pre-Glasto it was made v clear there was a more than zero tolerance attitude. At the gate of the SLS "compound" and yes they used that term there were big signs saying anyone caught with stuff would be reported to Police and ejected from site.
One has to wonder who is searching the searchers ?

This will be my 22 nd year as a volunteer and certainly with the WBC the only time a tent is searched is where a person has been caught stealing but this has to be authorised by two on the WBC Council and this can only take place when the accused is present and in front of two of the inner Council - its a very rare occurrence.

The Security that is employed by the WBC in our campsite is only there to protect the camp from unauthorised access and they check photo ID on entry and exit.

No other Security Company has access to our camp.

Sure we do have rules with regards volunteers being drunk on duty but what they do the rest of the time is their business.

The WBC also employs security who guard our Beer Tents overnight and certainly there has been occasions where early in the morning at the shift change the person doing the guarding was discovered blind drunk { I recall on one famous occasion the person must have drained all the dregs from about fifty Cider flagons - this guy did not have a clue in which Country he was in }
Sounds about right. When Strange-Fish's son worked security at Big Chill a couple of years ago they were regularly ordered to turn out their pockets and anybody who had any naughties on them had them confiscated plus a cash blackmail for not turning them in. Unsurprisingly they left everything in their tents only to find they had all been ransacked on the Sunday night despite the fact they were supposedly in a secure crew area.

At the end of the day security generally cause more problems at festivals than they ever solve. Wouldn't it be lovely if the local authorities who insist on their presence could be persuaded that this was the case!

I would totally disagree with that statement. If your working and some dick head start fucking about its quite reassuring that a radio call and 5 of the largest people living in the UK will turn up and sort the issue out in quick time.

They also have to deal with some real shit, because they tell people what to do and people take exception to that and they are quite a few dick heads at big festivals. Like some sort of dick head honey pot.

They do have some twats working for them, but its part of the job description in a way. All security I've worked with have been nothing but professional.
Yep. And in all the mailouts/details you got pre-Glasto it was made v clear there was a more than zero tolerance attitude. At the gate of the SLS "compound" and yes they used that term there were big signs saying anyone caught with stuff would be reported to Police and ejected from site.

From what you saw, do you think it would have caught the rogue (drug stealing) security, or would they have found other ways to lay-off or stash?
SLS had a similar random drug searching policy of workers tents, where tent numbers were just picked out at random and gone through with a fine tooth comb. Last year this included a girl being pulled out of her tent, naked at 5am :(

I appreciate that one of the major security companies at Glasto can't be seen to have fucked employees but really, there are better ways to do stuff, eh?

It always makes me laugh that Stuart Security inserted the world "Leisure" into their company name a few years back to avoid a nasty set of initials. They're still fascists, though.

I think this is the point most people take exception too when they get searched at festivals.

Lucky enough I miss all that bollocks as each festival I work at has a separate way to get in for WBC crew although at Reading we have two Beer Tents outside the arena and although we walk though the normal arena entry/exit point we are not searched and we can use that point at any time of the day or night which nearly caused a riot in 2005 as my Team had to walk though twenty minuets before the official arena opening time which caused a huge surge for ticket holders to get in - security decided to make a separate entry/exit point so it did not happen again.
Lucky enough I miss all that bollocks as each festival I work at has a separate way to get in for WBC crew although at Reading we have two Beer Tents outside the arena and although we walk though the normal arena entry/exit point we are not searched and we can use that point at any time of the day or night which nearly caused a riot in 2005 as my Team had to walk though twenty minuets before the official arena opening time which caused a huge surge for ticket holders to get in - security decided to make a separate entry/exit point so it did not happen again.

Do they not use the access gate round the side? We used to stumble in and out of there with crates of beer last time i worked at reading.

Needless to say i wont work there again, full of cunts that fest.
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