There are a few issues there. Firstly the decision by the drug company to test only with men and trans women - this is not normal (I used to work in pharma r&d; studies are more complex and potentially harder to recruit for the more variables you include, sure, but not that much more and some variables are pretty obviously necessary like sex).
Secondly the decision by the FDA to approve anyway but just for men, rather than reject because of incomplete testing. FDA approval is widely known to be politically related - sometimes it is very exacting, sometimes it is very lax, depending on who is running the show. With the current US regime this doesn't surprise me.
And thirdly of course the general issue of a drug that's no better than another one that's just about to come out of patent being approved, falsely marketed as being better, and sold at an insane price. But that's not a gender issue, that's a US healthcare issue.