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Feminism and a world designed for men

There was a good Welsh Parliament debate last year covering a lot of the issues you've mentioned. They also made the point about Erectile Dysfunction recieving huge amounts of research funding compared to women health issues even though it affects a much smaller amount of people.

Most services both physical and mental health services still know very little about these conditions. My partner has ME and so many people in Mental Health that I've known still don't understand it thinking it is to do with motivation.

My work colleague was blatantly told "It's in your imagination" when her kidneys were hurting her so bad she couldn't stand up. She'd collapsed at the A&E entrance and was luckily caught by a security guard, but that doctor really needs to fuck off back to Victorian times with his patronising "hysterical wimminz" attitude. :mad:

The backdrop is that there are longstanding, broad and systemic problems with the medical system, the limitations of medical knowledge, the training of people who will work in the profession, priorities and the allocation of resources, etc. And in this country the favouring of the 'guesswork, pick the most likely and convenient explanation first then only reconsider if the situation is not resolved, moving on to the next most likely diagnosis and repeat this cycle until you finally get to the bottom of it or the patient goes away' approach, instead of favouring proper diagnostics testing at all times. The first months of the pandemic showed up very sharply the shit attitudes towards formal diagnostics testing and actually bothering to properly resource that part of the system, but this was just a dramatic example of a much wider phenomenon.

And of course the grotesque failures of this sort of approach then get combined with all the ways that our society and its systems treat women, brush aside their concerns etc, etc. We have at least reached a point where people are not willing to put up with this in silence any more, where individual/per institution examples of failure will be highlighted and deemed unacceptable on a fairly regular basis. We might hope that the current awareness and unrest about these things may force great change upon the system and attitudes, but its sadly far from clear how much lasting success there will be on this front, whether things can be brought to a head, how to take this struggle to the next level. Various specific medical scandals and then the pandemic brought some stuff into sharp focus for a time, but the 'return to normality' pandemic agenda has since been used as a suppressive force, a chance to look away from issues that require much effort to solve. A chance to return to the old 'comfort zone' that was actually anything but comfortable for all the people who have been ignored, dismissed and marginalised, and invited to believe that it has always been that way, will always be that way, and that its their problem and not the manifestation of crap systems, attitudes and priorities.

There are plenty of examples of the disproportionate burden women have been forced to deal with in the pandemic, and the absolutely pathetic approach to proper diagnostics in regards long Covid looks like it will be a vivid and long lasting example of this in this country. One that our media is generally disinterested in shouting about as a top priority.
I'm repeating these posts here for the benefit of those who might be distracted by the last few pages of cock filled waffle. So we can get back to discussing the feminist issue at hand.
And there's this from WaPo:

Teen girls ‘engulfed’ in violence and trauma, CDC finds

Nearly 1 in 3 high school girls reported in 2021 that they seriously considered suicide — up nearly 60 percent from a decade ago — according to new findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 15 percent of teen girls said they were forced to have sex, an increase of 27 percent over two years and the first increase since the CDC began tracking it.

I have a friend who is currently in a pretty bad way medically - multiple issues but the main ones being multiple fractures in foot and a completely dislocated hamstring. These two injuries happened separately. After the foot, her pain was dismissed and she was told to keep walking on it (bad idea, made it worse). After the hamstring, she was just ignored - literally no doctor looked at it for months - and now it is likely inoperable and she's likely disabled for life. It hadn't occurred to me before now but I think there's a lot about how she's been treated by the system that relates to gender and class (she has a very broad Yorkshire working class accent). The times when she's made progress have generally been when me or my partner (both men - and my partner in particular sounds southern middle class) have been able to advocate for her Suddenly everything changes and an appointment is found, or a different test ordered, or a prescription magically appears.
I have a friend who is currently in a pretty bad way medically - multiple issues but the main ones being multiple fractures in foot and a completely dislocated hamstring. These two injuries happened separately. After the foot, her pain was dismissed and she was told to keep walking on it (bad idea, made it worse). After the hamstring, she was just ignored - literally no doctor looked at it for months - and now it is likely inoperable and she's likely disabled for life. It hadn't occurred to me before now but I think there's a lot about how she's been treated by the system that relates to gender and class (she has a very broad Yorkshire working class accent). The times when she's made progress have generally been when me or my partner (both men - and my partner in particular sounds southern middle class) have been able to advocate for her Suddenly everything changes and an appointment is found, or a different test ordered, or a prescription magically appears.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and how she was treated.

I think you're onto something about working-class women. My example is nowhere near as horrific as your friend's, but in 2017 I was working in this housing call centre in Enfield, for a company which managed properties on behalf of landlords, so a buffer between landlords and tenants if you like. So we'd get calls from both. A couple of tenants and one particularly rude, snobby landlord used to complain about my Brummie accent and ask to speak to someone who knew what they were doing, and who hadn't failed at school. (No idea why he thought working in a call centre meant I was a failure and someone else doing the same job wasn't, but then this guy used to describe his tenants as "animals" too, so that gives you an idea of the type of cunt he was). One tenant blatantly said she wasn't used to "being spoken to like that by a woman" whenever I was unable to do what she wanted, and would keep ringing back until she got a bloke. Of course, my male colleagues with a more London/southern accent would then give her the exact same answer I'd given her, but she didn't care about that. She just didn't like someone who sounded like me telling her no!
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I have a friend who is currently in a pretty bad way medically - multiple issues but the main ones being multiple fractures in foot and a completely dislocated hamstring. These two injuries happened separately. After the foot, her pain was dismissed and she was told to keep walking on it (bad idea, made it worse). After the hamstring, she was just ignored - literally no doctor looked at it for months - and now it is likely inoperable and she's likely disabled for life. It hadn't occurred to me before now but I think there's a lot about how she's been treated by the system that relates to gender and class (she has a very broad Yorkshire working class accent). The times when she's made progress have generally been when me or my partner (both men - and my partner in particular sounds southern middle class) have been able to advocate for her Suddenly everything changes and an appointment is found, or a different test ordered, or a prescription magically appears.
Years back had an comrade in the anti-poll tax movement,, an auld tankie. Something was up with her health and even I as a callow youth could see she was seriously ill. Then some months later she was finally diagnosed with cancer, now terminal. Her daughter told me they'd said it was probably cancer for ten years, and altho her family didn't put it down to gender class and politics I couldn't help thinking about it
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