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Why are more young men than older seeing feminism as a bad thing?

Fair enough. When the card thing comes round I just tap it. Maybe should ask next time how we are paying.
When meeting someone for the first time in a dating situation, it's almost the first thing I bring up. I want to split the bill. Keep things simple and unloaded. We have both agreed to meet to get to know each other that is all. The bill is being split, end of.
Enough about you, Phil.

It is true though, isn't it? I mean there is a fairly serious mental health crisis among British men aged 18-30? Anyway, that's the conclusion reached by my intensive research method of walking around, looking about, and occasionally chatting to randos in pubs.
The root cause is the LGBQ community? Where are you getting this garbage?

The root cause is a massive, epochal restructuring of sexuality that includes both the efflorescence and (so I'm told) the exfoliation of what you term "the LGBQ community" and the consequent redundance of the kind of bloke who would in previous generations have been monogamously married with kids by the age of twenty-five. The future is bleak for such blokes, and so is the present, and that is why they are going mad.
The root cause is a massive, epochal restructuring of sexuality that includes both the efflorescence and (so I'm told) the exfoliation of what you term "the LGBQ community" and the consequent redundance of the kind of bloke who would in previous generations have been monogamously married with kids by the age of twenty-five. The future is bleak for such blokes, and so is the present, and that is why they are going mad.

But surely any shortage of straight cisgender people affects the sexes equally, so these marriage-minded blokes would be snapped up by young women at just the same rate as previously?
But surely any shortage of straight cisgender people affects the sexes equally, so these marriage-minded blokes would be snapped up by young women at just the same rate as previously?
I know phil is a bit of a driveller but there is a good point in there, young women today (largely thanks to feminism) have a lot more choice on what to do with their lives than their mothers and grandmothers. It's no longer a choice of leave school, get married or leave school and work for a bit before getting married and starting a family. A much greater percentage of women can afford to choose career and acquiring their own homes over marriage or at least only be willing to settle for a man that will respect that choice. Those women who really just want marriage and kids can afford to be picky and wait for Mr Right without having to settle for Mr Only Offer On The Table.
Because young women have choices in life than just being a wife/girlfriend then any young man who wants one (and the quirks of human biology means that is pretty much all of them) has to up his game to attract a mate so to speak. Young women just won't settle for a man at any costs these days and why should they?
I know phil is a bit of a driveller but there is a good point in there, young women today (largely thanks to feminism) have a lot more choice on what to do with their lives than their mothers and grandmothers. It's no longer a choice of leave school, get married or leave school and work for a bit before getting married and starting a family. A much greater percentage of women can afford to choose career and acquiring their own homes over marriage or at least only be willing to settle for a man that will respect that choice. Those women who really just want marriage and kids can afford to be picky and wait for Mr Right without having to settle for Mr Only Offer On The Table.
Because young women have choices in life than just being a wife/girlfriend then any young man who wants one (and the quirks of human biology means that is pretty much all of them) has to up his game to attract a mate so to speak. Young women just won't settle for a man at any costs these days and why should they?

That’s a completely different argument from blaming exfoliating sexual minorities, though. And I don’t think for a moment that all young men are eager to settle down and couple up.

Incel ideology is predicated on Spymaster maths.
I know phil is a bit of a driveller but there is a good point in there, young women today (largely thanks to feminism) have a lot more choice on what to do with their lives than their mothers and grandmothers. It's no longer a choice of leave school, get married or leave school and work for a bit before getting married and starting a family. A much greater percentage of women can afford to choose career and acquiring their own homes over marriage or at least only be willing to settle for a man that will respect that choice. Those women who really just want marriage and kids can afford to be picky and wait for Mr Right without having to settle for Mr Only Offer On The Table.
Because young women have choices in life than just being a wife/girlfriend then any young man who wants one (and the quirks of human biology means that is pretty much all of them) has to up his game to attract a mate so to speak. Young women just won't settle for a man at any costs these days and why should they?

I think there is a definite crisis of masculinity and positive directions to go in but Phil’s blame the lgbt argument lacks nuance and detail.

I’d also say “happily married and no trouble 40 years ago” is doing a lot of work considering domestic violence figures
I know phil is a bit of a driveller but there is a good point in there, young women today (largely thanks to feminism) have a lot more choice on what to do with their lives than their mothers and grandmothers. It's no longer a choice of leave school, get married or leave school and work for a bit before getting married and starting a family. A much greater percentage of women can afford to choose career and acquiring their own homes over marriage or at least only be willing to settle for a man that will respect that choice. Those women who really just want marriage and kids can afford to be picky and wait for Mr Right without having to settle for Mr Only Offer On The Table.
Because young women have choices in life than just being a wife/girlfriend then any young man who wants one (and the quirks of human biology means that is pretty much all of them) has to up his game to attract a mate so to speak. Young women just won't settle for a man at any costs these days and why should they?

if only he was arguing that position

rather than men have been put out by society evolving
What are these new sexualities anyway?

Aren’t people still basically straight, gay or bi?
sexual minorites are just that they make a lot of noise because they are different and have the ability to talk now rather than stay in the closet and certain people think they can make money out of either them or the threat promise of them.

incels have just consumed to much porn and have convinced themselves that trans lesbians are holding all the available swimsuit models on lesbian island :D :facepalm:
But surely any shortage of straight cisgender people affects the sexes equally, so these marriage-minded blokes would be snapped up by young women at just the same rate as previously?
Yeah, the basic maths is the same. There is still roughly one man to every woman and homosexuality rates in each sex are similar.

Even after a sharp rise in self-identification as LGB, still here in the UK a whopping 94% of people identify as straight to population survey gatherers. Even among under-25s, it's 92%. And women are twice as likely to say they're bi than men, which in theory would put straight men at a slight advantage if anything.

Edited. Sorry, this is the latest release. Basically the same.

Sexual orientation, UK - Office for National Statistics
What are these new sexualities anyway?

Aren’t people still basically straight, gay or bi?
UK latest survey, 2022, has about 0.5% of people responding 'other', while about 3% respond 'don't know or refuse to answer'. The number responding 'gay or lesbian' is 1.8% in the latest survey, which is lower than I would have guessed. A further 1.5% say they're bi, which is a growing self-identification.

So yes, basically people are mostly straight, gay (or lesbian) or bi.
I think, because these platforms make money by us sharing our inner most selves all the time, we get to see the grimness of the inner human so easily. Byung Chul Han calls this the “flattening of the other” - others inner private experience now consumed through a flattened screen. Pixilated phenomenology: flat, cut off. So while we might see this, see toxic fucks in all their glory, it might not mean it is necessarily growing. Or getting worse. It’s just a monitised display of the inner recesses of the soul, if you like. I do know I’ll never sign up to a social media platform again in this life time if I don’t have to.
Maybe in regards toxic attitudes it’s better that it’s out in the open, that we can see it. Don’t know. I do know that I don’t want my son (or any other man) being influenced by it.
Maybe in regards toxic attitudes it’s better that it’s out in the open, that we can see it. Don’t know. I do know that I don’t want my son (or any other man) being influenced by it.
This is something I question with a lot of social media-related stuff - it makes visible and amplifies things that already existed and can create the conditions for moral panics. I saw plenty of horrible toxic male behaviour when I was a teenager/early 20s. Calling women 'it' when 'on the pull', and the like. I'm not convinced things are worse now.
This is something I question with a lot of social media-related stuff - it makes visible and amplifies things that already existed and can create the conditions for moral panics. I saw plenty of horrible toxic male behaviour when I was a teenager/early 20s. Calling women 'it' when 'on the pull', and the like. I'm not convinced things are worse now.
UK latest survey, 2022, has about 0.5% of people responding 'other', while about 3% respond 'don't know or refuse to answer'. The number responding 'gay or lesbian' is 1.8% in the latest survey, which is lower than I would have guessed. A further 1.5% say they're bi, which is a growing self-identification.

So yes, basically people are mostly straight, gay (or lesbian) or bi.

So yeah, still a mystery to me what all these exfoliated sexualities are..
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