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Feminism and violence again women

I read a book about a former detective's cases in the city, and I think there was at one point a mobile incident trailer parked in Blythswood Square in Glasgow. At night it was the main drag for sex workers in the city - unlike Edinburgh where many work out of saunas and are not on the streets - and in between clients sex workers would share information about those that hurt women.

Clearly fuck all was actually done with the information yet the police wonder why there are trust issues...
I sincerely hope that, similar to Operation Anagram for Peter Tobin, the police are mounting a similar operation to turn over every part of Ian Packer's life along with unsolved tapes and murders in the city.
Something close to home for me, my best friends sister in law was violently attacked on Monday, stabbed multiple times, she is still in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The man arrested has appeared in court today charged with attempted murder.
Something close to home for me, my best friends sister in law was violently attacked on Monday, stabbed multiple times, she is still in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The man arrested has appeared in court today charged with attempted murder.
Did he know her or was it just random?
that wouldn't be my first thought
Attacks by strangers are relatively rare, most women are attacked by men who know them so it is a relevant question.
Sorry, think it’s best I only share what is publicly available in the media given it will likely go to trial
That's fair enough let's hope she makes a full recovery and he goes down for a long stretch.
Something close to home for me, my best friends sister in law was violently attacked on Monday, stabbed multiple times, she is still in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The man arrested has appeared in court today charged with attempted murder.
I hope she recovers well. Sounds very frightening. Glad they have arrest the man, let's hope they keep him in custody.
Something close to home for me, my best friends sister in law was violently attacked on Monday, stabbed multiple times, she is still in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The man arrested has appeared in court today charged with attempted murder.
Very sorry to hear that. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
This case is making the headlines here in Scotland - Emma Caldwell was murdered 19 years ago. Women tried to raise the alarm about the main suspect but were not believed:

There is an excellent podcast about this on BBC Sounds which was made a couple of years ago (called ‘Who Killed Emma?’). Obviously a little outdated as now we know who did, but regardless worth a listen to. It’s hard at times, but journalism which genuinely gives a voice to the usually voiceless is always to be applauded IMO.
I'm not sure if it's down to more/better reporting, but there have been some truly shocking stories recently. I feel so sad and despairing about it all (as well as hugely angry). I mean not all men but way, way too many men.

'Sobhia Khan, 37 at the time of her death in May 2017, was subjected to “domestic violence on a savage scale” before being beaten to death by her newlywed husband, Ataul Mustafa. He was being monitored in the community as a restricted patient after earlier being sentenced to a hospital order for violent and sexual offences against a former partner.'

I'm not sure if it's down to more/better reporting, but there have been some truly shocking stories recently.

For the record, in the past week, it was revealed that the Conservative Party's principal financial donor has called for the assassination of one of the country's longest serving female members of the House of Commons, and that they have no intention of returning the £15m concerned:

Exclusive: Tory party “sitting on” further £5m from disgraced donor Frank Hester
Something close to home for me, my best friends sister in law was violently attacked on Monday, stabbed multiple times, she is still in hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The man arrested has appeared in court today charged with attempted murder.
Just to catch up on this. I saw her tonight when I caught up with my best friend, as she was also visiting. Had a good long chat with her and she is doing very well. I am so impressed with her brave she is, and how well she is doing.

The trial is still to come, and hopefully there will be a long custodial sentence for the perpetrator.
Just to catch up on this. I saw her tonight when I caught up with my best friend, as she was also visiting. Had a good long chat with her and she is doing very well. I am so impressed with her brave she is, and how well she is doing.

The trial is still to come, and hopefully there will be a long custodial sentence for the perpetrator.
Glad she's doing ok. Hope that cunt gets the max for attempted murder.
This isn’t violence but it is a window into life as a woman. I was on a not very busy train coming home today, working. No one sat next to me as we left London (and very few people board the train later on - it’s mostly people getting off) so I was working on my laptop, referring to notes on my tablet on the table next to me. My bag was also on the seat next to me. I hadn’t noticed we’d stopped because I was engrossed in what I was doing until suddenly a man put his bag down heavily on top of my tablet screen. He didn’t speak to me so I suggested he could have asked me to move my bag/tablet which I would have been happy to have done. He told me seats were for sitting on and then continued to be aggressive. He spread his legs really wide and leaned into my space, told me I was too fat for the seat, and asked me if I were having a bad day when I ignored him. All because I was a woman working on a train.

When we got to the next stop and the train emptied, he didn’t move. So I pretended I was getting off so that I didn’t have to spend the next 25 minutes of my nearly 2 hour commute absorbing his hate for me.

For every bloke who says “oh there must be a reason this man murdered women! He must have some terrible psychological trauma or be horribly mentally ill’, there is another man who spends his lives making random women’s lives miserable because he just hates us.
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