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Feminism and the silencing of women

Turns out that women researchers are more unheard, unread and unfunded than men. Scientists likely the most affected.
Nature said:
People just believe that there are some disciplines that are better than others,” says Alex James, a mathematician at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, who led one the latest studies on the phenomenon. “And it turns out that ones that we think are a bit rubbish are all full of women.”
Gender bias might be working at level of whole disciplines
Erica Wagner talks about how women get (or don't get) their voices heard, with reference to her late mentor, Lisa Jardine, to Clara Bingham's book The Movement: How Women's Liberation Transformed America 1963-1973 and modern examples, eg how Harris dealt with Pence's constant interruptions

Harris has demonstrated across her career that she knows what it takes to make people listen. Let’s say it: to make men listen. In the 2020 vice-presidential debates, Mike Pence kept trying to interrupt her. Eventually she held up the flat of her hand. “Mr Vice-President, I’m speaking, I’m speaking,” she said, acknowledging with her repetition that he seemed to believe he was entitled to talk over her. He was not: and she let him know in the plainest terms.

‘I am speaking’: on Kamala Harris and women’s voices
As the US contemplates electing its first female president, Erica Wagner explores what the long fight for equality tells us about that choice


archived here
So I started following Dr Jess Taylor on LinkedIn - I don't agree with her on everything, having previously followed her on Twitter but she does some good highlighting of VAWG. I've only seen 2 posts by her on LI and... well there was always some of this on Twitter but 80% of the replies on LI are men going 'But what about the men?!', 'But what about this woman who murdered her kids 30 years ago?!' 'Women attack men too' 'You're being divisive' 'You need to educate yourself about female violence!' :facepalm:

Obviously quite a few of these guys are deliberately being asshats who think they have some massive GOTCHA here, but sadly some are also blokes who honestly think they're 'making a fair point' because 'you only ever hear about male violence against women, not the other way round' yet don't seem to have a clue about the optics of interrupting discussions of VAWG being the only time they discuss violence against men.
Obviously quite a few of these guys are deliberately being asshats who think they have some massive GOTCHA here, but sadly some are also blokes who honestly think they're 'making a fair point' because 'you only ever hear about male violence against women, not the other way round' yet don't seem to have a clue about the optics of interrupting discussions of VAWG being the only time they discuss violence against men.

There's loads of things like that isn't there. Like how they suddenly get worked up about male mental health and suicide rates only in the context of it being something to beat women over the head with.
Whataboutery is hella annoying. I have some sympathy for the guys who are trying to do the right thing and are choking on the humble pie -- one's idiot filter shouldn't be attuned to one gender only -- but the "I'm just asking questions" assholes deserve zero consideration.
There's loads of things like that isn't there. Like how they suddenly get worked up about male mental health and suicide rates only in the context of it being something to beat women over the head with.
There's also an overlap between men who use male suicide as a gotcha and men who think mentally ill men are weak beta cucks, and talking about your feelings is woke crap, in my experience.

I wish these men cared about male suicide and mental illness outside of using it as a gotcha. There's a history of mental illness on my mum's side. My grandad attempted suicide multiple times and had a mental breakdown in his 40s, and my brother's got his fair share of issues too.
I put this on the VAWG thread and I’m putting it here too.

Just in case people aren’t aware of it, or have forgotten about it.

One of the things that silences women is the sheer volume of bullshit they have to deal with.

A friend met me for supper last week. She seems a little flustered when she arrived but yunno, traffic, travelling etc. About half way through the meal she told me about something that had happened on her way to the restaurant. A fairly low level thing but definitely publicly displayed misogyny. I asked her why she’d not said anything when she arrived. She looked surprised and then shrugged and said “Well if we reported every single thing that happened every single time, men would tell us to shut up about it”. It seemed to me that she needed to feel comfortable and have a glass of wine or two before she felt able to share what had happened.
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