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Feminism and violence again women

I saw that stinking DM headline in the actual DM (because I’m a silly fool and go there sometimes as if it tells me something useful about what Other People are thinking.
Just went onto my twitter and see half the posts are people being angry about that same headline, which does makes it all feel much better.
It’s a terrible headline. But wouldn’t anyone argue that it was perhaps the case? She was very successful, his business ventures apparently useless, and so his macho male toxicity kicked in?
It’s a terrible headline. But wouldn’t anyone argue that it was perhaps the case? She was very successful, his business ventures apparently useless, and so his macho male toxicity kicked in?
and that made him so resentful that he murdered all 3 of them including the child?

We have 2 women every week killed by a partner or ex. Which is mind blowing every time i check and see the stat again but apparently we do, and thats with so few guns around.
So how many of those can be explained by them being too successful at work.
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and that made him so resentful that he murdered all 3 of them including the child?

We have 2 women every week killed by a partner or ex. Which is mind blowing every time i check and see the stat again but apparently we do, and thats with so few guns around.
So how many of those can be explained by them being too successful at work.
It’s disgusting and depressing. If he felt that inadequate he could have just walked into the sea or something. Rather than taking out what he envied and felt he owned with him.
It’s a terrible headline. But wouldn’t anyone argue that it was perhaps the case? She was very successful, his business ventures apparently useless, and so his macho male toxicity kicked in?
That's his problem to deal with then. What's the solution? Stop women having careers?
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Media guidelines that the Mail refuses to follow:

View attachment 362781

Media Guidelines – Level Up
That’s really important. The image seems to have repeated the I instead of giving the A from the acronym, so it’s worth adding that here:

Name the crime as domestic abuse
Name the crime as domestic abuse or
violence, as opposed to just ‘tragedy’ or ‘horror’. Perpetrators are not ‘monsters’ or ‘evil’, they make choices that are motivated by control. Frame the death in the context of a pattern of controlling behaviour. Where possible, include examples of a history of coercive control and previous assaults. Find out whether police were aware of the abuse and if they responded.

Reach out to experts for comment, not just the police. Include a reference to the National Domestic Abuse Helpline at the end of the article, so readers know where to seek help:
For confidential support, call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Freephone Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit womensaid.co.uk

If you or your family have lost a friend or
family member through fatal domestic abuse, AAFDA (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse) can offer specialist and expert support and advocacy. For more info visit www.aafda.org.uk
That’s really important. The image seems to have repeated the I instead of giving the A from the acronym, so it’s worth adding that here:

Name the crime as domestic abuse
Name the crime as domestic abuse or
violence, as opposed to just ‘tragedy’ or ‘horror’. Perpetrators are not ‘monsters’ or ‘evil’, they make choices that are motivated by control. Frame the death in the context of a pattern of controlling behaviour. Where possible, include examples of a history of coercive control and previous assaults. Find out whether police were aware of the abuse and if they responded.

Reach out to experts for comment, not just the police. Include a reference to the National Domestic Abuse Helpline at the end of the article, so readers know where to seek help:
For confidential support, call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Freephone Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit womensaid.co.uk

If you or your family have lost a friend or
family member through fatal domestic abuse, AAFDA (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse) can offer specialist and expert support and advocacy. For more info visit www.aafda.org.uk
Thank you Danny.
Psychological violence and serious violation of boundaries. Hope this is ok to put here, wasn't sure where best.

A "reality TV" personality has been sentenced to 21 months for sharing a sex video of himself with his ex-partner without her consent.

The reality TV personality Stephen Bear has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for sharing a private video of him having sex with his ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison, in a judgment confirming that sharing intimate images without consent is a serious crime.

Bear was also ordered to sign the sex offender register and given a restraining order not to contact Harrison for five years. He will have notification requirements to keep police updated with his address and whereabouts for 10 years.

[Georgia] Harrison, who waived her right to anonymity, told Chelmsford crown court she did not know they were being filmed and had told Bear not to share the footage. She said he went on to share it on WhatsApp and online.

Outside court Ms Harrison said she was "happy and relieved that this matter is finally over"


I want to let all other victims of this crime know that I stand in solidarity with them and I have absolutely no regrets on waiving my anonymity.

I hope that this puts anyone off committing this sort of crime and I hope for anyone else who has been a victim of it [that] it gives them some sort of justice.

Stephen Bear jailed for 21 months for sharing sex video without consent
I hope this is the right thread

The main 8:10 interview on the Today programme was a powerful and shocking listen this morning.

The link below is available for the next 7 days, and by way of a trigger warning it does discuss the women’s experience of flashers


Makes me angry to see they're giving this cunt more attention over a decade on. Poor Sam Stobbart will probably get more abuse and blame with this dragged back to the surface. They're already starting in the comments on this article, saying she "provoked him with her lies". Course it can't have been she was just scared stiff of him and would've said anything to get rid of him, but classic misogyny to blame the woman for this guy's misdeeds.

I was 23 when this first happened in 2010 and remember work colleagues gossiping about it saying "Yeah but she shacked up with someone else" and "If MY woman lay with another man" as if that excused Moat's actions and he somehow owned her. Like, didn't she have the right to start a new relationship? Is a relationship not over until the man says it is? I remember trying to reason with some of them that Sam wasn't the person who shot David Rathband or Chris Brown - or herself! - and it's quite common advice to try and deter an abuser by saying you're seeing a cop or someone like that, because bullies tend to be cowards when it comes to authority. I don't like that because I think everybody should be able to refuse to be with someone without having to pretend they "belong" to someone else, but that's not the world we live in and Sam only did what she thought would put him off. She didn't force Moat to kill and ruin so many lives, he and he alone made that choice. Not to mention that maybe if the police had taken her seriously when reporting his abuse before, she might not have felt the need to lie in the first place (and then maybe David Rathband and Chris Brown would still be alive today also). If something like this happened now, I'd hope we'd be kinder and more empathetic towards the ex-girlfriend who was just trying to protect herself and her child, but judging by how much more cruel social media trolls have become since then, I'm not sure.

As an aside, I remember getting a similar reaction when telling someone about my ex who went on to beat up his girlfriend after me (including trying to strangle her and kicking her when she was pregnant). I read about it in the paper and commented what a lucky escape I had, and this person responded "Oh, but you don't know if she provoked him or if it was even his kid!" Why that would make it OK, I don't know. I don't know if people say that because they want to be seen as "empathetic" and "not judgmental" but some things there's just no excuse for and absolutely should be judged. Plus if your "empathy" comes at the expense of the victim, you're doing it wrong. I personally finished with this guy because him and some mates had beaten up a bloke on a bus along with some racial abuse and found it funny instead of regretting it. I told him I didn't feel safe around him any more and he said "Oh but I wouldn't do it to a woman!" I told him that was beside the point, and even leaving my own safety aside, him being violent in an unprovoked attack and bragging about it just made me not like him very much. So I was relieved at the lucky escape and glad I'd trusted my instincts but so sad for this woman and her baby. He only got eight months due to "previous good character" which is such an insult! The judge said she'd "only" got minor injuries and the baby was fine - thankfully - but I dread to think what it must have done to her mental health. I don't know who she is but I still think of her from time to time and hope her and her child are safe and doing OK.

Thank you for listening to my rant.
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I was genuinely surprised at the time by how much public support there was for Moat, one person I know (who really should have known better) defended him with "Well She was his Bird what was he supposed to do?"
He seemed even more surprised when I said "not shooting her would be a good place to start". I'm not certain why he struck a chord with so many people when realistically he was just an unpleasant thug with a chip on his shoulder.
At least the evil fuckpig had the decency to kill himself.
When the news broke about the siege I thought at the time, he's surrounded by a dozen guys with body armour, with much better guns than him that they have been trained to use. His only choices are surrender and spend the rest of his life in jail or fire off a random shot before they put a dozen slugs in him. He picked a third and to be honest probably the most pathetic one.

This lot bombard businesses, and individuals and constantly campaign to have rad-fems cancelled. They’re often successful.

But you never hear someone admit to it physically. All done behind a keyboard the fucking melts.
An extremely sobering article about misogyny in sentencing guidelines and how certain crimes against women are viewed:

That is so upsetting.
An extremely sobering article about misogyny in sentencing guidelines and how certain crimes against women are viewed:

That's chilling.
How the fuck you only doing 12 years for that?

e.t.a. it almost looks as if he knew he could serve the minimum tariff if he worked that narrative out in court
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How the fuck you only doing 12 years for that?

e.t.a. it almost looks as if he knew he could serve the minimum tariff if he worked that narrative out in court
That's basically it, plus the male prosecutor seemed to very much dismiss everything the victim's friends and family were saying about coercive control in the relationship, so the defendants got to paint a narrative in a certain biased way.
That's basically it, plus the male prosecutor seemed to very much dismiss everything the victim's friends and family were saying about coercive control in the relationship, so the defendants got to paint a narrative in a certain biased way.

Yeah I’m at a loss for words after reading that. That must be terrifying to read if you are a woman. It certainly scared me.
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