Effectively has no substance. Not that there's nothing true in there, just that what is true is being distorted by the lens of the author's alignment. That's fine if it's state propaganda (or indeed an Azov tweet)... we're on relatively solid ground there. I'll be sceptical by default if I see 'Ukraine claims x' etc. Usually stuff that you can get some alternative takes on pretty easily too, even from mainstream media. But opinion pieces require a lot more unpacking, particularly if from somewhere that doesn't get great coverage at the best of times. E.g I'm relatively familiar with China (which means familiar enough to know that I haven't scratched the surface, but hey), and even then would be extremely wary of drawing any conclusions from an article published on a site like that. I'd first go to sources I know are generally reliable, check in with friends and a few posters on here... then I'd probably try and find a take from someone I'd read previously before considering sharing it without a bunch of caveats and personal interpretation. In all honesty though I think that site throws up so many red flags that I'd probably write off the author regardless.