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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

This new book on the Azov Battalion looks great.
Worth looking back at this discussion from 2005:

Lots of mentions of Right Sector, Azov Battalion etc on this thread (started in 2012 but bulk of it 2014):

I wonder how much less fascism there would be in Ukraine if the neighbouring Government weren’t massive authoritarians who kill dissidents and try to control their neighbours.
that's average for the guardian, in case anyone else had their hopes raised.
Guardian said:
On the eve of the Russian invasion, former Trump aide Steve Bannon hosted private security head Erik Princ, founder of the Blackwater military contracting group, on his popular War Room podcast.
Yep, that does indeed seem average for the Guardian.
Has there been any analysis of Spencer’s journey from an alt-right, ‘Russia is our friend’ pro-trumper to his (fairly old now) ‘support’ for Biden and his anti Russia/Q, “I’m the sensible fascist” stance. Obviously a lot will be driven by bitterness to his erstwhile comrades and finding a way of standing out, but I’d like to have an idea of how a ‘pro western’ fascism could develop in the future
A lot of old style Stormfront fash also hated Trump (while still finding him useful) because of his Jewish connections and belief he was set up as a distraction/dilution to the far right movement. Leading honest nationally minded patriots away from racial awareness etc
Has there been any analysis of Spencer’s journey from an alt-right, ‘Russia is our friend’ pro-trumper to his (fairly old now) ‘support’ for Biden and his anti Russia/Q, “I’m the sensible fascist” stance. Obviously a lot will be driven by bitterness to his erstwhile comrades and finding a way of standing out, but I’d like to have an idea of how a ‘pro western’ fascism could develop in the future
Maybe something like the fash in Poland? Russian money drying up means more scope for that sort of thing
Has there been any analysis of Spencer’s journey from an alt-right, ‘Russia is our friend’ pro-trumper to his (fairly old now) ‘support’ for Biden and his anti Russia/Q, “I’m the sensible fascist” stance. Obviously a lot will be driven by bitterness to his erstwhile comrades and finding a way of standing out, but I’d like to have an idea of how a ‘pro western’ fascism could develop in the future
Have you got any documentation of Spencer's anti-Russia line? Did a quick search and could only find stuff about his older pro-Russia stuff. Although I suppose it's 2022 so he's about as relevant as Nick Griffin nowadays. From having a quick bit of a look around for stuff about the pro-Ukraine/anti-Russia side of the far right, it seems like there's two very different positions possible - one being a return to more traditional pre-Trump conservative politics, or else "Putin is actually doing denazification in Ukraine and that's bad". From the ADL, so usual disclaimers apply, but this seems like a reasonably informed look at the variety of fash positions on the war:
eta: Three Way Fight have a collection of resources here, some I'd seen before, some I hadn't:
Interesting that the Torygraph of all places has a not entirely laudatory feature on Azov. It's a collection of quotes and references from elsewhere. Perhaps the purpose is to warn readers not to get too excited about their slick videos:
“The far-right in general, and their apparent impunity have significantly damaged Ukraine’s international reputation and left the country vulnerable to hostile narratives exaggerating the role of extremist groups in Ukraine,” Oleskiy Kuzmenko wrote in a piece for the Atlantic Council, adding that its recent ties with white supremacists in the West reinforced the concern.
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