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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap


The guy who is pulling the woman by the hair is a Duma member for Chuvashia, Markel Egorov. The woman is his wife.

How many people intervened here? None, “Not my business.”

In 2017, Russia under Vladimir Putin decriminalized domestic violence. Beating your wife or kids is no longer a crime.

Russian parents beat up their kids, husbands beat up wives, the FSB beats up and tortures anyone they want. They even show how the FSB tortures detainees on TV.

Great bunch of lads, etc.
Incidentally there is some residual enmity towards the Welsh amongst the Northern Irish Catholic community, apparently the Welsh soldiers were some of the worst behaved during the troubles.

I think it's fair to say that the soldiers returned the feeling--I never heard a trace of respect for republicanism from a Welsh ex-Squaddie, only violent contempt. Again, this suggests that the PIRA were missing a trick or two when it came to the propaganda dept.
I think it's fair to say that the soldiers returned the feeling--I never heard a trace of respect for republicanism from a Welsh ex-Squaddie, only violent contempt. Again, this suggests that the PIRA were missing a trick or two when it came to the propaganda dept.
Almost as if the Provos weren't aiming their propaganda at Welsh squaddies.
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The guy who is pulling the woman by the hair is a Duma member for Chuvashia, Markel Egorov. The woman is his wife.

How many people intervened here? None, “Not my business.”

In 2017, Russia under Vladimir Putin decriminalized domestic violence. Beating your wife or kids is no longer a crime.

Russian parents beat up their kids, husbands beat up wives, the FSB beats up and tortures anyone they want. They even show how the FSB tortures detainees on TV.

Great bunch of lads, etc.
Sorry for the Mail link but it was the best I could find.

A professor sleeps with the murders his student gets to live in a luxury cell, while Alexei Navalny who's crime was to be a political opponent lives I'm suqauler then gets killed.

I think it's fair to say that the soldiers returned the feeling--I never heard a trace of respect for republicanism from a Welsh ex-Squaddie, only violent contempt. Again, this suggests that the PIRA were missing a trick or two when it came to the propaganda dept.
I don't think the British Army was the intended audience of their propaganda.
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I think it's fair to say that the soldiers returned the feeling--I never heard a trace of respect for republicanism from a Welsh ex-Squaddie, only violent contempt. Again, this suggests that the PIRA were missing a trick or two when it came to the propaganda dept.

oddly I have a story about the an ex gfs step father who himself being a Welsh guard in the 1970s told me a little story over a shared bottle rum one evening ,about him and his mates driving up to a IRA check point in Belfast with a glove on the end of their rifles and letting off a round before driving off

the British army was really not keep up with the hearts and mind goals
oddly I have a story about the an ex gfs step father who himself being a Welsh guard in the 1970s told me a little story over a shared bottle rum one evening ,about him and his mates driving up to a IRA check point in Belfast with a glove on the end of their rifles and letting off a round before driving off

the British army was really not keep up with the hearts and mind goals
Doesn't surprise me at all.

I've met plenty of American vets who express respect for the Arabs and the Pashtuns, but I've never met a British squaddie who respected the Provos.
makes you wonder why the relationship soured so quickly in the 1970 in north Ireland between catholics and the army

It’s almost like getting to the point where the army was called in was a systemic failure of (successive)government and the result of collusion with the Protestant organisations in power to maintain the perceived pro-British status quo at all costs
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It’s almost like getting to the point where the army was called in was a systemic failure of (successive)government and the result of collusion with the Protestant organisations in power to maintain the perceived pro-British status quo at all costs
Wilson & Heath hated Paisley...even had his own special chair for when he visited Downing Street designed to make the big fella as awkward and uncomfortable as possible
Wilson & Heath hated Paisley...even had his own special chair for when he visited Downing Street designed to make the big fella as awkward and uncomfortable as possible

All well and good but the rot was systemic and Irish Catholics treated like shit.
And as I said above, that was a basic error, revealing either inexperience or incompetence..
That the former political wing of the IRA are currently in power in Northern Ireland and the largest party in the Republic of Ireland, and have always managed to get significant funding from Irish Americans, and have support from the majority of the UK population for their goal of a united Ireland suggests that their propaganda game isn't as weak as you think.

Especially compared with the loyalists who are either unknown or derided by the people in the country they are fiercely loyal to.

For for record, the armed campaign of the IRA was largely counter productive to their goals and destructive, but if you compare the Republican murals to Loyalist murals in Belfast you can't say they were bad at propaganda.
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Whatever you think of Republican Ken Buck's rhetoric about history and 'murica, he sure puts the boot into MTG and her popularity on Russian state telly.

Forward to around 6 minutes in to see said telly.

Nah ...but it's driving Macron...Niger yellowcake is essential for French powerplant

The French have already robbed most of Niger's accessible resources if uranium and now buying on the open market. There doesn't seem to be an international shortage of the element.

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