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Do you wear a mask? (24/10)


  • Yes

    Votes: 115 94.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • Exempted

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I am a yes but the other day I arrived at Aldi and couldn't find the mask in my pocket - assumed it had dropped out on my walk. Did a quick dash around trying to keep my distance (but hard when nobody else seems bothered about distancing anymore.) Once I got home I found the mask in my trouser pocket...

Other than that one occasion, yes, I have worn a mask consistently in indoor settings other than homes and eating/drinking places since April 2020.
It's still a policed requurement here in Spain when indoors.

We also have a very low incidence compared to the UK. According to todays figures, here in Galicia there's 14.3 active cases per 100k.
I still generally mask up, but admittedly I'm not quite as rigorous about it as I used to be. I still consider it worthwhile, because one's exposure to viral load matters, even if complete protection is impossible. I'm still very deliberate about not touching doorknobs, handrails, etc when outside of my own home.
Got a bottle of sanitizer always on my lanyard at work and use it often. Nothing about what I do is different to any other time I've been on site since Covid hit, even though virtually nobody mitigates onsite now. I did some training on Friday with about twelve people I don't usually work with including physical contact and Covid was not mentioned let alone mitigated against.
I wear a mask for the whole time I'm at work and have started wearing wrap around safety glasses too.
Have adopted the same for shops/public transport etc.
I had been going out more regularly in August and September but for various reasons have stopped (I'm talking gigs and clubbing).
My household does lft 2x a week routinely plus one before social events.
Yes, always if I'm inside even if no-one else is.

(I was on a busyish bus last night and there was literally me and one other person wearing a mask upstairs. And given the age demographic, I'm guessing most of them would've been single jabbed at best, not that that's a reason to stop wearing a mask mind :rolleyes:.)
Got a bottle of sanitizer always on my lanyard at work and use it often. Nothing about what I do is different to any other time I've been on site since Covid hit, even though virtually nobody mitigates onsite now. I did some training on Friday with about twelve people I don't usually work with including physical contact and Covid was not mentioned let alone mitigated against.
Here in the SW numbers are high for covid cases, but have noticed that at of supermarkets have removed the perspex screens at the tills. This seems stupid and premature. There should now always be screens, especially as a lot of people no longer wear masks, including the staff.

It's madness.
Depends. In shops and while moving around at work, yes.

Went round a friend's house for a small party of 14 people last night and didn't, and I don't when in meetings or going for coffee break with people at work either.
I had hospital staff refuse to give me a mask when I asked for one after having surgery less than a fortnight ago, as they were wearing (often poorly fitting, noses uncovered etc) standard surgical masks so it was "unnecessary" for me to wear one too (I complained after, was NHS funded treatment but done at a private hospital)

Still wearing masks at medical appointments otherwise, and on public transport and in shops. Only been in a cafe once or twice and wore a mask the entire time - either got takeaway or sat outside to eat and drink. Only time I'm indoors at work is if I've come in to use the toilet and I'll stick a mask on then if I'm around other people but not if I'm just using the loo by the backdoor with at least one closed door between there and the bits of the building with people in. Not wearing one around close family but I think I would indoors if there were other people there.
I had hospital staff refuse to give me a mask when I asked for one after having surgery less than a fortnight ago, as they were wearing (often poorly fitting, noses uncovered etc) standard surgical masks so it was "unnecessary" for me to wear one too (I complained after, was NHS funded treatment but done at a private hospital)

Still wearing masks at medical appointments otherwise, and on public transport and in shops. Only been in a cafe once or twice and wore a mask the entire time - either got takeaway or sat outside to eat and drink. Only time I'm indoors at work is if I've come in to use the toilet and I'll stick a mask on then if I'm around other people but not if I'm just using the loo by the backdoor with at least one closed door between there and the bits of the building with people in. Not wearing one around close family but I think I would indoors if there were other people there.
Fucking outrageous! :mad:
Yes, whenever indoors, be it shops, the doctors or hotels.

Been to a few pubs / restaurants in the summer when I wore them when walking around.

It’s no inconvenience to me to wear one and frankly if I see people not wearing a mask I think less of them.
The wife and I went for breakfast at a Harvester Inn this morning - and wearing a mask obviously. Couldn't quite believe that we couldn't see anyone else was wearing a mask. No one person, not even any staff!

Fucking ridiculous :mad:
Sometimes - depends. Mostly not.
Work, no.
Meetings/open days at school, no.
Bus, yes unless it’s empty.
Cinema, pubs, restaurants, no.
Hairdresser, no.
Gym/swimming pool, no.
Shops, mostly yes but occasionally haven’t had one with me.
Doctors/hospital, yes.
The wife and I went for breakfast at a Harvester Inn this morning - and wearing a mask obviously. Couldn't quite believe that we couldn't see anyone else was wearing a mask. No one person, not even any staff!

Fucking ridiculous :mad:
But don't you remove the mask to eat and drink? Perhaps some of the others are thinking that if they are maskless for the meal it's pointless to put one on before/after the meal. I realise it's not pointless, but perhaps that is their logic.
But don't you remove the mask to eat and drink? Perhaps some of the others are thinking that if they are maskless for the meal it's pointless to put one on before/after the meal. I realise it's not pointless, but perhaps that is their logic.

They all had to walk in and out - no face-masks being worn then.

No-one wearing a face-mask at the buffet (except me)

None of the staff wearing a face-mask.

Naturally no social-distancing at the buffet either. More like a fucking rugby scrum.
They all had to walk in and out - no face-masks being worn then.

No-one wearing a face-mask at the buffet (except me)

None of the staff wearing a face-mask.

Naturally no social-distancing at the buffet either. More like a fucking rugby scrum.
A Harverster. Oh dear.
The wife and I went for breakfast at a Harvester Inn this morning - and wearing a mask obviously. Couldn't quite believe that we couldn't see anyone else was wearing a mask. No one person, not even any staff!

Fucking ridiculous :mad:
No salad bar with breakfast?
I'd say roughly half of people on public transport in Brighton are still wearing masks now, less if there's a big group of kids.
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