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How do you feel about unvaccinated people?

I don't know (personally) anyone who has refused to be vaccinated. The 19 year old son of Mrs Q's brother held out for a bit but crumbled under the pressure of constant nagging over it. Not sure why since he's shown no signs of being a conspiraloon.
Mrs Q's aunt also didn't want the vaccine since she's a full on God botherer and was against taking the vaccine on the grounds that God would think her faith was weak. She never denied it worked though and had no issues with her husband having it.
She changed her mind after God let her down and she caught the lurgy anyway.
What actually is the latest science on transmission? It clearly doesn't prevent it entirely but iirc there were recent studies showing vaccinated people were still an order of magnitude less likely to pass it on.
At the population level vaccines are a significant factor in transmission reduction, but this will obviously vary from individual to individual and their particular circumstances (recall: immunity and immunoresponses are heterogenous; just as behaviours, associations of individuals often are).

For relevant research see the Possible vaccines/treatment(s) for Coronavirus thread, posts #1685 and #1693. Additionally, more recently, (omicron) DOI:10.1001/jama.2022.9479 and (delta) DOI:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.13606.
on the subject of 'if they shut the fuck up I don't care', I have also noticed anecdotally that the people I know who were slightly susceptible to conspiracy stuff or who outright believed some of the nonsense, are the ones often still banging on about covid. the same people who wanted to get back to normal and move on... are in fact still banging on about it more than the rest of us. presumably as their sources of info are still banging on about it in order to keep peddling related conspiracy stuff.
on the subject of 'if they shut the fuck up I don't care', I have also noticed anecdotally that the people I know who were slightly susceptible to conspiracy stuff or who outright believed some of the nonsense, are the ones often still banging on about covid. the same people who wanted to get back to normal and move on... are in fact still banging on about it more than the rest of us. presumably as their sources of info are still banging on about it in order to keep peddling related conspiracy stuff.
Yet you start a thread about how angry you are.
Or an American gun enthusiast.
The difference between most reasonable people and a gun nut, or a fundamentalist bible basher, or a conspiracy theorist, is that reasonable people look at evidence and build their opinions accordingly. This evidence can take the form of personal experiences of ourselves and those around us, media articles, radio phone ins, books, the internet.

Of course most of us are prone to confirmation bias, a tendency to seek out, and place more trust in, sources which confirm and support what we already think, and the more open-minded amongst us need to try and guard against this tendency in ourselves.

But the gun nuts, bible bashers, conspiracy theorists, etc are in a different league. They believe whatever they want to believe without any need for actual evidence and will indeed refuse to believe or allow to register any evidence that disproves their beliefs. Divorced from any intellectual connection with actual evidence, they assume that evidence itself is a lie, and will concoct the most irrational of arguments in support of their beliefs. They cannot be reasoned with because they reject reason itself as mere lies if it does not confirm their chosen belief.

Anyone who has ever tried reasoning with a Jehovah's Witness will know exactly what I am saying.
I think they're dangerous idiots and I would prefer to avoid them - same as I felt about anti-vaxxers before the pandemic.
Most anti-vaxxers are likely to have had all their childhood jabs. And up until covid, they were no more or less dangerous than anyone else to be in the vacinity of. The real tragedy there is that they're putting any kids they have at risk, and anyone those kids come into contact with. It must be horrible to have to say to a relative not to bring their kid near your newborn baby or child who's being treated for cancer. Like, fuck adults who choose to be ignorant and ignore science, but the kids of anti-vax parents must really feel it at times, and I don't half feel sorry for them.
Most anti-vaxxers are likely to have had all their childhood jabs. And up until covid, they were no more or less dangerous than anyone else to be in the vacinity of. The real tragedy there is that they're putting any kids they have at risk, and anyone those kids come into contact with. It must be horrible to have to say to a relative not to bring their kid near your newborn baby or child who's being treated for cancer. Like, fuck adults who choose to be ignorant and ignore science, but the kids of anti-vax parents must really feel it at times, and I don't half feel sorry for them.
Millions didn't have it, doesn't make them extremists who's children you need to feel sorry for. Aside from the issue it doesn't prevent infection, effacy plummets after around 6 weeks so it's pretty moot subject these days.
My understanding about the vaccines is that being vaccinated means you are less likely to end up in ICU or on a ventilator. You can still get it, but the severity is reduced. And that is reason enough to have it in my book.

However I know some relatives aren't jabbed, I hope they don't get it.
There's loads of unvaccinated people, and the vaccination scheme seems to have broadly come to an end now - thought I'd have heard about my fourth injection by now. Let's hope the virus doesn't make a comeback in the autumn
I'm on the high risk list and even after asking several times and my blood specialist contacting my GP for a date I and confirmation that I needed the fourth jab I never heard a thing back.
I eventually just booked myself in and found the most recent doctors note that mentioned my condition. It took a while for them to find a doctor on site that knew what it meant, but when they did he was flabbergasted that nobody had stepped in to sort it out for me.
Millions didn't have it, doesn't make them extremists who's children you need to feel sorry for. Aside from the issue it doesn't prevent infection, effacy plummets after around 6 weeks so it's pretty moot subject these days.
If you're talking about the covid vaccine, it definitely lessens the spread of infection*. Most of my post however, was about other vaccines and how unvaccinated people being around certain vulnerable people can put them at serious risk. If that means unvaccinated children have to be kept away from relatives, other children etc who are undergoing cancer treatment or who are otherwise immunocompromised, or newborn babies, then yes, I think that's sad.

See #34 by 2hats for example.
Yep this. I'm really past caring. It's a minor miracle if unvaccinated people in the UK haven't already had it now, so they're getting immunity one way or another. And they're not going to change their minds now. Don't have the energy to be pissed off.

This, and the previous one :)

Haven't had it, am vaccinated but don't really socialize anyway... I've got some long-haul flights over the next few weeks where I'll go back to wearing a mask.
Like Bees says, it makes me think they're twats. If they don't go on and on in a conspiraloony way though I'm not that bothered - unless they work with vulnerable people, in which case I think they're fucking terrible people. (Like two of my siblings).

Obvs that doesn't apply to people who can't have the jab, or to people who had a really bad reaction to one - I had a horrible quite scary reaction to the first jab, and although I have gone for the next jabs, I could understand someone deciding it was a bad idea for them.

And if you don't get jabbed by choice, and that means you're limited in your holiday choices, tough shit.

I'm on the high risk list and even after asking several times and my blood specialist contacting my GP for a date I and confirmation that I needed the fourth jab I never heard a thing back.
I eventually just booked myself in and found the most recent doctors note that mentioned my condition. It took a while for them to find a doctor on site that knew what it meant, but when they did he was flabbergasted that nobody had stepped in to sort it out for me.

Yeah, I'm on pretty heavy immune suppressants and have other health problems and was always in the CEV category, but haven't been offered the extra jab. It's weird. I'm going to just ask for one when I take my daughter for her next one, and I'm pretty sure they'll just whip out an extra needle no problem.
I know one person who refused it based on their animal rights stance and I can respect this, I know another who said they were going to refuse because "some hodge podge mix of baseless medical-sounding gobbledygook", another because "experimental therapy" bollocks and I also know one person who after their first jab developped some really weird shit symptoms and their doctors (plural) unable to find a cause advised her not to get the rest of the vaccination course, she would like to travel but is unable to get the "medical exemption" bit validated on her covid pass because the criterias are so narrow and don't cover her.
My nan's 98. She hasn't had a single jab. She doesn't want it. She's had Covid and suffered no worse than me or my wife did.

I have mates who are unvaxxed because of jeebus. They didnt suffer any differently from us either.

I don't think any more or less of anyone, and why should we give a flying fuck about what people choose or not to put into themselves?
My nan's 98. She hasn't had a single jab. She doesn't want it. She's had Covid and suffered no worse than me or my wife did.

I have mates who are unvaxxed because of jeebus. They didnt suffer any differently from us either.

I don't think any more or less of anyone, and why should we give a flying fuck about what people choose or not to put into themselves?

I'm not sure you understand how vaccinations work.
My nan's 98. She hasn't had a single jab. She doesn't want it. She's had Covid and suffered no worse than me or my wife did.

I have mates who are unvaxxed because of jeebus. They didnt suffer any differently from us either.

I don't think any more or less of anyone, and why should we give a flying fuck about what people choose or not to put into themselves?

It's not all about you though, is it? Being vaccinated means you're less likely to pass on the virus to someone who isn't as lucky as your nan.
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