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How do you feel about unvaccinated people?

Still, at least with you & Griff agreeing with this newbie, the rest of us can be assured that they are posting bollocks.
Not quite sure why you're mentioning me, is it because I didn't get the injections or the fact that I posted up severe/fatal reactions to them last year?

You seem to have me down as some anti-vax (nice easy label) nutter, I really don't care. Crack on mate, you get your next booster. :)

"The rest of us" lol!
Not quite sure why you're mentioning me, is it because I didn't get the injections or the fact that I posted up severe/fatal reactions to them last year?

You seem to have me down as some anti-vax (nice easy label) nutter, I really don't care. Crack on mate, you get your next booster. :)

"The rest of us" lol

Because a few people on here have over the last 2 and a bit years consistently posted outright lies, misinformation, as well as promoted anti-vax and anti-lockdown stuff (often with the boring and predictable, "well I'm not anti-vax but...") and then never replied to any of the comments or research that contradicts your unfounded claims, or shown any ability to reflect on your positions and admit you were/are wrong. You just blindly keep saying the same thing in the face of all the evidence, which makes you look either catastrophically fucking thick or someone with a nasty anti-social agenda to push - or both. You can see it even the last page or so with IC3D claiming vaccine immunity plummets after 6 weeks.

So some of us have short fuses when it comes to the fucking idiocy some people continually display.
Because a few people on here have over the last 2 and a bit years consistently posted outright lies, misinformation, as well as promoted anti-vax and anti-lockdown stuff (often with the boring and predictable, "well I'm not anti-vax but...") and then never replied to any of the comments or research that contradicts your unfounded claims, or shown any ability to reflect on your positions and admit you were/are wrong. You just blindly keep saying the same thing in the face of all the evidence, which makes you look either catastrophically fucking thick or someone with a nasty anti-social agenda to push - or both. You can see it even the last page or so with IC3D claiming vaccine immunity plummets after 6 weeks.

So some of us have short fuses when it comes to the fucking idiocy some people continually display.

I have you on ignore (a far better U75 experience to be fair), what's the little edit about?
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About 6.3 million dead across the world, that's even a conservative estimate. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard

About 0.5 million deaths prevented by vaccination in the 60+ age group in the WHO EU region alone WHO/ECDC: Nearly half a million lives saved by COVID-19 vaccination in less than a year

We need more vaccination, and more equitable distribution of the vaccine globally. Anyone that has a position against that is pushing for more deaths, especially in countries that have a low vaccination rate, and is arguably a racist eugenicist and can fuck right off.
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Mrs Q's aunt also didn't want the vaccine since she's a full on God botherer and was against taking the vaccine on the grounds that God would think her faith was weak. She never denied it worked though and had no issues with her husband having it.
She changed her mind after God let her down and she caught the lurgy anyway.
Haha. God's such a cunt.
What's it about is what I'm asking.

You, as in the collective 'you' - all the people going on about vaccination being dangerous/some grand plot to kill or track us still - even though it's been proven without a doubt to have saved likely over a million lives worldwide, yet you continue to insist that not being vaccinated is some reasonable and admirable position and continue to ignore all the evidence in favour of an idiot on Youtube or similar.

At this point you do look quite like flat earthers or 9/11 truthers tbh.
You, as in the collective 'you' - all the people going on about vaccination being dangerous/some grand plot to kill or track us still - even though it's been proven without a doubt to have saved likely over a million lives worldwide, yet you continue to insist that not being vaccinated is some reasonable and admirable position and continue to ignore all the evidence in favour of an idiot on Youtube or similar.

At this point you do look quite like flat earthers or 9/11 truthers tbh.
OK, thanks for clearing that up, I won't take it personally then. :)
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My post was appealing for people to be more civilized about the situation but I wonder if it's too early even now to take stock and learn anything of the last two years😒
My post was appealing for people to be more civilized about the situation but I wonder if it's too early even now to take stock and learn anything of the last two years😒

I've had loads of sensible discussions with people who have been skeptical or scared or similar about the vaccinations, and plenty have changed their mind.

The ones that haven't at this point, despite all the evidence like I posted above, the lack of all the things they predicted happening (mind control, mass instant death, magnetic arms, nanobot tracking, etc.) are either knowingly using it to push an agenda (usually right wing) or tbh are vulnerable and being taken advantage of, even if they don't realise it. The later I have time for and feel pretty sorry for really, the former are cunts of the highest order, abusing the later for their own ends - financial or political.
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There are people who think the vaccine is more trouble than its worth. I think they're wrong but I would distinguish them from anti-vaxers who think there is a conspiracy to change your DNA and control your mind.

The one guy I know like that is technically a left winger - leftish cynicism gone wild. Apparently his whole family are like that - social democratic anti-vax conspiracy nuts. It's a tradition. And yes he's a prick about it as well. At this stage, I don't see unvcaccinated people as being a particular problem, but I try to avoid keeping company with loons.
That's the case now but there was a slogan they were there to "protect others" implying they can perform more than they could although this has since been forgotten.

People were treated differently at one time when returning to the UK and isolation rules of contacts of known cases was different too depending on vaccine status, so it was in actions as well as a slogan.

My concern was with people still stuck demonising people incorrectly in this thread in 2022. We don't need more of it after the last decade really.
There is more than one way in which vaccines protected others.

The extent to which vaccines reduced transmission has varied with time because it has varied with each variant. It is certainly true that vaccines havent eliminated transmission, but they have still had an impact on transmission. Hopefully future vaccines will manage to do more on that front.

Other forms of protecting others:

Protecting others from the deadly negative consequences of healthcare systems being overwhelmed and standards of care being reduced too much.

Protecting people from the negative implications of lockdowns, school closures, suspension of certain forms of healthcare etc.
Im not that bothered any more. Had lunch with my anti vaxx aunt in France the other day. Got a train and a a plane where obvs some people won't have been vaxxed. They are daft and it's best to be but im not going to avoid people based on their covid jab status. Almost all will have some resistance to covid by now.

I would rather not live with an unvaxxed housemate though, personally. And Idk if I'd date someone with any kind of antivaxx views.
Met with a bunch on Friday and one unvaccinated person turned up. This is the only one who tried to put it on the table by using as her first sentence on arrival "look, all the vaccinated people are here" but no one picked it up so it wasn't discussed, as she never bothered to discuss anything that was properly argumented when having conversations online before we all knew this to be the best way forward and we all had a pleasant afternoon discussing other stuff instead.
Almost all will have some resistance to covid by now.
That's an interesting point...how many people out there have never encountered either a vaccine or covid itself by now anyway? I guess there must be the odd hermit in the scottish isles who hasn't 🤔
Kinda of makes the whole decisive attitude here even more redundant.
That's an interesting point...how many people out there have never encountered either a vaccine or covid itself by now anyway? I guess there must be the odd hermit in the scottish isles who hasn't 🤔
Kinda of makes the whole decisive attitude here even more redundant.
For clarification purposes:
I think the thread title unfortunately does not quite reflect what the original post was about as it mainly referred to people who pro-actively refused vacination based on a lot of woo gobbledygook pseudo-science propaganda grifter bollocks.
maybe pbsmooth can confirm if I am correct or not since he started the thread.
For clarification purposes:
I think the thread title unfortunately does not quite reflect what the original post was about as it mainly referred to people who pro-actively refused vacination based on a lot of woo gobbledygook pseudo-science propaganda grifter bollocks.
maybe pbsmooth can confirm if I am correct or not since he started the thread.
yes, i took 'unvaccinated' to be a conscious decision and not for a genuine medical reason. basically being annoyed by loud "i'm not vaxxed (subtext - vaxx doesn't do anything)" types of which I encounter few thankfully, but there are a couple near me at work.

edit - and the point I guess was that I was feeling annoyed by these people, and then thinking maybe I shouldn't, free country blah blah. but no, I think it's wrong not to be vaxxed out of choice at this point. so fuck it.
I would rather not live with an unvaxxed housemate though, personally. And Idk if I'd date someone with any kind of antivaxx views.
I did say I wouldn't take in an anti-vax lodger, but I have an unvaccinated friend staying with me for a month. She has wu tendencies, but isn't an outright conspiraloon.

Prior to moving in, she had Covid, which I guess made her lower risk. And she was quite ill too, which the meaner part of me was quite pleased about. The kinder part did go shopping for her.
I know a few people who haven’t been jabbed, none of whom I’d describe as anti-vaxx. Anyway one of them was because they live abroad, hadn’t got round to registering with a doctor, has had Covid three times now and wished they’d made the effort.
classic anti vax sneer. us sheep, huh, all in line - baaaaah?

a global pandemic and you're sneering at people trying to protect themselves. class act.
Oh fuck off back to your conspiracy thread that you seem obsessed with.
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