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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
And now a rail replacement bus. I’m literally dripping in covid :D
I was on a rail replacement bus yesterday (on the way to hospital for tests to make sure I don't have covid before I go in for surgery this week). Every seat taken, maybe one in three people wearing masks, windows all closed by the idiots who hadn't brought a jacket in October and a woman right behind me coughing non-stop the entire journey. Fucking despair.
I'm staying in a Premier Inn in Manchester at the moment and I am the only person in the whole place wearing a mask in public areas. Went out for dinner last night and again, was the only person in the restaurant as well as the bar I went to after wearing one.

I think I'm giving up. What's the point if I'm the only one?
I'm staying in a Premier Inn in Manchester at the moment and I am the only person in the whole place wearing a mask in public areas. Went out for dinner last night and again, was the only person in the restaurant as well as the bar I went to after wearing one.

I think I'm giving up. What's the point if I'm the only one?

Because if you’re unknowingly carrying it then you could stop yourself from infecting all those other people around you (or at least reduce the amount of transmission).
I'm staying in a Premier Inn in Manchester at the moment and I am the only person in the whole place wearing a mask in public areas. Went out for dinner last night and again, was the only person in the restaurant as well as the bar I went to after wearing one.

I think I'm giving up. What's the point if I'm the only one?

Have to admit I briefly ventured into a Sainsbury’s cafe at the weekend to see if they were doing cooked breakfasts and I was the only person wearing a mask. One of the reasons I left the cafe.
Because if you’re unknowingly carrying it then you could stop yourself from infecting all those other people around you (or at least reduce the amount of transmission).

I know, but it just seems fucking pointless if I'm literally the only one in a big busy hotel.
I know, but it just seems fucking pointless if I'm literally the only one in a big busy hotel.
If you are carrying the virus (and it's far easier to assume you might well be than to prove that you are definitely not) the point is to keep it to yourself and not contribute to the climbing death toll.

Bemused at how difficut this concept seems to be after 18 months to get used to it.
Second visit to the pharmacist for my prescription.

First time I queued maybe 20 mins in a well-ventilated shop to be told my prescription wasn't ready - I declined to wait 15 more minutes.
So today I return to another long queue and a shut door with apparently no customers masked - not just the methadone queue but also the queue of customers ahead of me - several of whom clearly fitted the "vulnerable" category ...

so I felt far less safe than in the supermarket even with my ffp2 mask..

I will try again tomorrow.
I finally got my prescription at the third attempt by queueing at 08.55 and they were at least only allowing five (mostly unmasked) punters in and then locking the door ...
One of them was a decidedly unhealthy-looking chap in his 70s who had apparently been told more than once that he would be phoned when it was ready ...

Lloyds recently sent me a letter offering a delivery service so I will take them up on it .. but in any case I'm taking it as a sign to taper off the meds to one tablet every 2 days - the side-effects were getting tiring in any case - so I'll have some in hand if there's a problem...
Will be interested to compare the answers in this thread compared with the answers in the thread tim recently started and note how people have changed.
Will be interested to compare the answers in this thread compared with the answers in the thread tim recently started and note how people have changed.
At the time of this thread i was still wearing a mask in shops. Not sure but I think i finally stopped doing that in about july or august 2022. I lasted longer than most people near me. It's very rare i see anyone in a mask now.
Weird. I have just recently, I mean as of last week, finally stopped wearing one. Then a notification for this thread drops into my email. Hmmmmmmm..... (strokes chin)..... :)

Anyway, I stopped because I was tired of feeling self-conscious at being almost the only person wearing one when shopping. I'm not the very last, but one of the last.

How did it feel? I felt like The Mandalorian showing his face, it was that weird after so long a time.

And then I immediately get the sniffles. Is it because the weather's cold or.....?
Weird. I have just recently, I mean as of last week, finally stopped wearing one. Then a notification for this thread drops into my email. Hmmmmmmm..... (strokes chin)..... :)

Anyway, I stopped because I was tired of feeling self-conscious at being almost the only person wearing one when shopping. I'm not the very last, but one of the last.

How did it feel? I felt like The Mandalorian showing his face, it was that weird after so long a time.

And then I immediately get the sniffles. Is it because the weather's cold or.....?
This is the way
I was in TK Max a couple of days ago and decided that the two people wearing masks were probably shoplifters.

(To be fair, their behaviour was a bit odd in other ways too.)
I was in TK Max a couple of days ago and decided that the two people wearing masks were probably shoplifters.

(To be fair, their behaviour was a bit odd in other ways too.)
Might nip into town and go to TK Max wearing a mask to see if I can nick some stuff.
I was unmasked at an informal outdoor event on Sunday featuring bicycles and repetitive beats and was startled to find the young person adjacent to me wearing a brand new disposable surgical mask ... I suppose it might have been for health reasons, but I suspect it wasn't ... EDIT:- perhaps they worried they might infect others ...
It made me aware that I was closer to a lot of other humans than I had been for a long time - but it was breezy and there wasn't much actual exertion and heavy breathing going on ...

Hopefully by the time I actually want to be indoors with other people, things will have moved on, but in the supermarket it's a no-brainer ...
Hopefully you won't get much heavy breathing in the supermarket either. Unless you go to a very niche one.
I always used to feel a bit more nervous in my local Tesco - it seemed to attract a different clientele at the height of the pandemic ...
But even in Aldi eventually I usually need to queue at the checkout ...
It’s odd, hand gel was the only thing I didn’t bother with at the time and still avoid it now tbh. But then it was an airborne virus wasn’t it.

I can’t stand the texture so avoided it at all costs. Give me soap and water any day (which obviously isn’t as practical in most instances)
Every shop, bar, restaurant, café, etc here has the han spray. And plenty of places have the temperature monitors, too.

Always have to adjust posture for the latter as it never responds first time.
I don’t take any of the previous precautions anymore, BUT, I am somewhat addicted to still putting the gel on my hands that are still basically everywhere at work.
I gel my hands before grabbing my basket in Aldi because now that I'm no longer handling public AV/ IT in a university it's my riskiest activity and I usually wash my hands after putting my groceries in their various piles when I get home....
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