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Do you wear a mask? (24/10)


  • Yes

    Votes: 115 94.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • Exempted

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sometimes - depends. Mostly not.
Work, no.
Meetings/open days at school, no.
Bus, yes unless it’s empty.
Cinema, pubs, restaurants, no.
Hairdresser, no.
Gym/swimming pool, no.
Shops, mostly yes but occasionally haven’t had one with me.
Doctors/hospital, yes.
I had my hair cut yesterday and my hairdresser's still enforcing masks and other Covid measures rigorously. (They sent an email when measures were being relaxed to say they'd be continuing as before to protect their staff and clients.)

My hairdresser is completely in agreement with this and the owner was telling me that despite a very bad reaction to her first AZ jab, she's booked in for Pfizer next week. They've no plans to change this anytime soon and the vast majority of their clients are good with it. Tbh I wouldn't have gone if they weren't still doing masks etc.
Been on public transport in the past few days for the first time in ages. Was surprised to see most people on the tube wearing masks, with hardly any dicknosing. Buses, not so good. Trains, not good at all.

I wear a mask all day at work, in shops, on public transport and in cafes etc, apart from when eating and drinking. I haven't at people's houses and didn't when I went dancing. Still taking 4-5 ltf and 1-2 PCR tests a week.
Yes, I do. Plus hand sanitiser, as needed ...

Don't use public transport; not going in shops, pubs, cafes etc [all deliveries or takeaways].
Not meeting IRL with family or friends until this wave is subdued.
As I'm normally WFH, when I do go into my workshops I do wear my mask [my team are "bubbled" and we don't normally have any random visitors, some deliveries but these are usually dropped off outside]
If I go "on-site" or have a meeting with non-staff, I will wear a mask. Unless it is outdoors and I can keep well away / upwind.

At home, groceries etc are delivered - I have my mask on and keep well away ...

Fully vaxxed, and due a booster early next month ...
But these precautions have, so far [touch wood], kept me out of trouble.


My SiL's three generation household have "just" been infected, probably the youngest brought it back from the plague pit sorry, local primary school. Not all of them showed classic symptoms, but +ve on PCR tests --- The only one not to succumb was my SiL, which she puts down to having been "boosted" mid-September [on the basis of her health & front-line work in hospital]
Mrs Q and I have been visiting Bath today and unlike back home in the Midlands, mask wearing seems to be definitely very much in fashion around here.
On the bus to and from the Park and Ride in both directions everyone was wearing a mask.
Mostly not...mask wearers are definitely in the minority here now (Northampton)....only one or two of the staff at work are still wearing them and a small minority of customers....in town centre again on the rare occasions i visit it mask wearers in the minority....social distancing disappeared a long time back although i still try when at work...am actually dreading it coming back as we will go back to daily abuse (even more than the usual) and a lot of people soon cottoned on to the fact that if they say "i'm exempt" as they walk in there is nothing we can do...there was always a large minority that didn't wear them when it was mandatory. Don't know about buses as i don't use them, ditto pubs and cafes etc...
To come to work I had to do a 17 day isolation quarantine in a hotel room.

I joined the project and at the point 4 of us joined the whole project had to go back to wearing masks for 14 days everywhere other than their accommodation cabins. Everyone had to wear masks, new joiners were segregated while eating

Got 2 more days then everyone can un mask

When I’m home I wear a mask out and about and in shops
I've been regularly commuting now since September and have seen a steep decline in numbers wearing masks on public transport [I go south london to east london using bus, overground, train, tube and dlr depending on time of day]
Estimate it's between 60% at best to 20% at worst and there doesn't seem to be a pattern to the place, the time or location. Except that people on public transport for pleasure trips at night or at weekends seem less inclined to mask up than people going to work

I am wearing a mask most of the time in my large shared office especially if more of us are in or if we're sitting close to work on something together. Three colleagues had covid in the first weeks we were back on campus [caught from their school aged children] and it swung the decision for me to mask up. Most colleagues are wearing masks most of the time in our shared office. Some wear a visor instead for teaching, some mask up for teaching depending on the room/cohort size/ventilation opportunities

I wear a mask for teaching - I hoped that it would encourage students to wear them. I emailed before to say why I was masking up and asked them to do so [there is a piss weak poster campaign on campus encouraging them to mask up] . I bring a box of masks in to my classrooms and have sourced them in different colours - not one person has taken one and very few students are wearing masks

Although a group of us went to the pub on Friday after work and took our masks off to drink [of course] and there was a group of our students at the next table so, you know, they know it's performative mask wearing on our part

I decided that I would wear masks at work until mid November to see the direction of travel of covid
London remains fairly low in transmission at the moment but seeing other parts of the country have much higher infection rates has given me pause to think I should continue to wear masks at work and continue to offer them to students
No, only in shops...but to be fair, I haven't been indoors in cafes, pubs, other people's houses (except my daughter's) or used public transport at all since March 2020.
Supermarkets/shops and when I take gd to gymnastics BUT have noticed fewer people wearing them, I'm now more the odd one out. On Weds, at supermarket, two cops: no masks.
Here in South-East London, I have succumbed to peer pressure, I was an avid mask wearer, until I started to socialise again earlier in October. I have been to a gig in a pub, a vintage drum fair, a gig at a venue and attended the AGM for our housing estate. I went into all of those with the intention of definitely wearing a mask, but I would have been the only one, which made me feel like a total freak, so I didn't. I continue to wear a mask when going into shops, which is completely illogical, as I reckon the chances of catching something in my local big and airy supermarket are much lower than in a hot and sticky old pub with low ceilings...
Whereas I've been on four buses this weekend in Edinburgh and everyone on all of them was wearing a mask, even some quite young kids. A few nose-exposers mind but everyone making some kind of effort. It does seem very location-dependent.

It's still a legal requirement in Scotland though. Removing that requirement in England was catalytic to at least 50% of people not doing so here.
It's still a legal requirement in Scotland though. Removing that requirement in England was catalytic to at least 50% of people not doing so here.

Seemed to have a similar effect on Wales, with I suspect at fair sized proportion of those who dropped actually believing if the UK gov dropped masks for England then it was all over anyway
I don't care about being an odd one out, I never have done !

I'll keep on wearing my [ffp2] mask to protect the NHS, others and last but not least, myself.
Currently avoiding what I consider to be risky environments ...
Due a booster jag about the middle of next month, a couple of weeks after that, I'll start assessing [local] case rates again.
But I'll probably keep wearing it in the more risky situations, anyway.

Having that booster will let me go a few more places than I'm willing to risk at the moment as I had AZ for the two earlier jabs, and the figures do show a trend for waning immunity / breakthrough infections.
I wear one in shops and on public transport, although my public transport use is fairly minimal still. They're making me go into the office one day a week at the moment and when I'm there I wear one moving around the buildings but I'm not sitting there all day wearing one. I don't wear one if I go to the pub, wearing one for a few seconds to walk across the room feels like mask theatre to be honest.
Everyone else not wearing a mask wouldn't remotely stop me. I've always felt like a freak anyway :D
That's what I thought as well, until I was the only one out of 200 people. I never thought that I would feel like that, I have done things like being the only one to dance at a gig, so I don't even know why this felt different. But, yeah, sadly it did.
It's still a legal requirement in Scotland though. Removing that requirement in England was catalytic to at least 50% of people not doing so here.

Yes, from what I see that although most folk are still complying, the number not doing so has increased since the English requirement was dropped.
Testing today...

Woman came up with no mask on, complaining of a sore throat. Will not get the vaccine but needed a test.

Reason for the test is she is a child minder and one of the kids tested positive. She has never tested before and has 5 children to mind tomorrow.
Testing today...

Woman came up with no mask on, complaining of a sore throat. Will not get the vaccine but needed a test.

Reason for the test is she is a child minder and one of the kids tested positive. She has never tested before and has 5 children to mind tomorrow.

If you write 'secret diary of a Covid frontliner' after this pandemic has moved on from the acute phases, I will read it.
Always in Sainsbury's, not so much in smaller shops where no one else is. And no one at all wears them in pubs around here. Although starting to wear more in all shops recently as numbers are rising fast and also had a stinker of a cold that I wanted to keep to myself.
Here in South-East London, I have succumbed to peer pressure, I was an avid mask wearer, until I started to socialise again earlier in October. I have been to a gig in a pub, a vintage drum fair, a gig at a venue and attended the AGM for our housing estate. I went into all of those with the intention of definitely wearing a mask, but I would have been the only one, which made me feel like a total freak, so I didn't. I continue to wear a mask when going into shops, which is completely illogical, as I reckon the chances of catching something in my local big and airy supermarket are much lower than in a hot and sticky old pub with low ceilings...
That’s not peer pressure, that’s you being self-conscious.
Yes. Had a brief holiday from them, but back to wearing them in indoor public spaces now. Although I had an inside gig Friday night, and didn't wear one. Can't really perform poetry in a mask, and no one else was wearing one. I did an LFT beforehand, dunno if anyone else did. All the windows were open though and people spaced out.
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