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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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On one of the 'occupy' facebook pages earlier, one of the happy campers (of the 'slightly conspiraloon' persuasion) was referring to the drunken 'sheeple' in the square over Saturday night. I innocently asked whether 'sheeple' was a synonym for 'the 99%'.

Original comment plus replies was gone from the thread after five mins or so. :D

So engagement works after all :cool:
Yes ... and no. Religion can be politically useful, hence:

But it appeals to something rather more primeval than that. it explains the inexplicable - which is why, in the 'enlightened' world at least, the role of god(s) has shrunk as the boundaries of the inexplicable have been pushed back. Nevertheless, much that is inexplicable remains, hence its continuing appeal.

a man's a man for all that... :)

I've been talking to my bro recently about the spread of monotheism in the roman imperium as being partly to do with having the feeling of having a personal connection to the "allmighty" that could only come along with the sense of the self that occurred with the rise of a stable, reliable societies as opposed to the whims and vagaries of a naturalistic and animistic pantheon.

"why something instead of nothing" indeed
TBF the sort of people who do this would be be ranting about the "holohoax" on a different forum.

This thread is a gem btw, I've found trev's defence of his Diana conspiracy theories particularly refreshing (according to Trev anyone who doesn't believe Diana conspiracy theories, is a "establishment whore")

I love a middle aged punk who buys the Express.

there's so much shite in that post i don't know where to start but....

Not even i can prove Diana was murdered, all i said was she probably WAS given the fishy circumstances and hysterical reaction from the media to anyone questioning their version of events . But those who tell us it definately was an accident , aye well feel free to call THEM establishment whores.

I have never bought the Express!! Although judging by the odd front cover i've seen in shops , they are the only ones with the balls to deviate from establishment thinking on this (which is odd given that with other things they are exactly that)

The term 'conspiracy theory' should only be used when someone makes a barking comment about lizards or something, NOT when it concerns something that looks very fishy indeed.
and i admit to have abused students in the past but it is typical of Urban to have a go at those who do something constructive. These "Occupy" (insert town here) movements certainly mean students have gone up in my estimations and if some of them are young and naive or get the odd fact wrong , then so fuck at least they are doing something.
there's so much shite in that post i don't know where to start but....

Not even i can prove Diana was murdered, all i said was she probably WAS given the fishy circumstances and hysterical reaction from the media to anyone questioning their version of events . But those who tell us it definately was an accident , aye well feel free to call THEM establishment whores.
Not even the famous detective trevhagl? Well then what does that tell you? If even you can't prove it.
i'm surprised the ruling class have any time to rule if they're so fucking busy topping has-been royal whores and scrabbling round with their media mates to cover things up
One of the problems is that people confuse coming up with plausible motives, for having actual evidence that something was done as a result of those motivations.
i didnt intend on coming home from work this evening to spend time defending princess diana online. i just dont think its really necessary to call any woman a whore
i didnt intend on coming home from work this evening to spend time defending princess diana online.
good, because you can't defend the indefensible
i just dont think its really necessary to call any woman a whore
not even mystery, babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth?


the whore of babylon recently
well its all about context i suppose and in some biblical/religious contexts its may be an appropriate expression but the rest of the time describing a woman as a whore reeks of misogyny and anyone who uses it is to be treated with suspicion imo
well its all about context i suppose and in some biblical/religious contexts its may be an appropriate expression but the rest of the time describing a woman as a whore reeks of misogyny and anyone who uses it is to be treated with suspicion imo
in the case of princess diana it was a choice between whore, harlot, tart and prostitute. if you prefer one of the other terms i'm happy to change it.

let it not be said that i did not listen to you.
i'm surprised the ruling class have any time to rule if they're so fucking busy topping has-been royal whores and scrabbling round with their media mates to cover things up

covering up is what the media/politicians do , as well as ridiculing opponents of their agenda, not just so called conspiracies but everything from welfare reform to tax dodging ..... it hardly takes much effort when you're a professional
The term 'conspiracy theory' should only be used when someone makes a barking comment about lizards or something, NOT when it concerns something that looks very fishy indeed.

Being a little old fashioned I think the term should apply to a theory about a conspiracy.
there's so much shite in that post i don't know where to start but....

Not even i can prove Diana was murdered, all i said was she probably WAS given the fishy circumstances and hysterical reaction from the media to anyone questioning their version of events . But those who tell us it definately was an accident , aye well feel free to call THEM establishment whores.

I have never bought the Express!! Although judging by the odd front cover i've seen in shops , they are the only ones with the balls to deviate from establishment thinking on this (which is odd given that with other things they are exactly that)

The term 'conspiracy theory' should only be used when someone makes a barking comment about lizards or something, NOT when it concerns something that looks very fishy indeed.
There's the whole SCALLYWAG thing as well.
covering up is what the media/politicians do , as well as ridiculing opponents of their agenda, not just so called conspiracies but everything from welfare reform to tax dodging ..... it hardly takes much effort when you're a professional

actually they're really fucking crap at it. they're public schoolboys, despite what they try and teach them, their only experience of crime is raiding the tuck shop.

look at simon mann singing like a canary and dropping all his friends in it when that scheme went tits up
All this talk of princess Diana's death (gawd bless 'er, England's rose!) reminds me of the condolences book they had at reception at work. I don't know where it was supposed to be sent but you entered your name and then wrote a little message of support. I wrote in my boss's name and put something along the lines of "a good start - Liz next please". I don't know if it was sent to the Royal household or the Spencers of whatever but it sometimes gives me a warm glow inside to think that they might have got all enraged about it and arranged for my boss to have an "accident" in a French tunnel.
there's so much shite in that post i don't know where to start but....

You could start by not dragging up a comment from 6 months to continue picking a argument you're clearly ill equipped to particapte in in the first place.

Not even i can prove Diana was murdered,

"Not even i" Fuck me you have a high opinion of yourself.

Yeah you're clearly Hercule Poirot in girt. But in intellect? Fuck off.

all i said was she probably WAS given the fishy circumstances and hysterical reaction from the media to anyone questioning their version of events .

She was killed in car crash. Driven at speed by a inebriated driver, while not wearing a seat belt. The passenger who survived? Wore a seatbelt. There are no suspicious circumstances.

No the hysterical reaction comes from conspiracy theorist.

But those who tell us it definately was an accident , aye well feel free to call THEM establishment whores.

Who's us Trev?

I have never bought the Express!! Although judging by the odd front cover i've seen in shops , they are the only ones with the balls to deviate from establishment thinking on this (which is odd given that with other things they are exactly that)

In Trev's mind the Daily Express, Richard Desmond's paper has "journalist balls"

You live in a sad strange world only tangentially alined with reality.

The term 'conspiracy theory' should only be used when someone makes a barking comment about lizards or something, NOT when it concerns something that looks very fishy indeed.

Trev telling us that only certain conspiracy theorists are barking is like a Morris Dancer complaining about Lady Gaga's wardrobe.
8den, why do you bother?

Just file trev in your fuckwit folder, be amused by his posts, but don't waste your time replying. ;)
8den, why do you bother?

Just file trev in your fuckwit folder, be amused by his posts, but don't waste your time replying. ;)

This one was just weird, it was trev coming back into the pub with "and another thing", six months after the argument.....
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